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The Bible Verse of the Week Inpiration

This weeks verse is: We believe that the Bible inspires and that the scriptures are the inspired word of God. The practice of reading the Bible will give you wisdom and guidance. This weeks scripture is: To see the previous verses, please go to archive

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Think of the Lord speaking to you and saying: "you do not have to be clever to please Me. All you have to do is to want to love Me. Just speak to Me as you would to anyone of whom you are fond of.

Are there people you want to pray for? Say their names to Me here: Ask of Me as much as you like. I am generous and know all thier needs but I want you to show love for them and Me by trusting Me to do what is best for them. Tell Me about the poor, the sick, and the sinners, and if you have lost the friendship of affection anyone, tell Me about that too. Is there anything you want for your soul? If you like, you can write out a long list of all your needs and come read it to Me. Just tell Me about your pride, your touchiness, self-centeredness, and laziness. Do not be ashamed. There are many saints in Heaven who had the same faults as you. They prayed to Me and little by little, thier faults were corrected.

Do not hesitate to ask Me for blessings for the body and mind; for health, memory, and success. I can give everything and always do give everything needed to make souls holier. What is it that you want today?

Tell Me for I long to do you good. What are your plans? Tell Me about them. Is there anyone you want to please? What do you want Me to do for them? And don't you want to do anything for Me? Yes Lord. Don't you want to do a little good to the souls of your friends who perhaps have forgotten about Me? Tell Me about your failures, and I will show you the cause of them. What are your worries? Who caused you pain? Tell Me all about it and I will forgive, and forget, and I will bless you.

Are you afraid of anything? Have you any tormenting unreasonable fears? Trust yourself to Me. I am here. I see everything. I will not leave you! Have you no joys to tell Me about? Why do you not share your happiness with Me? Tell Me what has happened since yesterday to cheer and comfort you."

the Fruits of the Spirit Church home page

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