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  1. About Me
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  3. Info. About Okinawan Karate
  4. I can design a page for you. Go here.

Hi! I'm Kyle. (Yeah, that's me. Pretty ugly, ain't I?) Here I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself. I am 16 years old, and I live in Evansville, Indiana. I'm enrolled in Bosse High School (Go Bulldogs!) in the class of 2003. Some of my hobbies are reading, the martial arts, and hanging out with friends. I have two brothers, Kendall and Kaleb, ages 12 and 4, respectively. I have a brown belt in Okinawan Karate, and I take lessons at The Bushido Path martial arts class. I'm maintaining a 4.0 GPA in high school, and I am working to keep that up. Well, that's a little bit about myself. If you'd like to talk to me, e-mail me at Put the subject of the mail something like "I like your homepage."

My Karate class's homepage. Has info. on history and other things about the martial arts.
WebBrat's Homepage
This is a link to the page of a guy who goes to my school. E-mail him at and tell him that my page (Kyle's page) is better.
This is a link to, a site where you can find a lot of info. about skateboarding and stuff related to it. is a place where you can download funny cartoons and many other popular things such as "Frog in a Blender" and "Hamster in the Microwave."
This site is a cool place to go to. You enter your e-mail adress and those of your friends, answer three questions, and you have a chance to win money! Pretty cool, huh?
Javascript Tutorial
This is a website where I learned the basics of JavaScript. If you're interested in putting JavaScript on your webpage, be sure to check this place out. It's simple and fun.
This is where I first learned HTML, and it is indirectly the reason you are looking at this page. If you're looking for an east HTML tutorial, be sure to check it out!

Japanese English How to Do
Sekin Fist. A fist is formed by tightly curling the fingers inward and securing them with the thumb. You can also leave the index finger pointing downward, but that is optional.
Shuto Sword hand/spear hand. This is formed by opening the hand, pulling all fingers together tightly, then slightly bending each finger.
Dachi Stance. See Follows:
Zenkutsu Dachi Front stance. In this stance, the front foot is pointed foward, and the knee is bent so that the toes are not visible, with 60-70% of weight on it. The back leg is straight, not locked, and the foot is pointed inward 45 degrees. The hips and shoulders are square, and the body faces foward.
Kokutsu Dachi Back stance. This is arguably the most difficult stance in Okinawan Karate. The front foot is pointed foward, the front knee is straight but not locked, and it has 30-40% of weight on it. The back foot is pointed as close to 45 degrees inward possible while still keeping the knee pointed at 90 degrees. The hips and shoulders are square, and the body faces foward.
Fudo Dachi Diagonal Horse/Immovable Stance This stance has the front foot pointed 45 degrees inward and the back foot pointed at 90 degrees. The knees are evenly bent, with equal weight distribution. The hips and shoulders point off in the same direction as the front foot.
Kiba Dachi Horse Riding Stance This stance entails both feet out at sides facing foward, with knees evenly bent with equal weight distribution. The hips are tucked in (no poofy butts!) and the hips and shoulders are square. The body faces foward.

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