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[mailing list]


Staind Connection

[Site Updates]
.::05.14.01::. - Sorry for not updating in a while, but my computer is really messed up so whenever it gets fixed I'll start updating again.
.::04.29.01::. - I updated the Site Of The Week, plus I've heard some of the new album and so far I've heard people saying it's one of the best albums that's come out in a while. Just thought I'd let you know that.
.::04.26.01::. - I added a mailbag, you can find it on the left. Don't start asking me if you can be a bagger though, I don't need any.
.::04.25.01::. - Not really any updates today. I'll be sending out the first mailing list issue soon.
.::04.24.01::. - I updated the lyrics by making them a little more readable today.
.::04.20.01::. - I've added lyrics for the CD "Tormented" since I didn't have them before. And I'm still working on adding more mp3's.
.::04.17.01::. - I updated the Discography by adding the new CD "Break The Cycle" and I'll add a section called song meanings with Aaron's meanings of "Break The Cycle" and some from the other cd's.
.::04.16.01::. - I added some more mp3's from "Break The Cycle" and added some more links.
.::04.15.01::. - Welcome to the Staind Connection. If there's a section not up yet I'll have it up soon.
.::04.15.01::. - I've added some more mp3's, and the audio section will be up soon.

It's Been A While

Current Results
- Staind's CD "Break The Cycle" comes out May 22.
Staind Connection

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