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Creatures of Myth and Legend

This is for those with "Flights of Fancy"

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Welcome to Creatures of Myth and Legend.A mystic place of marvelous creatures and poetry.

Children,Children Don't Forget
The Faery Queen
The Fairy Dance
The Dance of the Fae
The Fairy Well of Langany
Love Among the Roses

The lure of faries is incredable, they're everywhere, in stories, songs, legends, and some really great art work.

One of my most favorite "farie tails" is really a romance novel. "The Enchanting" by Sandra Davidson.

Another good book about faries is " Faery Magic". It's a collection of short stories by Mary Jo Putney, Jo Beverley, Barbara Samuel, Karen Harbaugh.
It's a great book and all of the stories tie into each other.

Here's another good collection of fairy stories called " Midsummer Night's Magic" by Emma Craig, Tess Mallory, Pam McCutcheon, and Amy Elizabeth Saunders.

Children Children Don't Forget

Children, Children, don't forget
There are elves and faeries yet;
Where the knotty hawthorn grows
Look for prints of faerie toes.
Where the grassy rings are green
Moonlight dances shall be seen.
Watch and wait: O lucky you,
If you find a faerie shoe:
For a ransom he will pay,
Hobbling barefoot all the day,
Lay it on his mushrrom seat,
Wish your wish and go your way
If your wish should be discreet
Never fear but he will pay

Dora Owen

The Faery Queen

Methought I saw the grass where Laura lay,
Within the temple where the vestal flame
Was want to burn; and passing by that way,
To see that buried dust of living fame,
Whose tomb fair Love and fairer Virtue kept,
All suddenly I saw the Faery Queen,
At whose approach the soul of Petrarch wept;
And from thenceforth those graces were not seen,
For they this Queen attended; in whose stead
Oblivion laid him down on Laura's hearse.
Hereat the hardest stones were seen to bleed,
And groans of buried ghosts the heaven did pierce:
When Homer's sprite did tremble for all the grief,
And cursed th` access of that celestial thief.

Sir Walter Raleigh

" In emerald tufts, flowers purple, blue and white;
Like sapphire, pearl, and rich embroidery,
Buckled below fair knighthood's bending knee:
Fairies use flowers for their charactery. "

William Shakespeare

I thought this little guy was interesting, a cat-fairy.

"Come faeries, take me out of this dull world,
for I would ride with you upon the wind
and dance upon the moutains like a flame."

W.B. Yeats

The Fairy Dance

The soft stars are shining,
The moon is alight;
The folk of the forest
Are dancing tonight:
O swift and gay
Is the song that they sing;
They float and sway
As they dance in a ring.
O seek not to find them,
The wee folk do fair;
They're shy as the swallow
And swift as the air:
If you come, they are gone
Like a snowflake in May;
Like a breath, like a sigh,
They vanish away.

Katherine Davis

This is one of my absolute favorites! When I was a child I thought that butterflys were faires, and when I saw this one I had to have it!

" There sleeps Titania some time of the night,
Lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight;
And there the snake throws her enamell'd skin,
Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in. "

#2 William Shakespeare

My son wanted me to put this guy up. I saw this one and laughed, because I wasn't expecting it to fly away!


The Dance of the Fae

There was a secret grotto that I chanced upon one day,when as a girl, I wandered in the woods, alone, to play.I sat upon a fallen log beneath some willow trees,delighting in the sweetness of the fragrant summer breeze. 
Now it's true that as a young girl my imagination soared,but I wasn't one to make up tales when I was feeling bored.So when I tell what happened next, don't doubt that it is true.I've a great imagination, but I'd never lie to you.
As I sat upon that ancient log, a butterfly came near."Welcome to our home, my friend."it whispered in my ear.It fluttered right before me and I was startled by the sight;this was not a normal butterfly, but a faerie folk in flight!
Now as you can imagine, I could not believe my eyes.To find that faeries really live was quite a big surprise! Her wings were iridescent shades of purple, green and blue.Around her neck was a strand of pearls made from drops of dew. 
"Let me introduce myself", the faerie said to me.
"I'm the daughter of the faerie King. My name is Sylvani."
Then, one by one, more fae arrived and hovered in the air. Each one spoke it's name then placed a flower in my hair. Faerie music filled the woods; a pure sweet melody, The faeries then began to dance beneath the willow tree. It was a most amazing treat to watch them twirl and prance;
there's nothing quite so beautiful as faeries when they dance. 
I joined them in their laughter and their merry revelry; there hasn't been a day since then when I have felt so free. Now many years have passed along and things are not the same, But my memory of the faerie dance forever will remain.
For I still have the flowers that the fae set in my hair, and each one is as fresh and sweet as when they placed them there.
K. Schaefer

The Fairy Well of Langany

Is there no hope at all for me,
but only ceaseles sigh and tear:
Why did not he who left me here,
with stolen hope steal memory?
I'll go away to Sleamish Hill,
I'll pluck the fairy Hawthorn-tree,
and let the spirits work their will;
I care not for good or ill,
so they but lay the memory which all my heart is hanting still!

Samuel Ferguson

Love Among
the Roses

Seek ye Love, ye fairy-sprites?
Ask where reddest roses grow.
Rosy fancies he invites,
And in roses he delights,
Have ye found him? "No!"
 Seek ye again, and find the boy
In childhood's heart, so pure and clear.
Now the fairies leap for joy,
Crying, "Love is here!"
 Love has found his proper nest;
And we guard him while he dozes
In a dream of peace and rest
Rosier than roses.
Lewis Carroll

The Fairies, they say, are not imortal.
They can live to a great age, but they too know death.
And when one of their kind dies, the music of their mourning is the saddst, sweetest sound in all the world.

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