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One rainy Day

What a day, what a day

This dreary rain will not go away

Mummy says” indoors I have to stay

Iwould really like to go to out to play

“I hate the rain “ I yell at mum

And staying indoors is not much fun

I would rather be playing in the sun

Or taking my puppy for a run.

Staying indoors is boring I say

It looks like I will be here all day

Indoors is not a fun place to play

Oh! I just wish the rain would go away

My little child please do not be sad

When the rain comes it is not so bad

In fact if it rains we should be glad

As there are lots of good thing to be had

Come, look out the window I will explain

If you look beyond the window pane

You’ll see the flowers growing in the lane

Well, they would not there without the rain

Tomorrow the rain will have gone away

Then you might have a sunny day

And in the park you will be able to play

But for now my child indoors you will have to stay