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4-H'ers who enroll in this project must also enroll in the Hendricks County 4-H Shooting Sports Club. (You may enroll in another 4-H Club for other 4-H projects or the 4-H Shooting Sports Club leaders will sign records for your other 4-H Project, but cannot be relied upon for information and assistance with there projects.)

In addition to discipline sessions, the club will tentativenly meet monthly from March thru December and include shooting sports topics of interest to the 4-H'ers. 4-H'ers in this club will be notified of club meetings at a later date.

To participate in this project, each 4-H'ers is expected to pay a $5.00 materials fee for each discipline each year to heop cover the cost of award patches, other awards, basic equipment, etc. This fee will be collected by the Instructor at the first discipline session the 4-H'er attends.

4-H'ers are expected to attend all of their discipline meetings/shooting matches/club meetings offered.

Aditional details and project guidelines are available in the 4-H Shooting Sports Project materials at the Extension Office.

Exhibit your shooting log, notebook or field notebook, including yur record sheet and your first and last targets, facsimiles, or scores in each discipline you tried, field notes ro record sheets from at least one shoot, field trip, or wildlife ovservation; a list of shooting safety rules; and a record of the experience you shared with another person and one of the following:
a. A 22"x28" poster, displayed horzontally with stiff backing, or other static exhibit on one of the loffowing themes:

Exhibit your shooting log, notebook or field notebook, including your record sheet; your first and last targets, facsimiles, or scores in each discipline you tried or records of hunting or wildlife ovservation activities; field notes or record sheets from at least 15 shoots, field trips, or wildlife observation experiences; a record of at least one leadership

Display your shooting log, notebook or field notebook, including your record sheet;

About 4-H --- Shooting Sports --- Enrollment --- Program Goals
Meetings --- Participants Gain --- The 4-H Pledge