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Hey everybody. the Halfpipe is now no more. I have realized that the site kinda... well sucked when it came right down to it and there needed to be a change in the look, layout, and stuff in it. The new site, which will be called Crazy Online, will be updated all the time, and will have things from videogaming, movies, music, and much more. SO check back at this site more to find out when it is finished.

As for the people who thought they were "cool" by putting a whole bunch of shit on the guestbook, then so be it. If they think they really are "cool" then I guess they have the right to think what they wanna think. I just wanna do something right now. sk8, sk8, sk8, sk8. There ya go, B-man. That felt kinda good.

Oh and Matthew Birch, you should never, ever put your name and your e-mail (which happens to be, on a guestbook where you verbally blasted the site creator, very bad things could happen. So why don't all of you e-mail him and tell him what you think?

Oh and remember to check back for Crazy Online, because it's gonna be really... um... crazy. Later. I mean, L8ER... (heh,heh,heh.)