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Active Blather: October/November 2007

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November 29, 2007
Turkey Day: I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving! I actually fixed a turkey's breast and it was a tiny success. At least, it didn't taste like salmonella! However, my attempt to replicate my Aunt Lee Ann's tasty cheesy corn dish was a disappointment. I'm afraid I used too much cream cheese and not enough corn. Guess you can't win them all.

Chips and Dip: I wasn't there to witness it, but I heard D-list celeb Erik Estrada visited Touchy Feely Fotos this past Monday. Apparently Estrada is in town to renew his status as a reserve police officer for the Muncie police department (Remember Armed and Famous? Don't worry, neither does America). I can only imagine the ruckus his appearance caused. I'm sure there was plenty of high-pitched shrieking and pawing from middle-aged women wearing pajama bottoms and Colts paraphernalia.

Question of the Day: Is it sad that I'm happy that Paige Davis is returning to Trading Spaces?    

November 20, 2007

November 17. 2007
So I went down to the Civic for the general auditions today and the place was swarming with kids and teenagers. Besides One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, they were also casting for Godspell and Anne of Green Gables. I was late so I ended up having to wait a bit before my name was called. I spent my time trying to lock up my monologue into my memory. I chosen a piece from a play by Lillian Hellman called The Autumn Garden. I originally wanted to do something by David Mamet, but I was too lazy to go to the library so I ended up finding what I needed on-line. The monologue starts with this line: "I live in a room and I go to work and I play a game called getting through the day." After I read that opener, I realized I had my piece. It was so relatable!

While waiting around the box office as stage moms and their brood roamed about, I noticed a script for a musical called Smoke on the Mountain was just sitting on the counter. Bored with forced memorization, I decided to read the script and it wasn't too bad. It was about a family of gospel singers performing at a Southern Baptist church during the Great Depression which reads more amusing than it sounds. The musical was written by actress Connie Ray who I remember as the mom on the short-lived sitcom, The Torklesons (Anybody remember that one besides me?). Connie Ray has a special place in my heart because I can do a kick ass impression of her voice. On the show, she had a pleasingly Southern accent that I can match to a tee. I used her voice when I auditioned for Greater Tuna awhile back and it still lingers in my catalogue of voices that I keep in my head.

Finally, my time comes and I do my bit. It helps that I'm auditioning in front of some people I know (Hello, Judy! Hello, Jerry!) so I'm not a bundle of nerves as I stand on the stage. It doesn't go as smoothly as I hoped, but it's nothing embarrassingly bad either. I make callback and soon I'm sitting in the Studio theatre with some familiar faces (Hello, Joe!). Everybody gets a chance to read some lines from the play and we improvise a couple scenes. As usual, I feel slightly awkward at first, but I loosen up more as we progress. Soon the director tells us he's seen enough and we're officially done. It'll probably be a couple weeks before final casting is completed, but I walked out of the theatre feeling pretty pleased with what I done. It's been awhile since I last played make believe with some other people and I had fun doing it today. All in all, not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

 November 15, 2007
1. It's been weeks since I last updated this space and, yes, I'm ashamed.

2. No, I didn't dress up for Halloween because I'm a bum. Sadly, I was planning on dressing up as one of my favorite TV characters, but bad planning and chronic procrastination (One of my old foes!) sabotaged that idea. Boo!

3. Despite only nine votes and a possible recount, it looks like Muncie has elected another fat, white guy for mayor. The more things change, the more they stay the same. If this trend continues, perhaps I should throw my hat into the ring!

4. It looks like Grove Lake is set to debut on December 8 at 8:00pm at Pruis Hall. No info concerning ticket prices as of yet. This past Monday, I had to rerecord some dialogue (I got to loop! I got to loop!) for the movie and, from the few scenes I saw, it looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product!

5. Nibble #4 recently got reviewed by Optical Sloth!

6. It looks like I'll be auditioning for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest this Saturday.

7. I still haven't written about my trip to Austin. I'm such an ass. 

8. Still undecided about renewing Jughead.

9. Could someone please buy me the Flight of the Conchords dvd? It would make me ever-so happy!

10. I'm still ashamed and I'm still an ass. Typical.

October 25, 2007
Question of the Day: Should I renew my subscription to Jughead?

Reading: The Boy Detective Fails by Joe Meno

Album of the Moment: Moonswept, The Roches

Link of the Day: One of the students working on Grove Lake (Also known as "That movie I participated in over the summer"!) just set up a page on MySpace concerning the production of that particular film. If you're curious, I suggest you check it out!

Good News: My friends Gina and Sean recently tied the knot! Congratulations!

Bad News: I have yet to receive the two Gumby comics I won on eBay. Somebody is going to get some negative feedback!

Nibble #4 

 I just finished my latest minicomic, Nibble #4! This issue deals with Halloween and the creatures that roam the night in search of fun-sized candy bars. If you're interested in a copy, just let me know!

October 11, 2007
It is too hot for October. I don't know why that annoys me, but it does...The majority of the new hires at Touchy Feely Fotos either look like high school dropouts or barflys. I, on the other hand, still resemble a doofus...The Roches just released a new album! Yay!...I'm almost on the verge of finishing Triggerfish Twist which has been a loony, over-the top romp through the grid neighborhoods of Tampa. Author Tim Dorsey certainly packs his pages with plot and characters (Usually sleazy and mentally unstable) worth reading about. I will definitely be picking up more of Dorsey's novels in the future...Hey, I just won two Gumby comic books on eBay! Aren't you excited for me?...One of my favorite local actors, Joe Skeen, is currently starring in Frankenstein at the Muncie Civic which received a great review in The Star Press. Continue to break those legs, Joe!...It's  early Wednesday morning and it's finally cooling down outside after some heated up days, Maybe we'll actually experience a true Autumn after all...I just found out Mom (Mine, not yours!) broke her wrist after falling into a ditch (Don't ask! It's a long story). This wrist is on the same hand that she injured in a car accident earlier this year. Man, when it rains, it pours and Mom's left hand keeps getting wet.

Copyright © 2001-2007 Tom Cherry