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Last night I dreamt I took a trip

In a bright red rocket ship

It blasted off at a steady pace

And headed off for outer space

I journeyed far and very soon

My rocket landed on the moon

The man in the moon came out and greeted me

And asked "Would I like to see for tea"

I said "no thanks" I could not stay,

"Time is short and I have to visit the Milky Way"

On the Milky way I dined on treats

Like strawberry cream and chocolate sweets,

Vanilla fudge and carmel topping

All you could eat there was no stopping.

I headed off around the stars

And very soon I was on Mars

I didn't stay long, I had to flee

Strange green men were chasing me.

It was so scary I started to scream

"Wake Up" Said Mum

"Your having a dream"

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