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This is a representation of a basic XHTML web page as you might see it in Notepad. Please note the nesting of various child elements within the parent elements. See how the indenting of the various tags helps the eye find parents and children fairly easily.

A List Listing | Tables | My Fun Table


Once you’ve created a basic page and saved it as the file "home.html" (or, perhaps, "index.html"), you can open it using a Web browser like Internet Explorer to see how it will appear once published on the Web.


To structure a paragraph one must use a paragraph tag: <p> Paragraph structure makes text


There are many reasons why lists are useful. In order of their importance, these may be:

  1. Lists are easy to read.
  2. Lists are a more organized structure.
  3. Lists impose ordered priority upon lines of information.

Adding a Table

Adding a table element requires the use of the basic "table" tags as well as tags to create rows and cells within the table. The table below shows this.
table row element<tr></tr>
table cell element<td></td>

Table Formatting

We can format tables in many ways, but the example table below shows the result of using the colspan and rowspan attribute.

My Fun Table
Column 1Column 2Column 3
This cell should span across two different rows. We accomplish this by adding a rowspan="2" attribute and value to the table data cell.Cell 1Cell 2
Cell 3Cell 4
This cell should stretch across three different columns. We accomplish this by adding a colspan="3" attribute and value to the table data cell.

M.C.Escher Circle Limit IV graphic, ca. 1960

Click on the picture for the official M.C. Escher home Web site.

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