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Prison 2000 - Reform or Warehousing?

We heard it in the 80's and 90's. Get Tough On Crime!!! Build More Prisons!!! Longer, Harsher Sentences!!!

The prisoners wait!
Year after year they dwell and lurk in the dark and violent world - prison.
Eventually......they will return to your streets!

Are they ready for society....or are they graduating from "Criminal University"? How are they prepared to return to society? They are cast from society by the county courts. Generally, they return to those same courts the same or worse off than when they were sent away!

Are they reformed.....or are they a product of new age warehousing? Before you cast your next vote, maybe you should question YOUR local prosecutor. E-mail him/her today and ask these questions:

Do you support reform or warehousing?
Do you favor vindication or reformation?

As a voter and a taxpayer, you have the right to ask. The problem is - NO ONE EVER DOES!!!

E-mail your local prosecutor and ask a few questions. Listed below are some troubling questions that are rarely asked.

Do you believe in Prison Reform or Warehousing?

During sentencing phases, do you recommend REQUIRED enrollment in educational programs during incarceration?
(GED, Trade Skills, College)

During sentencing phases, do you recommend REQUIRED enrollment in Psychological Therapy, Anger Control Therapy, or Substance Abuse programs?

During appeals and sentence modification hearings, how do you evaluate reform?

Do you investigate and consider the prison record or do you fight to uphold sentences across the board without recognition or differentiation between prisoners with consistent signs of reform or those with consistent signs of rebellion?

How are prisoners being prepared for their imminent return to society?

IS YOUR PROSECUTOR SELLING THE "CAR" OF JUSTICE without being concerned whether it is going to run when you get it home?

Direct YOUR QUESTIONS to the Prosecutorial Council by clicking on the link below. E-mail your questions and your state and county of residence and FIND OUT IF YOUR PROSECUTOR IS ONE OF THE MANY WHO CAN NOT PROVIDE ANSWERS to these questions because they don't have the crucial knowledge with which to do so!

It's your Right to Vote! It's your Right to Know!


This PRUP site owned by Hope Woods.
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