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Historic Bendoc

Bendoc lies at the foot of Delegate Mountain. Back in the 1800’s Bendoc was famous for its many goldmines which brought hundreds of people from all over the world hoping to strike it rich.

Clarksville lies about 14 klms from Bendoc where most of the goldmines were situated. It was a thriving community back in those days. The last goldmine to close was in 1939, which saw the departure of the town’s people. Later in that same year, a raging bush fire ravaged what was left of the buildings. Tourist and the occasional gold fossicker are the only visitors to Clarksville Nature has reclaimed the land. The noises of the steam engine, boilers, pick and shovels have vanished into history. Only the disused mine shafts and discarded pieces of machinery are all that is left of this historical era. Unlike Clarksville the people of Bendoc have remained. Bendoc is more known now for its timber. As it is situated on the edge of the Victorian forests and the Gateway to the Errinundra.

logging has taken over from the goldmining. There are two very highly productive timber mills in the area. These mills employ not on the people of Bendoc, but also from the town of Delegate in NSW.

There are no shops in Bendoc only a hotel which houses the post office. There is a police station with one policeman

The Department of Sustainability and Environment, a Telecentre and a Neibourhood centre.

In contrast to the very hot summers Bendoc has freezing conditions in winter. We do experience snow falls although they do not last for long periods of time

Tourist can realx in our beautifully landscaped park with the convenience of free electric BBQ and fresh drinking water. Free campsites are available at Delegate River camping ground on the Bendoc /Bonang road just a few minutes drive fron Bendoc,

Free hot showers are also available in Bendoc.

There is plenty to enjoy in Bendoc such as bushwalking in our National parks.

Errinundra National Park is the closest to Bendoc, where you can enjoy bushwalking with the many walking tracks.

Visit Mount Ellery, Or the ancient Plum pines accessible from Goonmirk Rocks.

Fishing is also a great past time in our town. Here we can catch trout, redfin or native blackfish in our river.

Why not Take some time to visit our town, you will not regret it.