Useless DB/Z/GT Info Center

Welcome! You've just stumbled into one of the largest pits of DB/Z/GT information on the web (a couple of other sites come to my mind when I think of info, which I do mention later on). The reason I made this huge well of pointless trivia? Well, for one thing, I want to educate people about items of DB/Z/GT. Second of all, I am an operator on an IRC channel (also mentioned later) on which I run a trivia bot. People ask me "Secef, where can I read about this?" Of course I'm more than happy to point them to those other sites of great information wealth, but there's so much more there that the people often have a hard time locating the info and have to ask me for directions, which gets annoying. So, to stop that, I made this website where all the info on the trivia bot is explained for them. That's the main purpose of this site. I'll speak no more and let you browse in the wells of info. Enjoy. ^_^ (also, sorry about the stupid webpage design. I'm not a master webpage designer, you know. I made this using Frontpage Express for Christ's sake!)

What's New? (Update: 7-18-00)

Series Information

Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT (I'll get it made someday...)
Name Puns

Other Stuff

My Sources
The IRC Channel
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All the stuff you read on this website was written by my mind and hands. All of the written information I wrote is copyrighted by Kyler Lee (2000-2001). I, however, do not claim to own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, or any names of characters or attacks copyrighted by them that are located within this website. They're all copyrighted by Toei Inc. and Bird Studios.