European Monarchs, Consorts, and Heirs, 1824

CountrySovereignBornAccededConsort (born)Heir (born)

Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

King Ferdinando I
12 Jan 17516 Oct 1759
(Two Sicilies
12 Dec 1816)

Prince Francesco,
Duke of Calabria (1777)

Austrian Empire

Emperor Franz I
12 Feb 1768 11 Aug 1804
(HRE 1792-1806)

Empress Caroline Augusta

Crown Prince Ferdinand

Kingdom of Prussia

King Friedrich Wilhelm III
3 Aug 177016 Nov 1797
Crown Prince Friedrich
Wilhelm (1795)

Russian Empire

Emperor Alexander I
23 Dec 1777 24 Mar 1801
Empress Elisabeth (1779)

Grand Duke Konstantin (1779)

Kingdom of Bavaria

King Maximilian I
27 May 175626 Dec 1805
Queen Caroline (1776)

Crown Prince Ludwig (1786)

Kingdom of Saxony

King Friedrich August I
23 Dec 175011 Dec 1806
Queen Amalie (1752)

Prince Anton (1755)

Kingdom of Denmark

King Frederik VI
28 Jan 1768 13 Mar 1808
Queen Marie (1767)

Crown Prince Christian (1786)

Kingdom of Spain

King Fernando VII
14 Oct 1784 11 Dec 1813
Queen Maria Josepha (1803)

Infante Carlos (1788)

Kingdom of the Netherlands

King Willem I
24 Aug 177316 Mar 1815
Queen Wilhelmina (1774)

Crown Prince Willem (1792)

Kingdom of Portugal

King Joćo VI
13 May 176720 Mar 1816
Queen Carlota (1775)

Pedro I,
Emperor of Brazil (1798)

Kingdom of Württemberg

King Wilhelm I
27 Sep 178130 Oct 1816
Queen Pauline (1800)

Prince Paul (1785)

Kingdom of Sweden
and Norway

King Carl XIV Johan
26 Jan 1763 5 Feb 1818
Queen Desideria (1777)

Crown Prince Oscar

United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland
Kingdom of Hanover

King George IV
12 Aug 1762 29 Jan 1820
Prince Frederick, Duke
of York (1763)

Kingdom of Sardinia

King Carlo Felice I
6 Apr 176512 Mar 1821
Queen Maria Christina (1779)

Prince Carlo Alberto (1798)

Papal States

Pope Leo XII
2 Aug 176028 Sept 1823

Kingdom of France

King Charles X
9 Oct 175716 Sept 1824
Prince Louis Antoine,
Dauphin (1775)

50 Years Earlier
25 Years Later
European Sovereigns