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Hostages of the Heart - Part 3


Dressed in the too-fancy suit she had provided him with, Chris was escorted from the house for the first time since entering it some three weeks ago. Three of the hired men held guns on him as the group marched to where the horses waited. As soon as he mounted his animal, one of the men tied his hands behind his back. Another of the men tied a rope around his neck, to detour any thought of riding away. Riding between his guards, Larabee watched for even the slimmest chance to get away. They rode down the hill, retracing his last ride. The man in black felt his heart begin to pound as they came nearer to the little farm. This close to Vin, surely they would be able to affect an escape.

Coming on the little house, he watched with greater anticipation for a sign of his friend. He nearly forgot the rope around his neck, nudging the horse with his knees he urged it to go faster. His memory was jogged when the man holding the other end of the rope tugged it hard enough to jerk him back. With a strangled curse he stopped coaxing the horse forward, even as he heard Ella berate the man behind him.

"Davis! I told you that you were not to hurt him unless there was no other option!"

Chris heard the sounds of her hitting the hired man, but didn’t turn to watch. He had no interest in anything other than finding Vin Tanner. As they rode around the corner of the house, he barely managed to keep from screaming in pure rage. He saw Vin, or what had once been the proud young tracker.

The cage was about six by six by six, made of roughhewn wooden poles about the size of a grown man’s arm. The poles were less than half a foot apart and driven into the ground. Barbed wire was laced through the poles, and made up the roof of the cage. They stopped several yards from the little structure, Chris straining to move closer.

"I’m sorry my love, but this is as far as we’re going. I can’t afford to let you get too close to him, you might get ideas of leaving me again. I only wanted to bring you here so that you can understand what your stubbornness has caused."

The brunette motioned to the third rider, who took something from her and moved ahead to the cage. Dismounting, he unlocked the door and spoke to the man inside. It took nearly five minutes before Tanner emerged, his battered and abused body barely able to support itself. When he managed to exit his prison, the other man pulled him roughly to his feet. Once there, he swayed dangerously, forced to grasp the door to stay on his feet.

"VIN!" Chris screamed the name, struggling once more to get to his friend.

The injured man, slowly turned his head in their direction. His face was battered and bruised, as was his bare chest. On Ella’s command the hired gun turned Tanner around. Chris could see the whip marks along his back in a gruesome pattern. They were cleaner than the rest of his emaciated body, as if someone had tried to tend to him, but it was clear that he hadn’t been tended well. He might survive his injuries, but they had certainly weakened him. He was allowed to turn back around, and Larabee saw his mouth moving. He couldn’t hear a sound, but knew that he was repeating a single word. Vin was calling to him.

"Vin, it’s going to be all right. Just hold on, pard, just hold on." He turned to search for Ella’s face for the first time since they had left the house on the hill. "As soon as I get free, I’m going to kill you."

"You’ll never be free of me my love, and if that means I kill everyone else who has ever meant anything to you, then I am willing to have that done. There are enough men willing to do whatever I ask…for the right fee…that I can do just that. If you force me to, I will do just that. This is all your fault, you must understand that. He would be fine if you had only stayed with me my sweet husband –"

"I am not your husband," Chris growled.

She nodded, and he watched as the man next to Vin hit him across he back with his gun. With a weak cry Vin fell to his knees, then collapsed to the ground. He struggled to get back up, but slumped to the ground once more.

"Do you understand yet, Chris?" Ella’s voice was cold now. "You have no choice in this, not if you want him to live. As long as you stay with me…do as you’re told…he’ll live. But if you continue to disobey me, he will suffer." Another nod, and the man kicked Tanner in the ribs.

"STOP IT!" Chris’ tone was a mixture of anger and fear. "All right…I understand. Please don’t hurt him any more. Whatever you want, I’ll do it."

He could hear the smile in her voice, even though he didn’t look at her. "Good. I always knew you were a smart man, Chris Larabee."

"What…what can I do to get him cleaned up…get his injuries tended to?" The blond was begging now, but he didn’t care. Nothing mattered to him but the broken man that was suffering in his place. "Anything you ask, Ella, I’ll do it if you’ll have him tended to."

She coaxed her horse up next to his and stroked his hair. "I knew you’d see it my way Chris."

"What do I do, Ella?"

"Well…let me see." She thought for a few minutes, then giggled coyly. "Make love to me Chris. Tonight and tomorrow night, just as we made love before. If you do that, I’ll have him cared for."

"I’m not going to do anything until I see him cared for," he growled.

"You still don’t understand. There is no negotiation in this, you have no cards to play, but I’m willing to do you this favor. I’ll do it because I love you, Chris, and I want to make you happy. Just as I’ve always done, I do everything for you…it is all for you. If you would only stop doing such hateful things to me, making me do the things that I have to do, things would go much easier for him."

"I’m not going to do anything until I see him cared for," the gunman repeated.

She sighed heavily and called out, "Hessie!"

The younger woman that had been part of the group that kidnapped them came hurrying from the house. "Yes ‘m," she said timidly.

"Get some soap and water and clean him up," she nodded toward Vin.

Looking from Ella to the cage and back again, she hurried back toward the house. The others sat in silence for the long minutes it took her to gather up the things she needed and return. Going to where Vin still sat, she began to bathe him. Tanner moved slightly but didn’t react otherwise. It took the young woman some time to clean the multitude of cuts. When she finished she looked back up toward Ella.

"I want him fed and clothed. I want – "

"Enough! I told you there were no negotiations." The woman called to the man by the cage, "put him back."

"NO!" Chris tried once more to move forward. He felt the noose tighten around his neck, but ignored it. He failed to hear the other man ride up beside him, the gunbutt across the back of his head took him by surprise. As he slumped forward, choking against the noose, he moaned, "Vin…".


"Chris?" The voice was soft, but managed to push itself into his thoughts. Looking up, Larabee found a pair of worried and haunted blue eyes staring at him.

"Hey pard, what are you doing awake?"

"You okay?"

"I’m fine, you want a drink?"

Nodding, the man in the bed said, "you sure…you’re okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Y’ didn’t answer me…while ago…" he stopped to take a sip of the water the blond offered him, then continued, "I said your name ‘bout a dozen times ‘fore y’ answered."

Looking confused, Chris said, "sorry Vin. Reckon my mind was somewhere else."

"Back there?"

Nodding, the gunslinger said, "yeah. Vin, I am so sorry. You never should have been involved in this. It’s all my fault…all of it."

"We gotta go down that…road…again pard?" Tanner’s expression was turning to one of exasperation. "Thought we tra…traveled it already."

"Don’t pretend that everything’s alright Tanner. We both know it ain’t. That bitch put you through hell just to get to me. How can you look at me without wanting to kill me…or at least spit in my face? How can it ever be the same between us?"

"Chris, you’re pissin’ me off." Vin pushed himself up in the bed, then collapsed against the pillows. "Now…if I’s mad at y’…wouldn’t I tell…y’? Ain’t never…been one t’ pussy…foot ‘round when somethin’s…chewin’ on me."

Laughing, the older man said, "reckon diplomacy ain’t ever been your strong suit, Cowboy." Sobering he said, "look, Vin, maybe you’re not angry at me as much as I’m angry at myself. I don’t know…If I’d thought it out…we’d have held off…done it different…"

"Waited for her t’ come after you? She’d a sent those ‘hiders …or someone else…after y’. Seems t’ me y’ done th’ best y’ could."

Pacing in frustration, Chris stormed, "then I should have gone myself. I shouldn’t have involved anyone else in my problems."

"There y’ go, bein’ God a’mighty. Don’t ‘member y’ puttin’ a gun t’ m’ head. Way I ‘member it, I went with y’ cause you’re m’ friend."

Stopping in his pacing, the man in black rubbed a hand across his face. "Some friend I’ve been. I don’t deserve your friendship Vin Tanner…don’t deserve anyone’s."

"Bullshit," the tracker growled. "Look, if you’re gonna feel sorry for yourself, Larabee, then why don’t y’ go crawl…back in that…bottle?"

The blond looked at him, an expression of pain on his handsome face. Then he turned and left the clinic. On the landing outside, he paused, struggling to push his emotions aside. He couldn’t allow the townsfolk to see him with his emotions so clearly expressed. They were used to the hard-edged gunman, and he’d give them nothing less. Taking a deep breath he scrubbed a hand across his face once more. Gathering his dark persona around him, he walked determinedly toward the stairway. He was halfway down the stairs when he saw the townsfolk walking nearby looking upward. Just as he realized they were looking past him, he heard a sound behind him. Turning, he was greeted by the sight of Vin Tanner standing at the top of the stairs, wrapped in a blanket. The young man was weaving dangerously, one hand holding tightly onto the banister.

"Shit," Chris growled as he retraced his steps, bounding up the stairs two at a time. He reached the top just as Vin’s knees buckled. Wrapping his arms around the younger man, he got him back from the edge of the stairway and half-carried him back to the little room. Settling the trembling man back onto the bed, he said, "what in the hell do you think you’re doing?"

"C-c-called…m’…bluff…" the tracker said with a weak smile.

Tucking his friend in, Chris dampened a rag and bathed Tanner’s perspiration-soaked face. He felt hot tears well up in his eyes, choked them back, but couldn’t stop the trembling in his hands. "Damn you," he whispered. "You’re gonna be the death of me…of both of us Vin. I don’t deserve your friendship."

"Y-yeah…well…y’ g-got…it…" Tanner gasped.

Chucking despite himself, Larabee squeezed the narrow shoulder peeking from beneath the blankets. "Guess I’ve got to learn to live with it then." He sighed, "but you’re gonna have to deal with my apology pard. Like it or not, I am responsible for you’re being there."

"If…I do will…y’ let it drop?"

"I’ll try."

Considering for a minute, Vin said, "alrighty then. I…ac-accept your…’pology…Chris Larabee," he said formally. Pulling his right arm from beneath the blankets, he grabbed the black-clad arm of his best friend. The two men stared into one another’s eyes, each reading the commitment and friendship there. With a sigh and a nod, the slender tracker allowed sleep to claim him once more. Tucking the now limp arm back beneath the blankets, Chris settled back in the chair and watched the young man slip deeper into sleep. He brushed away a single tear that he allowed to fall from a hazel eye.




Chris sat in the tub of soapy water she had allowed him finally. He had done her bidding, begrudgingly bedding her twice in as many days. It had taken everything he had to allow her to touch him; to touch her. They had done some of the things they had done before…when he had thought of her with other than hatred…but now those things made him physically ill. Only the thought of Vin Tanner being held hostage helped him focus. And each time he did think of his friend, his actions with the brunette became more and more violent. His skin crawled when he realized that it seemed only to excite the woman.

He had set in the hot tub for some time, getting out only to get another bucket of water from the nearby cook stove to warm the water. He had scrubbed himself over and over, but still felt dirty, feeling her hands on him, her body pressed against his. The memory made his flesh crawl, and he added still more hot water to the tub. Getting inside, he briefly considered simply slipping beneath the water, ending it all. Only a pair of trusting blue eyes kept him above the water line. A gentle tap on the door ended his reverie.

"My goodness darling," Ella twittered as she entered the room, "you’re going to shrivel up if you stay in that tub any longer. Come along now, and get out. It’s late and you should get your rest."

"Why?" He answered shortly.

"Because tomorrow is a big day, silly. We’re going to be married tomorrow afternoon. "

The water suddenly seemed to turn to ice. He stared at her open-mouthed. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, silly, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten?" By her tone, he could tell that she was in one of her more deluded moods. "Tomorrow is our wedding day. The priest is coming in from San Francisco just to perform the ceremony. Now, I went to a lot of effort to get him here. Don’t tell me that you’re getting cold feet at this late date."

"Ella," Chris tried to keep his voice even. "You need to understand. I am not going to marry you. You murdered the only woman I ever loved. You –"

"NO!" She screamed the word, lunging at him as she did. With a strength he didn’t expect, she banged his head against the high back of the tub, then pushed him below the water’s surface.

Dazed by the attack, Chris considered just allowing her to drown him, but self-preservation and concern for his friend took over. He pushed her back and away, coming up out of the tub. Heedless of his state of undress, he shoved her hard against the nearest wall. Delivering a blow to her jaw he took only a second’s satisfaction in watching her fall bonelessly to the floor before he grabbed his pants and made his way from the room. Once in the hall he slowed enough to listen for her hired guards. Hearing no one, he made his way through the house, stopping only long enough to pull the black pants on. The gunman could not believe his luck in making it to the back door without detection. Opening the door, he pressed himself against the wall as he exited. Quietly pushing the door closed, he slipped along the house, keeping a keen ear open for any sound of pursuit.

He had managed to get to the nearby woods before he heard anything. Ella’s cry alerted her hired men that there was trouble. Larabee cursed, knowing his chances of getting to one of the horses would be nil now. With a sigh, he turned toward the trees and slipped among them. He would have to go on foot and hope that he could get a horse when he arrived at the little place at the bottom of the hill. Vin would never make it more than a mile in the shape they had left him. He’d have to get at least one horse to get him back to town.

Moving as quickly as possible, unheeding of the stones,sticks and other debris that gouged at his bare feet, he made his way in the direction of the hardscrabble ranch where Vin was being held. The chances were that he would have some time, while his captors searched around the big house. If luck was on his side he’d have time to reach the ‘hiders place and get away with Tanner. If luck was on his side he’d be able to get them back to town, where they would have the added protection of the other five peacekeepers. If luck was on his side…he sighed. He wasn’t certain that he had luck anymore; not of the good variety at any rate.

Chris made the little ranch and quietly moved around it until he could see the little makeshift prison. He watched and was soon rewarded with a slight movement that told him Vin was inside. Holding himself in check, he forced himself to watch the cage long enough to make fairly certain that his captors hadn’t set a trap. Just as he was edging into the clearing, a sound brought him up short. Larabee watched as one of the big men that had brought them here came from the house and unsteadily made his way toward the cage. As the man fumbled with the lock, Chris was certain that he heard a weak cry of protest from the other side of the wooden cage. He wasn’t certain what was going to happen, but knew that it couldn’t be good. He slipped from the shadows and made his way soundlessly across the space that separated him from Tanner.

Coming up behind the big man, Chris doubled his fists and swung hard across the bear’s shoulders. The man grunted and fell to his knees, but didn’t go out. Knowing that he had a very small window of opportunity to manage his rescue, Chris picked up the earthen jug the man had dropped, and hit him hard across the back of the head. He heard a satisfying grunt and watched the man mountain fall face first onto the ground. Pushing him far enough away to get the door open, he pulled the lock from the door. Thankful that the man had unlocked it before he cold-cocked him, he eased the door open. Crouching to keep from scraping his head against the barbed-wire roof, he looked at his friend. Vin lay curled in a corner, his body trembling with exhaustion, dehydration and abuse. He didn’t acknowledge the fact that someone was in the prison with him.

Chris knelt next to him, laying a hand gently on the thing shoulder. "Vin?" he called quietly. "Vin, can you hear me? It’s Chris. Pard, I need you to wake up."

A stirring, then a strangled whisper, "Ch-Ch-Chrissssss?"

A smile split the handsome face as he said, "Yeah, Cowboy, it’s me. Think you can get up if I help you?"

Nodding, the injured man pushed himself up on an elbow. Chris wrapped an arm around him, mindful of the wounds that marred the lean body. Gently he helped Tanner up and out of the cage. Once outside, the gunman pulled the other man into a quick hug, then helped him to sit down outside. Returning to the unconscious man, Larabee pushed him inside the prison, re-locking the door. As he made his way back to the tracker, he saw a smile on the beaten face. pulling Vin to his feet once more, he started across the open space between the cage and the small barn. They moved slowly, Vin barely able to keep his feet under him. Just as they reached the door, a voice spoke out softly,

"Take the roan, she’ll carry double the longest."

Pulling up short, Chris looked toward the direction the voice had come from. A shadow disengaged itself from the barm wall and came closer. Still blanketed in darkness, they continued. "She’s in the third stall, tacks hangin’ up right outside. You treat her good, I raised her from a colt."

"Who –" Larabee started.

"Her name’s Moonshine, but she perks t’ ‘shine. Now y’all better hurry, cause I ‘magine they’ll be comin’ for y’ soon. I’ll try t’ head ‘m off in th’ other direction." Returning to the shadows, their visitor disappeared into the darkness.

Chris watched for another moment, but decided that it wasn’t a trap. Pulling Vin along with him, he entered the barn. Moving stealthily he arrived at the third stall. Easing Tanner to the ground once more, he entered the stall, mindful that this too could be a trap. Satisfied that it wasn’t, he led the roan out of the stall and quickly saddled her. Once the horse was ready to travel, he returned to where the tracker sat slumped against the wall. Squatting down next to him, Chris said softly, "ready to leave this place pard?"

With a tired nod, the abused man allowed himself to be pulled to his feet and led to the horse. With Larabee’s help, he managed to get into the saddle. Slumping forward toward the horse’s neck, he felt his foot removed from the stirrup and the shift and creak of the saddle as Chris stepped up onto the horse’s back behind him. Strong arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly as Chris led the horse out of the door.

Chris cursed under his breath as he heard the distant thunder of hooves. Tightening his hold on his companion, he wheeled the horse away from the sound and kicked the animal into a gallop. "Hold on, pard," he instructed the semi-conscious man. Keeping one arm around Vin, he used the other to guide the reins, coaxing the roan away from the nightmare they had been trapped in for far too long.




"Hey…JD," Vin greeted the youngest member of their group when he next opened his eyes.

"Hey Vin," the Kid responded over the top of a dime novel. "How are you? Can I get you a drink of water? There’s broth on the stove." He stopped and smiled as he saw that Tanner was having trouble following his rapid speech. "Sorry."

"’s’okay," the tracker whispered. "Water?"

"Sure." The young sheriff leapt to his feet and retrieved a mug of cool water and helped his friend drink. Lowering Vin back to the pillow, he continued, "want some broth? Nathan said that you need to drink as much of it as you can."

"Man can’t…get his strength up…on that shit…" Vin grumbled.

With a chuckle, Dunne said, "I told him you’d say that. He said if you drink it and hold it down okay, he’ll see about getting you something a little more filling tomorrow."

"Mush…" he continued to grumble.

"Sorry, he said you couldn’t hold down anything solid for awhile. Reckon you’ll have to get by on it for a few days."

"Well, reckon it’s better’n…what I’ve had…lately." He sighed.

"You want to sit up?"

"Yeah…reckon," he allowed the younger man to help him up. Dunne stacked pillows behind the other man and eased him back against them. Looking around he asked, "Where’s Chris?"

"Buck and Josiah drug him off for some dinner. He argued for awhile, but Nathan threatened to lock him out of the clinic for awhile if he didn’t. Gave all of them a dirty look, but he went quiet."

Smiling, the tracker said, "man’s about as stubborn ‘s…anyone I ever met before." He stopped, his blue eyes filling with unshed tears. "Reckon that’s why we got back here a’tall, though."

That was all it took. The questions that had built up for days began to surface. "Where were you Vin? What happened? How come you’re so…so beat up, and Chris’ hardly got a mark on him?"

Closing his eyes against the whirlwind of words, Vin said, "later JD, okay? Ain’t certain…I can…rec’lect much right…now."

He nodded, although he was disappointed. "Okay Vin, no problem. I didn’t mean to pry, I just thought…maybe you’d want to talk a bit."

"Don’t mind talkin’…Kid…just not on that." He rubbed a trembling hand across his face. "Reckon I’ll take some a that damn broth now."

Grinning, the younger man hurried to retrieve a warm mug of the brew Nathan had left for him. He sat on the edge of the bed, allowing Vin to drink from the mug alone, but keeping a watchful eye on his still weakened friend. The questions still railed against his mind, demanding that he seek answers, but he forced them back and remained quiet. He watched the worn and beaten man before him, amazed that someone as thin as Vin Tanner had always been could be even thinner. He wondered at the deeply burned skin that they still rubbed salve on it several times a day. He watched the haunted look in the blue eyes that had been dulled by weeks of pain and deprivation.

"JD," the object of his inspection said softly over the battered mug. "You’re wearin’ a hole in me lookin’ at…me so close."

Coloring with embarrassment the young sheriff said, "sorry Vin."

"I promise t’ set the…record straight…if y’ give…me some time t’ sort it all…out," Vin said.

Ducking his head, Dunne repeated, "sorry. It’s just all such a puzzle…I’m sorry."

"Kid, don’t need t’ ‘poligize…t’ me, okay? It’s okay." Tanner handed him the now empty mug. "Think Nathan’ll be satisfied?"

"Should be. He didn’t figure you’d drink but half of it. You want some more?"

"Not ‘less y’ can slip some…meat in it this time," he said wistfully.

"Well…" the teen winked conspiratorially, "long as you don’t tell…and don’t get sick on me…" he moved back to the stove and returned with both a second mug of broth and a neatly folded napkin. Unfolding the napkin, he produced a small chunk of ham. Offering it to Vin, he smiled to see the light return to his friend’s eyes. "Sorry it ain’t all that big, but I couldn’t sneak much more off the platter."

"Hell, Kid," Vin said around a small bite of the tender meat, "looks like a feast…t’ me." He savored the contraband food, washing it down with more of the broth. With a sigh, he handed both the mug and the napkin back to Dunne and settled back against the pillows. "Oh, that was good," his voice trembled, but he smiled sleepily at the other man. "I’m beholden, JD."

Swelling with pride, but still worried that his actions would cause problems, JD shoved the napkin into his pocket. He sat the mug on the little table next to the bed, and eased off the bed.

Vin jerked, his eyes flashing opened. "Where y’ goin’?"

Concern replaced pride in the younger man’s face. "Just thought I’d give you some room so you can go back to sleep. I’m just gonna go back to the chair. You okay?"

"Yeah," Vin said with an embarrassed smile. "Reckon I’m still a bit jumpy."

Dunne nodded, "if anyone has the right to be jumpy, I guess it’s you Vin. Just don’t worry about it. After that stunt you pulled, sneaking off, Nathan and Chris both threatened the rest of us with a world full of hurt if you’re left alone til you’re better."

Rubbing a hand over his face, the former bounty hunter said, "don’t know which a them two’s th’ worst. Neither one of ‘m acts like I can handle m’ own affairs."

"Yeah, well, you did scare a few years off both of them, and I know I saw at least a dozen new gray hairs on Buck’s head. Don’t know if he was more worried about you or himself."

Chuckling Tanner said, "’tween you an’ me it’s a…wonder ol’ Bucklin ain’t plum… gray-headed from worryin’."

"Well, you know how these old men are…can’t take much of a scare," Dunne said with a smile and a wink.

Vin laughed; a full belly laugh that made his ribs ache. He had almost given up ever laughing like that again, it had been so long. "Kid, I been needin’ that…thanks."

JD beamed, happy to have been able to help his friend once more. He settled back in the chair, picking up his dime novel. Thumbing through it, he asked, "if you want, I can read this to you for awhile. Take your mind off…things."

Looking at the book, he saw a drawing of a man holding two others at bay with a pistol. His fledgling reading skills could make out ‘the’ and ‘fight’, but the letters between made no sense yet. With a yawn, he said, "sure Kid, thanks."

Getting comfortable, JD flipped back to the beginning of the book and began reading. He had read only a few pages when he heard soft, easy breathing. Looking up, he saw that Vin had slipped back to sleep. Smiling, he continued reading nonetheless.




They rode through the night, using every trick Chris had learned to disguise and hide their tracks from Ella Gaines’ hired men. He knew that Vin would know many more, but the young hunter was in no shape to do any more than maintain his hold on the saddle horn. Larabee did his best to keep them away from their pursuers, knowing that if they were captured things would only be worse for Vin. From time to time he would hear the drum of hoofbeats in the distance, his heart pounding at the thought of having to return to that bitch and her hired goons. Deciding on the direction the sounds were coming from, he would adjust their course until he could no longer hear their pursuers.

As the sun began to color the sky, the gunslinger began searching for somewhere to hide. They couldn’t risk the chance of being caught in the open during the daylight. Their best bet would be to travel under cover of darkness, even though it would take much longer to return to town. With no weapons, a single horse and Vin in bad shape, the man in black knew they couldn’t risk traveling openly right now.

Chris caught sight of something that reflected the early morning light along the hills in the nearby brush. Unsure as to why, it drew him to it. Coaxing the roan toward the brush, he continued to maintain a watch on the landscape around them. Anything could be a trap, he couldn’t allow his guard to drop as yet. Pulling up next to the object that had captured his attention, Chris immediately recognized it. Vin’s harmonica. It had been secured in the heavy scrub; someone had left it deliberately. Cautiously Larabee investigated the area but could find nothing amiss, grasping the little instrument he tucked it away in his pocket. As he did, he noticed a gap in the brush. Looking around, still expecting a trap to be sprung, he turned back and realized that he was looking at an opening. Among the scrub brush and stones there was an opening that hid a ragged gap in the hilly landscape. Kneeing the horse forward, he took them through the gap, traveling it’s length and finally coming out in a small opening that was surrounded by trees, stone, hill and brush. A glen, large enough for them to hide comfortably but small enough to go undetected for some time.

Again he worried that it was all a trap, but something told him that it wasn’t. maintaining a vigil, he ground tied the horse and pulled Tanner from the saddle. Vin moaned softly, nearly unconscious. "It’s okay, pard," he said softly, "you’re okay. Just let me take care of things." He cradled the tortured man into his arms then settled him on the ground. Kneeling next to Tanner he rubbed the back of his neck and studied the landscape. He didn’t understand what was going on. Who was helping them? he supposed it was the person who had spoken to him last night. He couldn’t tell for certain, but he suspected it was the enigmatic figure he had begun calling the ghost. Why would he help them? Perhaps Ella Gaines’ money couldn’t buy everyone she sought to control.

But, he thought to himself, it could buy quite a bit. He knew from her journal that she had managed to amass quite a fortune…and all of it tainted with the blood of innocents. She had shown no sense of remorse in any of it; had recited the cost in human life as dispassionately as the amount of money gained in each venture. All of it a means to an end…and Chris Larabee was that end.

A soft groan brought him from his thoughts. Looking down, he watched as Vin struggled with some nightmare, no doubt brought on by what had happened to him during the past three weeks. Reaching down, he stroked the square jaw beneath the beard that had grown in during his captivity. "Take it easy Vin, it’s just you and me here, no one else. You’re safe. Hear me? You’re safe." For now, he amended silently. He could only promise his friend safety for the moment.

He couldn’t even promise his friend the comfort of a drink of water, or a blanket to fight off the chill when night came. "Hell of a deal, huh pard?" he spoke softly. Neither of us even have a pair of boots, no canteen…not even a hunk of jerky. Don’t know that I can promise you safety for more than a few more hours…hell, even that’s a big question. If those hired bastards of Ella’s find us, I’m not certain I’ll be able to bargain for much. I swear to you though, I’ll do whatever it takes to get you out of this. Whatever it takes."

"Chris…" the hoarse whisper drew Larabee’s gaze back to the other man.

"Hey, pard, you awake?"

Nodding, Tanner managed to open his eyes and fought to focus on the man beside him. "Wh-where…?" he asked.

"We’re hiding out for a bit, waiting for it to get dark. Then we’ll head out for home, get you cleaned up…put some meat on that skinny carcass of yours." He tried to keep his tone light, but wasn’t quite convincing.

Vin smiled, but said nothing. Instead he reached out, clasping his friend’s forearm. His gaze locked with Chris’, saying quite clearly that he trusted the man implicitly to do his best in making things right.

Larabee was humbled at the look of frank trust being given him by the younger man. He also felt undeserving of the honor bestowed on him by that look. He was solely to blame for not only what was going on now, but the devastation Ella Gaines had brought to so many over the course of the past several years. Her journal told a deranged and violent story that had begun just months after they had parted company. To think that he could make her stop now, when her long years of planning were nearing her goal – becoming his wife – was unrealistic. She had yet to allow anything to stop her, and he had little to bargain with.

But he had to try.

Squeezing Vin’s arm in return, Chris watched the younger man drift back toward sleep. Resting the slender limb back on the ground, he resumed his vigil, both over Tanner and for any sign of their being overtaken. And that was how he remained for most of the day. He left the tracker’s side only a few times to go to the well-concealed opening of their hide-away or check the surroundings for anything he could utilize. There was nothing. As the day wore on thirst and hunger began to make themselves known with more persistence, and he knew they were taking an even greater toll on the young tracker. Finding a source of water would have to be their first priority as soon as they were on their way, food would have to wait. If he was right, they could be at Talson in less than a day. There, he could get Tanner some medical attention and wire the other men. It would be a long two day wait for them to arrive, especially if Ella had anyone there in her employ. But if he had to stand over Vin Tanner with a gun in hand the entire time, he would do it.

Just as night was teasing the landscape with it’s evening colors, Vin again roused from sleep. Chris smiled to see the blue eyes looking more focused this time. "Hey cowboy, you finally decide to open them eyes for me?"

"Chhhrrrriiiisssss…" he said with a tired smile. "Wasn’t a…dream."

Chuckling, Larabee said, "don’t think I’ve ever been accused of being anyone’s dream pard. Now, how you feeling?"

"Like hell…c-ow-boy."

Brushing a curling wisp of brown hair from the battered face, he replied, "don’t doubt it. Well, it’s going to be dark soon, reckon you’ll be ready to ride?"

Vin thought of several replies, but settled on a simple nod. He struggled to sit up, but Larabee pressed him back to the ground.

"You lay still till we’re ready to go. I don’t want you using your energy up until you need to, okay?"

"…bossy…" the tracker managed, a smile lighting his eyes.

"And don’t you forget it," the blond replied. His hand lingered on Tanner’s shoulder, savoring the physical contact with the other man. The friend whose life was in danger because of him. "Stop it, you damn fool," he mumbled to himself. There would be time for self- recrimination later. Right now he had to keep his mind focused on matters of hand.

"Mister Larabee?"

The soft voice cause him to jump, jostling Vin as he did. Tanner jerked, a faint cry escaping his lips. As he turned to Chris, Larabee turned toward the voice. From the shadows came a vaguely familiar figure. Chris stood, placing himself between their visitor and his friend. He relaxed only marginally when he realized it was the silent member of the party that had captured them. The man’s motives were still unknown.

"Mister Larabee, I ain’t here to cause you harm. I was the one that met you at the barn last night." Giving a quick whistle, the newcomer offered the horse’s obedience as proof of his words. The handsome roan trotted quickly to her owner, nuzzling a gloved hand. "Looks like ‘shine ain’t much the worse for wear. Appreciate that."

Dismounting and walking slowly, arms outstretched signaling no intention to harm, ‘The Ghost’ approached the two men. Coming to stand only a few feet away, their benefactor dropped a heavy set of saddlebags to the ground. "Brought you some clothes…doubt they’ll fit well, but they’ll have to do. Got some food and herbs that should help Mister Tanner. Brought some water, too."

Chris was barely aware of the words; he was staring at the visitor with something akin to shock now that he was able to see their benefactor clearly for the first time. "You’re a woman," he said in an amazed tone.


Vin opened his eyes to the sound of someone moving something heavy outside. As he watched, the door to the clinic opened and the heavy object was pulled in with a variety of grunts, groans and curses by Buck and Nathan. Pushing himself to his elbows, the young tracker watched them, and realized that they were dragging a bathtub in the door. When they finally settled it in the corner of the room, he turned a confused gaze toward Nathan as Buck hurried back out the door. "What’re y’ doin’? openin’ up your own bathhouse?"

"Something like that," the healer said. He offered nothing more.

"Y’ gonna tell me any more, or is this gonna be a surprise?"

"Thought we’d let it be a surprise," the healer turned to him with a broad smile.

"Don’t think I like th’ sound a that," Tanner eyed the tub suspiciously. "What’re y’all plannin’?"

"We’re plannin’ on scrubbin’ you down –"

"Ah, hell Nathan!"

"No arguin’ pard," Chris said as he entered carrying two buckets, rising steam announcing their contents to be hot water.

"I can go to th’ bathhouse if I need a bath for God’s sake," he grumbled. "Ain’t no inv’lid."

"I know," Nathan assured him. "But with all of those open cuts I don’t want you sittin’ in a dirty tub, never know who’s been in it before y’. We got this one scrubbed out and sterilized. We need to get some of the more recent wounds cleaned out better than we can do with a bucket of water. Need t’ scrub ‘m out so they heal proper, otherwise they’re gonna leave some nasty scars."

"Ain’t worried ‘bout no scars," Vin growled.

"Now, y’ know y’ got enough trouble fetchin’ them fillies, son," Buck was back, two buckets in hand as well. "You get all scarred up, you’ll even have t’ pay for th’ comp’ny a th’ ugly ones."

"Go t’ hell, Bucklin," the young man retorted. He rolled over, pulling the blankets over his head. It did little good. He felt the bed shift, and hands on his exposed back.

"Vin," Jackson was serious now. "I need to pull some of the scabs loose. It’s gonna hurt, but I think it’s the best way to do this. I’m gonna put some medicinal herbs in th’ water that oughta help th’ healin’ an’ help with your skin all together. It’s still awful dry, and the herbs oughta help."

"Besides Tanner, you stink," Chris’ voice came to him from the other side of the blankets.

Searching for a retort, Vin’s concentration was broken as he felt Nathan pulling at one of the wounds on his back. He cried out, it felt as if he was being skinned alive. "SHIT! Na-Nathan, that hurts!"

Chris knelt beside the bed, pulling back the layers of blanket. Vin had grasped the mattress, his fist shaking with tension as he fought to control his reaction to the pain. The gunman offered his own hand, which the tracker grabbed gratefully with both his own. "Hang on Cowboy, it’ll be over soon."

Tanner’s world shrank down until it contained only his heartbeat, the sound of his friend’s voice, and the feel of his friend’s hand. The strength of Larabee’s grip helped him through the next torturous minutes as the former slave ministered to his injuries. When the nightmare that he had endured tried to force it’s way back into his mind through the pain in his back, the feel of Chris Larabee’s touch and the sound of his voice kept him focused on the here and now.

Finally finished, Nathan patted the young man on the shoulder. "I’m sorry Vin, wish I hadn’t had t’ do it."

"S’okay…Nathan…" Vin replied as he drew a deep breath.

With Larabee’s help, Jackson got Tanner out of the bed, stripped, and into the tub that the others had filled with hot water while they had cleaned the injuries on the man’s back. He grumbled the entire time they were moving him, and continued as they helped him ease into the water. He tried to bite back the cries when they immersed him, but couldn’t quite manage it. Chris was there once again, offering his hand to the younger man. Nathan held him from the other side, allowing him to slowly acclimate to the water. The medicated water slowly numbed his injuries; the other men smiling when he managed a deep sigh of relief.

"Feel better pard?" Chris asked.

"Mm-hm," he replied softly.

Nathan eased him back so he could soak from the neck down. Letting go of his hand, Larabee took up a sponge and soaked it in the water. "Keep your eyes closed," he said softly as he squeezed the hot water over Tanner’s face and neck. Vin turned his face upward with a smile, enjoying the feel of the liquid as it ran over him like a rain shower. "I swear son," Chris chuckled, "you’re part fish or something."

They allowed him to soak as long as he wanted. Josiah and Nathan changed the bedclothes and turned the mattress in the meantime. When it appeared that Tanner was getting restless and beginning to feel the pain once more, Chris scrubbed his still matted hair, loosening the rest of the tangles as he did. They allowed Vin to use the sponge to bathe, but stayed near. The younger man kept his eyes closed, embarrassed by the attention. When he finished, he endured the other’s helping him from the tub and back to bed.

"Y’all sure y’ain’t got nothing better t’ do?" He asked once he had been settled into a clean bed.

"Getting’ tired, Vin?" Jackson asked with concern.

"Just feelin’ a mite…hemmed in," Tanner replied with as much tact as he could manage.

Smiling knowingly, Chris turned to the other men, who nodded their understanding and departed the clinic, leaving the blond alone with the rather disgruntled young tracker. "You know that they don’t mean to –"

Holding up a hand, Vin said quietly, "I know Chris. Hell, it’s not anything they done. Pard, I just wanna get away…from all of it. I need t’…stretch…I don’t know, I…" he waved his hand dismissively. "Ah hell, forget it."

"No, I ain’t gonna forget it," Chris said. He squeezed his friend’s shoulder and left the room. He would make certain that Vin had what he needed, and it wasn’t being trapped in the little clinic.



She smiled as she knelt down next to the two men. Extending her hand, she said, "name’s Darry Wade. Pleased to meet you, officially."

Chris looked at the hand and then back at the woman. It was a trap then; this was one of the people who had kidnapped them, delivered them to the very gates of hell. Under his glare he watched the woman’s smile falter as she dropped her hand.

"Reckon I can’t blame y’, Mr. Larabee. Can’t imagine you’d be inclined t’ like, or even trust me. I can explain if you’d like, or I can leave, or you can shoot me if it’d help." With that she turned her sidearm, butt first, over to the blond.

Taking the gun, a question clearly etched on his handsome face, Chris checked the chamber and found it loaded. He sighed, still confused by her actions. A quiet voice broke into his thoughts and settled some of his confusion.

"You…you were th’ one that came t’ help…when…he…" Vin’s voice became shaky and thick with emotion.

The mysterious young woman reached out a hand and gently touched the stubble-roughened cheek. "Wasn’t enough, Mr. Tanner. I should’a done more ‘fore this."

He shook his head, "reckon y’ helped t’ keep me…alive, miss." He turned to his friend. "She was there…every night, Chris. She’d come…after he…after he’d be there. She’d…she’d… bring me water…blanket…" worn out, Vin’s eyes closed.

Looking across to their visitor, Chris saw tears in her china blue eyes. She looked up, offering a weak smile that disappeared before it fully formed. "What they done, Mr. Larabee, it was wrong. I couldn’t just sit by anymore."

"But you didn’t stop the others from nearly killing him, from bringing us here. Why?" Larabee’s voice was sharp with barely restrained anger.

Bowing her head, Darry said, "I couldn’t risk it. ‘Shamed as I am of that, Mr. Larabee, I had to consider…other lives." She paused, looking away into the distance. "Hessie, Daniel…they all call him ‘Dummy’…even Willy Joe. If I’m gone, they ain’t got no one t’ keep ‘m safe." She laughed, a hard sound. "Safe…hell, ain’t none of us safe from what that bitch that wanted you…from Ma and the boys. Ain’t sayin’ they got th’ life they should’a had, but ‘least I can keep ‘m alive. Reckon that don’t make no sense t‘ someone like you."

"Miss," Chris said with a sad shake of his head, "That makes a lot more sense than you might think." Extending his hand, he said, "thank you for what you did do for my friend, what you’ve done for us both now."

Grasping his hand in a firm handshake, she said, "I’ll do as much as I can to help you both, Mr. Larabee. I hope you believe that."

"I do, miss," he said with frank honesty. "I do."



They settled in, putting together a meager camp with what the young woman had brought. Chris pulled on one of the shirts she provided, feeling as if he were being swallowed up. Worried that it would do more harm than good, they settled for wrapping Vin in the blankets she brought, padding the ground beneath him with more of the clothes. While Chris crushed some of the medicinal plants she had brought, Darry busied herself in building a small, smokeless fire and beginning a meal for them all. Tanner drifted in and out of consciousness, reassured that all was well when he focused his eyes on the face of his friend. Sensing his friend’s need for that bit of comfort, Larabee stayed nearby. A gentle word, a touch, whatever it seemed Vin needed as he pulled himself back from the nightmares that invaded his sleep. One particularly violent dream chilled the gunman to the bone and gave him an even clearer picture of what had happened to the younger man.

"No…stay ‘way from me…I…no! Don’t…please," his tone was close to pleading now. "don’t touch…me…don’t…no…it…hurts…" with a whimper, Vin was quiet.

Larabee could barely pull himself away when he heard the young woman’s voice coming from behind him. "I tried talkin’ t’ Ma, getting her t’ make him stop…Hiram, I mean. She figured long as he did what he’s s’posed to, he could do what he wanted with your friend." Coming to sit on the other side of the now sleeping man, she continued, "Hiram didn’t do what your face tells me you’re thinkin’. Oh, I ‘magine he would have, but he can’t. He ain’t been able t’ do that since th’ war. But Hiram hurt him in other ways. He enjoys watchin’ others in pain…think it makes him feel like a whole man again."


"When I get hold of him, he won’t be any kind of man," Chris promised. Looking at the young woman, he was surprised to see a smile.

"If you’re lookin’ for an argument Mr. Larabee, you’re lookin’ in th’ wrong direction. Th’ only thing I’ll ask is y’ respect my need to protect th’ three that’s innocent."

Nodding, he said, "I’ve no interest in hurting those that don’t deserve it. Hessie did the best she could to help on the trip out, and I reckon the other two don’t know anything better. But when I get the chance, those men, even your Ma –"

"She ain’t my ma," she said with a hint of anger. "She ain’t nothin’ to me."

Glancing down to see that Vin was still quiet, Chris looked back at Darry. "Then how’d you end up there?"

"Bad luck, mostly," came the reply. "A whole string of it. It’s a long story, Mr. Larabee –"

"Chris," he corrected her.

Nodding, she said, "Darry, like I said. Anyway, it’s a long drawn out story that ain’t gonna help get you and Mr. Tanner away from here and safe. Might be best if we talked about that for now."

With a soft chuckle Chris said, "I suppose you’re right. Do you know where the others are?"

"I did my best to keep ‘m guessin’ on where y’all were. Gave ‘m wrong information when they got to th’ house. Hiram couldn’t tell ‘m no different. I laid a trail goin’ off in another direction ‘fore I came out here. Don’t know how well I got ‘m off th’ scent though. A couple a those men Gaines hired are pretty good at trackin’."

"You set the harmonica out there." It wasn’t a question.

"Yeah. Needed to give y’all a sign a t’ where t’ hole up, took a chance you’d be comin’ this way since Talson’s th’ closest town. Figured th’ mouth harp’d be th’ best way t’ signal you about this place. Couldn’t think a anything else."

"You did fine," Chris assured her. "I’ve threatened to break that damn thing over his head a few times, it stood out like a sore thumb." She laughed, a sound both cheerful and tired. Chris realized that he was looking at an exhausted young woman. "Think you could use some rest."

Shaking her head, she said, "no I’m fine. As soon as we figure out the best plan t’ get you two outta here, I’ve got to head out. If I ain’t back soon, Ma’ll get suspicious."

"Alright," Larabee replied. "Let’s figure out what we’re going to do."



"Damn it Chris, you can’t be serious," Nathan fumed at the man in black, his fists clenched tight. He pounded the railing outside his clinic. "Vin ain’t up to this."

"Nathan, he was in a lot worse shape before and he made it here." Larabee said evenly.

"Yeah, and he was as near death as I wanna think about."

"But he didn’t die and he’s had time to get some of his strength back. Look, you can give me all the horse piss you peddle for medicine to give him, you can come out and check on him every day, whatever else you want. Whatever it takes to make you agree to this."

"What I want is for you to stop tellin’ me my business. I want you to leave Vin be, and let him heal up."

"That’s what I’m trying to do, damn it. He’s feeling suffocated here, can’t get comfortable with everyone around all the time. You know how he is, Nathan, he doesn’t do real well closed up for too long. Add to that the things he’s been through lately, he’s in pretty bad shape, here," Chris tap his head, then his heart, "and here. If I take him out to my shack, he’ll be able to get some true rest…get his strength back. He’s had everyone’s attention, now he needs the peace and quiet of the hills."

Nathan sighed, turned and stared at the blond with only slightly cooling anger. "Damn pretty speech, Larabee, sounds like you practiced it all night. But tell me gonna take on his care day and night?"

"Yes," Chris said simply, one corner of his mouth quirking in a barely suppressed smile.

Jackson breathed out a harsh sigh, turning to look out over the landing at the town beyond. Leaning his hands against the banister, he thought about the man in black’s proposal. He said nothing for several minutes, weighing the options. Finally he turned back and stared at Larabee, anger still glowing in his dark eyes. Stabbing a finger at the other man’s chest, he said, "You had better make damn good and sure that you do what I tell y’, when I tell y’ t’ do it, and how I tell y’ t’ do it. You don’t, or if he looks t’ be goin’ downhill at all, he’s right back here. Got me?"

A smile quirking at one corner of his mouth, Larabee said simply, "got you."

The two men left the landing and entered the clinic. Vin was dozing, but his eyes fluttered open at the sound of two pairs of footsteps came closer. Watching as they came closer, he saw that Chris was smiling slightly, while Nathan looked none to happy. He had heard the two exchanging words for some time, the voices rising and falling with emotion. "You fellas sort out whatever th’ hell y’ had to sort out?"

"Yep," Chris said in a light tone. "How’d you like to get out of here?"

"Th’ landin’?" Vin asked, slanting a curious look at his friend.

Shaking his head no, Larabee said "my place."

"Your place?" Vin’s voice took on an excited quality now. Turning to Nathan, who was sorting through his herbs. "Nathan, he foolin’ with me?"

"Nope," Jackson said, still not very happy, "but y’ both better do as you’re told, or I’ll personally come out t’ that shack, kick Chris’ butt, and drag yours back here. You got me?"

"Yep," Tanner said quietly. He didn’t matter what he had to promise, as long as he could get out in the fresh air and away from town for awhile. Although he barely moved, the other men couldn’t help but smile. It seemed as if Vin was all but jumping up and down.

Shaking his head, the dark healer continued, "I mean it Vin. I don’t want you doin’ anything stupid. I’m comin’ out every day to check on you. Like I already told Chris, if I don’t see you gettin’ better, you will be comin’ back here. Chris is gettin’ his orders from me, and you’re gonna do exactly what he tells y’ to do. Got it?"

Describing a mock salute, the bedridden man said, "got it. Whatever y’ tell us t’ do, we’ll do. Right Chris?" He turned a smiling face toward his friend.

Returning the smile, the blond said, "I already promised to."

Looking back at the healer, Vin said, "see, we both promise t’ do whatever y’ tell us too. Hell, Nathan, you can trust us!"

With a snort, Jackson said, "yeah...I just bet I can." The other two men heard him grumbling under his breath as he gathered up the supplies he would be sending with the men. He ignored the chuckles he heard from both Larabee and Tanner.

To be continued.
