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Name: Andrew Levi Schwierman
Birthday: July 22, 1983
Height: 6'
Weight: 165
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: curly blonde
Location: Brea, California
High School: Tipton High School
College: Fullerton College
Year: Freshman
Sports: swimming and track
Car: a white 98 Pontiac Firebird and a black 97 Honda Civix
Cell #: 714/904.7412
Email Addresses: or
MSN identity:
Yahoo Messenger Screen Name: ababy311
ICQ #: 10693099
AOL IM Sreen Names: Drew4T3, AFcRoMbiE69, d00bie311(those are zero's), doTHEdrew311, curlydrew311, schwierman1, fitch dude83

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