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Blue Eyed White Dragon


Who is Tommy D well lets see...
I'm 35 years old. I think that I am successful, smart, knowledgeable, funny, a great DAD.

  I have realized the things we take for granted are key things that kill our relationships. I have listed some of the things I miss the most.

1. Someone to Communicate with.

2. Someone who will Respect you.

3. Someone who cares about you.

4. Someone who is there to comfort you.

5. someone who is there to cuddle with.

6. Someone who needs you as much as you need them.

7. Someone who you can learn from and teach at the same time.

8. Someone you can share those important moments with.

9. Someone you know is always there for you.

10. Someone who you can laugh with and someone who can make you laugh.

11. Someone who looks up to you and treats you like you are their king or queen.

12. Someone who is honest with you.

13 Someone to grow old with.

Things I like:
 Paintball, shooting pool, playing online, working, racing my car, working on my daughters first car, building RC cars, making custom remix CD's, listening to music, bouncing at the bars, martial arts, learning new things, being challenged, and well the other thing I Love to do I cant say... lol I'm so bad.

Things I don't like are:
 Liars, Losers, Murders, Cheaters, Thieves, Judgmental People, Stuck up People, And RUDE PEOPLE. Like My MOM Always Said, "Tommy if you don't have nothing nice to say then SHUT UP!"

If you want to know anymore then you need to let your fingers do the walking and email me at the address on the bottom of the page...Later Taters!"