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Renaissance Page

World History:
The Renaissance

Virtual Renaissance - Become a time traveler and enjoy and learn.
Renaissance - discover the forces that drove this rebirth
Vatican Exhibit Reborn - Beautiful and informative
Web Museum - La Renaissance - great information and visuals
Renaissance and Baroque Architecture - awesome collection
The Art Guide of Florence - art, architecture, and artists are great
Italy During the Renaissance - much information
Uffizi Gallery - I enjoyed touring the rooms best.
Renaissance Art - fine selection of visuals
Investigating the Renaissance - examines three paintings using digital imagery techniques
Gothic Dreams - awesome cathedrals
The Book of Hours - great background and beautiful pictures on this most popular book
Les Tres Riches Heures du Doc De Berry - the classic illustrated book of hours
Renaissance Italy - good information links to the great artists
15th Century Life - daily life, dining, falconry are all here.
The Lives of Medieval Women - an excellent Thinquest entry
Common Knowledge - designed for reenactors, it give much information on all phases of life
The Plague... - documents that are interesting
General Study of the Plague in England 1539-1640 - fine background and documentation
The Plague in Aberdeen - interesting information
Hospital of the Innocents - medicine, hygiene, and surgery
Sandro Botticelli - Travel back to 1470.
Leonardo Home page - lots about this genius
Exploring Leonardo - good brief information
The Drawings of Leonardo - click on the thumbnail to see them larger
Tour the Sistine Chapel - awesome - scroll down to Capella Sistina
Titian - 3 dozen images and a brief biography
Les Tres Riches Heures du Doc De Berry - the classic illustrated book of hours
Isaac Newton - information about another genius
Newton - a good background of his life
Galileo - information about another brilliant person with linked explanations
The Galileo Project - superior source
Virtual Tour of Galileo's Room - from the Institute and Museum of History of Science, Florence
Elizabethan Theater - informative lecture and slide presentation
Renaissance - massive collection of excellent links.
Del's Dance Book - recreate the dances of the time with the help of this resource.
Renaisance Dance Cheat Sheets - learn all the steps and more
SCA Music and Dance Page - massive
Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Instruments - good overview with photos
Time lines - Choose from six.
Medieval/Renaissance Food Clip-art Collection - from original period drawings etc.

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