European Heads of State 1907

CountrySovereignBornAccededConsort (born)Heir (born)

Austro-Hungarian Empire

Emperor Franz Joseph I
18 Aug 18302 Dec 1848
Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Principality of Liechtenstein

Prince Johann II
5 Oct 1840 12 Nov 1858
Prince Franz (1853)

Principality of Montenegro

Prince Nikola I
7 Oct 1841 13 Aug 1860
Princess Milena (1847)

Her. Prince Danilo (1871)

Kingdom of Greece

King George I
24 Dec 184527 Jun 1863
Queen Olga (1851)

Crown Prince Constantine

Kingdom of Belgium

King Leopold II
9 Apr 183517 Dec 1865
Prince Albert (1875)

Kingdom of Rumania

King Carol I
20 Apr 183920 Apr 1866
Queen Elisabeth (1843)

Crown Prince Ferdinand

Kingdom of Sweden

King Oscar II
21 Jan 182918 Sep 1872
Queen Sophia (1836)

Crown Prince Gustaf (1858)

Ottoman Empire

Sultan Abdul Hamid II
22 Sep 184231 Aug 1876

Kingdom of Spain

King Alfonso XIII
17 May 1886 17 May 1886
Queen Victoria Eugenie (1887)

Infante Alfonso,
Prince of Asturias (1907)

Principality of Bulgaria

Prince Ferdinand I
26 Feb 18617 Jul 1887
Her. Prince Boris (1894)

German Empire

Emperor Wilhelm II
27 Jan 1859 15 Jun 1888
Empress Auguste (1858)

Crown Prince Wilhelm (1882)

Principality of Monaco

Prince Albert I
13 Nov 1848 10 Sep 1889
Her. Prince Louis (1870)

Kingdom of Portugal

King Carlos I
28 Sep 186319 Oct 1889
Queen Amelia (1865)

Crown Prince
Luis Filipe (1887)

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Queen Wilhelmina
31 Aug 1880 23 Nov 1890
Prince Hendrik (1876)

Wilhelm Ernst,
Grand Duke of
Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1876)

Russian Empire

Emperor Nicholas II
18 May 1868 1 Nov 1894
Empress Alexandra (1872)

Tsarevich Alexei (1904)

Kingdom of Italy

King Victor Emanuel III
11 Nov 1869 29 Jul 1900
Queen Helena (1873)

Crown Prince Umberto (1904)

United Kingdom of
Great Britain & Ireland

King Edward VII
9 Nov 184122 Jan 1901
Queen Alexandra (1844)

Prince George,
Prince of Wales (1865)

Kingdom of Servia

King Peter I
11 Jul 1844 12 Jun 1903
Crown Prince George (1887)

Grand Duchy of Luxemburg

Grand Duke Guillaume IV
22 Apr 185217 Nov 1905
Grand Duchess
Maria Anna (1861)

Princess Marie Adelaide

Kingdom of Norway

King Haakon VII
3 Aug 187218 Nov 1905
Queen Maud (1869)

Crown Prince Olav (1903)

Kingdom of Denmark

King Frederik VIII
3 Jun 184329 Jan 1906
Queen Louise (1851)

Crown Prince Christian (1870)

French Republic

President Armand Fallières
6 Nov 184118 Feb 1906

Windsor Castle, 17 November 1907.
Standing: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, Emperor William II of Germany, Queen Alexandra of the United Kingdom, King Edward VII of the United Kingdom.
Seated: Queen Maud of Norway, Empress Augusta of Germany, Queen Amelia of Portugal, Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain.

King Leopold II of Belgium, King Alfonso XIII of Spain, President Emile Loubet of France, King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, King Carlos I of Portugal, King Christian IX of Denmark.
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary, King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway, Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, King Victor Emanuel III of Italy, Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany.
Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire, King George I of Greece, King Peter I of Serbia, King Carol I of Romania, Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, Prince Nicholas I of Montenegro.

Belle Époque Rulers
European Sovereigns