I blame myself

Once again I see life isn't fair
But it's okay
I should be happy for her
She owes me nothing

I blame myself
for wanting more
for wanting to be in her
for wanting her love
for wanting what she had to give
but It's not for me, and it never will be
she owes me nothing

I blame myself
for wanting more
for wanting her love
for wanting her to need me
for wanting her for myself
she won't let me wrap her up and take her away, she never will
but she owes me nothing

I blame myself
for wanting her
for wanting to have her near me
for wanting to hold her hand
for wanting to give her a hundred promises that I can't keep, or ever will
but she owes me nothing

I blame myself
for wanting to lost in her kiss
for wanting to taste her skin with the tips of my fingers
for wanting to be forever in her embrace
she never felt the way I felt, she never will
But she owes me nothing

I blame myself
for wanting her
for wanting anything
for wanting to be what she wanted
So I blame myself

Continue your search for the meaning of life(back to poems)