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..When the last of the red men has left this world and his memory is no more than the shadow of a cloud over the prairie, the spirit of my ancestors will live on these shores and in these woods, because they loved this earth as a newborn loves his mother's heartbeat..
Chief Seattle, Duwamish

Born in Montana on August 25, 1952, Richard SkyHawk is a Blackfoot painter, art teacher, story teller and artist. I was honored to meet him and hear him speak to the children at the Pow wow and I know the people he touched with his stories have carried his words away with them.



Two portraits of a Pow Wow dancer by SkyHawk

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Self portrait  (May 2000)

SkyHawk has been touring all around the world during the last ten years, learning to know different countries and people. He incorporates his travelling experiences in his paintings and his tales, and if more people could benefit from his teachings, the world would be a better place.. Thank you, Sky, for your multiple talents and your friendship.


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If you are interested in acquiring a painting by Sky Hawk, click here

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Transporter Pad

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