Moses Brings Plenty
Moses Brings Plenty is a Lakota born at Pine Ridge reservation. Young spiritual leader, he carries within him the voices of his ancestors and particularly Crazy Horse. He considers himself as Great Spirit's warrior whose priority is to promote the Lakota culture and to help young people. To him children are the most precious thing on earth and he dedicates his fight to them. ![]() |
The Sioux Nation The Sioux speak 3 dialects: The Santee people speak Dakota, the Yankton people speak Nakota and the Teton people speak the Lakota language. They represent the largest Native American Nation of the plains and live mostly on reservations in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. They have developed a culture based upon harmony with nature. They have a very rich oral tradition that allowed them to transmit their cultural values, beliefs and spirituality from generation to generation.
La Nation Sioux Les Sioux parlent 3 dialectes: Les Santee parlent le Dakota, les Yankton le Nakota et les Teton le Lakota. Ils représentent la plus grande Nation amérindienne des plaines et vivent principalement dans des réserves au Dakota du Nord et du Sud et au Minnesota. Leur culture est basée sur l'harmonie avec la nature et l'environnement. Une riche tradition orale leur a permis de transmettre leurs valeurs, croyances et spiritualité d'une génération à l'autre. |
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Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the wind whose breath gives life to
the world, hear me
Grand Esprit dont j'entends la voix dans le vent, dont la
respiration donne la vie au monde, entends ma voix
Gran Espiritu, entiendo tu voz en el viento,
tu respiration da la vida al mundo, entiende mi voz |
Photos 4, 5 and 7 Anne Jaques |
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