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Medieval Europe Page

World History:
Medieval Sources

Medieval Time Line - each page is a century of events and people
Charlemagne the King - from Will Durant's Story of Civilization
Legend's of Charlemagne - from Bullfinche's Mythology
NetSerf - Everything medieval in categories
The Middle Ages - learn about armor making, life and times, people, games, and more from BYU
Medieval - Super resource list
Introduction to the Medieval World - resources and outline of the period
Heraldic Atlas - lots of pictures serve as a very good reference
Medieval and Renaissance Studies Studies - lots of sites from which to choose
Medieval World - An excellent set of organized links
Medieval Technology Time Line - organized in 200-year epochs since accurate dating is not alwasy possible
Maps and Images - choose from many
Byzantine and Medieval Studies A unique and complete collection of sites and information
The Medieval Source Book - lots of primary and secondary information and good links
Monasticism in Great Britain - overview and discussion of orders
Wahram Percy - The Lost Village - Learn about life in Yorkshire.
The Middle Ages - quick information
Secrets of the Norman Invasion - most comprehensive source
The Invasion of England, 1066 - includes scenes from the Bayeux Tapestry
The English Medieval Castle - three great articles
Virtual Tour of Durham Cathedral and Castle - super resource
Castle Learning Center - There are links to all kinds of castles and castle related items.
Medieval Fiefdom - super site
Medieval Society: An Introduction - check out the three orders of society
...the Lives of Medieval Women - well done Thinkquest Project
Medieval Life - good basic information from an excellent source
A Day in the Life of a Peasant - not very pleasant
Life in a Medieval Castle - a good introduction
Development of the English Castle - another good place to learn the basics
Origins of the English Village - good basic information from Current Archaeology
Medieval English Towns - varied and interesting information
Footwear in the Middle Ages - everything is here
Arms and Armor - good visual presentation
Armor and Weaponry - well annotated list of links
How a Man Shall be Armyd - primary source information
Medieval Flags and Banners - by century
The rise of Medieval Baker's Guilds - interesting history
14th Century Feast Meal - a French meal according to "The Goodman of Paris"
14th Century English Meal - a feaast meal for a petty noble or lower class merchant
Cariadoc's Miscellany: Recipe Alphabetical Index - many are from the Middle Ages and/or Renaissance
The Crusades - primary source document translations
The Crusades: A Chronicle in Art - beautiful and informative
Virtual Tour - explore several Crusader castlers in Jordan
Virtual Pilgrimage - gives a sense of the places visited
Black Death - information from the Discovery Channel
The Black Death - excellent resource with lots of information
Medieval Technology - interesting facts on many inventions
Early Islam - a must for understanding
The Early Arab Age - Learn about the food, costumes, people and more around Jerusalem.
Islamic and Arabic Arts and Architecture - great visual resource
Muslim Scientists, Mathematicians, and Astronomers - plus excellent information on the time period
Women Crusaders 1095-1195 - They served in many ways.
Crusader's Castles - These are stones that did the work of men.
Amiens Cathedral - great graphics
Abbeys and Cathedrals in England and Wales - information on more than a dozen
Gothic Cathedrals - lots of great photos with emphasis on gothic elements
Medieval Art and Architecture - lots of visuals on architecture
The Vikings - an outstanding exhibit by the Smithonian
The Viking Homepage - good information on many topics
Viking Answer Lady - check to find the real answers
Gaia, the Viking Ship - learn about ship building and sailing
Viking Discoverers - huge list of links
Viking Farm - an excellent 3-D reconstruction which requires the Flash Plug-in
Piquet - Have fun with this card game.
The Florentine Chronicle - description of the plague
Medieval and Renaissance Instruments - read, listen, and learn about interesting musical instruments
Bards, Music, and Arthurian Legend - lyrics and midi music of the period
Rules to Period Games - card game rules
Traveling Musicians - Learna bout them and listen to thier music
Pestilence Tyme - fairly complete account
The Black Plague - links to great sources about it
Medieval Science - very well organized and complete
Medieval Technology - Good brief background on so much.
Julian and Gregorian Calendars - interesting and complete information
Images from History: Carolingian Italy - Art tells so much.
Medieval Siege - Storm the castle and learn some physics with this simulation

Manuscript Images - beautiful images from private collections
Icons with Medieval Themes - very small
Medieval and Renaissance food and Feast Collection - well done
Badger's Medieval Clipart - good for reports
Heraldic Clip Art - many links for coats of arms and clip art
The Little Heraldry Book - lots of clipart and information
Medieval Clip Art - various types on several subjects

Ghosts in the Castle - play the game

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