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Welcome to my recipe page! One of my favorite things to do is cook and I would love to share some of my family's favorite recipes with you. Be sure to check back often as I will be adding to this site as much as I can.

While most of these recipes reflect the Cuban and Italian dishes I was brought up with, you will find plenty of other meals here that are sure to please! Be sure to sign the guestbook and let me know how the recipe turned out and what you think of my page!

Last updated on: 09/19/01

Be sure to check out the recipes with a beside them. Those are our family's personal favorites!

Soups, Salads, Appetizers, and Sauces

Veggies and Sides

Main Dishes



Cookies and Snacks

Breakfast Treats

Breads and Muffins

Check out my pal April's recipe site on the web! Just click on the link below and once you reach her site, go to "April's Kitchen" on the table of contents!

April's Kitchen
