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French Four- Rappel Vocabulary and Grammar


être= to be
je suis- I am
tu es- You(sing) are
il est-He is
elle est- She is
on est-everyone is, one is
nous sommes- we are
vous êtes- you(plural/formal) are
ils sont- they (masculine) are
elles sont- they (feminine) are
Imparative form of être sois- (tu form)
Ne sois pas- (don't be)
soyez- (vous form)
Ne soyez pas- Don't be
soyons- (nous form)
Ne soyons pas- Let's not be
All of the above translate to say "be.. or let's be..." They typically go with an adjective.
Les expressions avec être

être d'accord (avec)- to be in agreement (with)
être en train de+ infinitive= to be busy, in the process of doing something
être à- to belong to
à qui est...- to whom does ... belong to?
être à l'heure- to be on time
être en avance- to be early
être en retard- to be late

The rules of adjectives
All adjectives in the French language must agree with the object they are talking about. If you have a masculine object to describe, the word you use is exactly as it is given to you. If it is feminine, you must add an "e" to the end. (Some words stay the same, some add other letters aside from the "e") If it is plural, you must add an "s" (Again, there are some exceptions, but you will see those in the lists following.)
All adjectives go after the noun it is describing, except in the following instances: Beauty, Age, numbers, Goodness, SizeYou can see this on the grammar page

grand(e)- big
petit(e)- small
bon(ne)- good
mauvais- bad
beau- handsome
belle- beautiful
nouveau/ nouvelle- new
vieux/ vieille- old
joli(e)- pretty
jeune- young
content(e)- happy
triste- sad
juste- fair
injuste- unfair
poli(e)- polite
impoli(e)- impolite
drôle- funny
pénible- annoying
sensible- sensitive
sympa(thique)- nice
aimable- pleasant, nice
bête- dumb, silly, stupid
égöiste- selfish
timide- shy
très- very
assez- rather
amusant(e)- amusing, funny
compétent(e)- competent
distant(e)- distant
intéressant(e)- Interesting
indifférent(e)- indifferent
intelligent(e)- intelligent
patient(e)- patient
impatient(e)- impatient
tolérant(e)- tolerant
strict- stern, strict
effiace- efficiant
dynamique- dynamic
honnête- honest
malhonnête- dishonest
sévère- severe, strict
sincère- sincere
optimiste- optimistic
pessimiste- pessimistic
idéaliste- ideal
spontané(e)- sponataneous
organisé(e)- organized
actif/active- active
ponctuel(le)- punctual
consciencieux/consciencieuse- consciencious
généreux/généreuse- generous
curieux/curieuse- curious
paresseux/paresseuse- lazy
impulsif/impulsive- impulsive
naïf/naïve- naive
intuitif/intuitive- intuitive
sportif/sportive- athletic
naturel(le)- natural
spirituel(le)- witty
musicien(ne)- musical

C'est- It's (this goes with a name, a noun)
Elle est- She/it is (this goes with an adjective)
Il est- he/it is (this goes with an adjective)
Le verbe avoir et les expressions avec avoir

avoir= to have
j'ai= I have
tu as- you have
il a- he has
elle a- she has
on a- everyone has
nous avons- we have
vous avez- you have
ils ont- they have
elles ont- they have
Les Expressions avec avoir

avoir faim- to be hungry
avoir soif- to be thirsty
avoir chaud- to be hot
avoir froid- to be cold
avoir sommeil- to be tired,sleepy
avoir besoin de- to need something
avoir envie de- to want something
avoir raison- to be right
avoir tort- to be wrong
avoir de la chance- to be lucky
avoir peur- to be afraid

Using aller and venir to describe future and past.

The Verb aller
Aller, the verb to go, can be used with an infinitive (a verb that has not been broken down and conjugated) to tell you somthing that is going to happen in the near future.
aller- to go
je vais- I am going
tu vas- you are going
il va- he is going
elle va- she is going
on va- everyone is going
nous allons- we are going
vous allez- you are going
ils vont- they are going
elles vont- they are going
Some examples with immediate future: Je vais rester à la maison. I am going to stay at home. Nous allons partir à huit heures. We are going to leave at 8'o'clock.

The Verb Venir

The verb venir, to come, can be used with de and an infinitive to say things that you have just come from doing. This is called the immediate past.
venir: to come
je viens- I am coming
tu viens- you are coming
il vient- he is coming
elle vient- she is coming
on vient- everyone is coming
nous venons- we are coming
vous venez- you are coming
ils viennent- they are coming
elles viennent- they are coming
Some examples of the immediate past: Tu viens de parler. You just came from speaking. Vous venez de manger au restaurant. You just came from eating dinner in a restaurant.

The verb faire.
The verb faire, to do or to make, is used in the French language to discuss things you are involved in or are doing. It is set up with the partitive article (de la, du, de l' and des).
faire- to do, to make, to be involved in
je fais- I do
tu fais- you do
il fait- he does
elle fait- she does
on fait- everyone does
nous faisons- we do
vous faites- you do
ils font- they do
elles font- they do
Some examples with faire:
Je fais du français. I participte in French Nous faisons de la natation. We do swimming.

The verb prendre
The verb prendre- to take can be used with the partitive article to discuss taking certain amounts of things. I am going to take some cheese. I am going to take some ice cubes, etc.
prendre- to take, to have
Je prends- I take
tu prends- you take
il prend- he takes
elle prend- she takes
on prend- everyone takes
nous prenons- we take
vous prenez- you take
ils prennent- they take
elles prennent- they take
Some examples of prendre with the partitive.
Il prend du steak. He takes some steak. Elles prennent de la salade verte. They take some green salad.
The verb boire
Like venir, the verb boire is used with the partitive article to take about things one is drinking, and to talk about how much of it is being consumed. If there is a definite amount of something, one can use the definite article (le, la, les, l') with boire as well.
boire- to drink
je bois- I drink
tu bois- you drink
il boit- he drinks
elle boit- she drinks
on boit- everyone drinks
nous buvons- we drink
vous buvez- you drink
elles boivent- they drink
ils boivent- they drink
Some examples with boire and the partitive:
On boit du soda. One drinks some soda. Nous buvons de la limonade. We drink some Sprite. Some examples with boire and the definite article:
On boit le soda. One drinks the soda. Nous buvons la limonade. We drink the sprite.
The verb savoir versus connaître.
The verbs savoir and connaître both mean to know, but both are used with different direct objects.
The verb savoir
savoir- to know things, objects
je sais- I know
tu sais- you know
il sait-he knows
elle sait- she knows
on sait-everyone knows
Nous savons- We know
Vous savez-You know
Ils savent- They know
Elles savent- They know

The verb connaître
connaître- to know places and people
Je connais- I know
Tu connais- You know
Il connaît- he knows
Elle connaît- she knows
On connaît- Everyone knows
Nous conaissons- We know
Vous conaissez- You know
Elles conaissent- They know
Ils connaissent- They know
Some differences between the two:
Je connais Paris. I know Paris Je ne sais pas la reponse. I don't know the answer Nous savons quand tu pars. We know when you leave. Nous conaissons ta mère. We know your mom.
The verbs voir and écrire
voir- to see
je vois- I see
tu vois- you see
il voit- he sees
elle voit- she sees
on voit- one sees
nous voyons- we see
vous voyez- you see
ils voient- they see
elles voient- they see

écrire- to write
j'écris- I write
tu écris- you write
il écrit- He writes
elle écrit- she writes
on écrit- one writes
nous écrivons- We write
vous écrivez- you write
ils écrivent- They write
Elles écrivent- they write

Some additonal Grammar Points to see and understand.

Le Passé Composé
To learn about the past tense in French, please go here:
The Past Tense

To learn about the Imperfect tense, or the Prederite, please go here:
The Imperfect Tense