Parellel Worlds

....lush green grass....
....first bite of a sweet green apple kind of grass....
....lovely green grass like finished ends....
....and new beginnings....

"Impossible", they say
But I can still dream.

Reality is the green grass,
contrasting the paintings on the wall.
Brown green grass like roots of a plant asking for life.

...beautiful blue skies.....
...pastel blue-blue skies...
...a Sunday morning dress up for God kind of blue...
...illuminated by a powerful loving sun....
...hope is seen in my blue sky...
...dreams in my sun....

"Unrealistic", they tell me
while dragging me inside

Blackened skies
owning puffs of gray smoke.
They see pessimism.
it's what they live
frowning at flowers that die at their feet
yet smiling at their new faster cars
Lies lie in their sky
covering up the truth
what they were and what they have become
I don't want to be lied to.
I already lie to myself.

...mechanical, electric cows grazing... my sweet green apple grass...
...gracefully stumbling about...
...smiling within themselves...
...from peace....
...they have electric love... lights the sky....

"grow up", some say. But why?
When I can still live, learn, grow,
care, to dream.
I am just starting to live
35 years enclosed in 15.

Quick people moving about
place to place meeting
deadlines, follow schedule
to receive their green joy
looking without touching
loving without meeting
their love flows
through fiber optic lines. immaculate metal building smiles...
...smiles at me....
...through tainted glass.... making new electric cows...
...destroying the others... knows what it's doing...
...stop it...
...before it's too late...

"Paranoia", they say
I call it the truth

Factories and homes touching the sky.
One kills people.
The other makes them.
"Let me at least break even", they tell me
"It's all about the paper", they say
Do they mean the trees?
Bigger houses, bigger cars
bigger problems they don't see.
The secret smile
the fine print
Their life in exchange for green joy.

...unaware electric cows...
...gracefully stumble under...
...the breathtaking blue sky...
...through the luscious green apple grass...
...and off the cliff in the background...
...the building smiles fully aware...
...but doing nothing... help the buildings men...
...say the cliff is not dangerous...
...obedient and electric...
...cows know no better...
...the promise....
...of more green stuff....
...makes them smile....
...they stumble gracefully... the cliff....
...clutching their green joy...
...not realizing...
...they're destroying themselves....

"Sad", they say. But it's the truth
I tell them to look around

They'll see.
People unaware
destroying themselves
under the smokey sky
they wonder why
the death rate is up
they wonder why
people are so violent
they slowly kill themselves
over time. The man tells them:
"Everything is okay"
"Everything is fine"
as he smiles from behind
his stained sunglasses. Look into his eyes
when he tells you something important.
They don't see him smiling
and laughing in the background.
But I do.
He tells them the new product is safe.
and gives them their green joy.
They stumble silently off the cliff.
To what's left
of what they believe to be
their everlasting life.

Continue your search for the meaning of life(back to poems)