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Welcome to Idyllmynded


Greetings traveler, I am Ravenkai. Thank you friend, for stopping by.

Come inside, there's much to explore something different behind every door.

Even I have not yet found all the secrets that abound

To be sure, you will find some mention of aliens, androids and ascension

Farscape, Eureka , Dead Like Me, Firefly, Dr. Who and BSG,

Stargate, Star Wars, Outer Limits, Star Trek fandom's USS Nimitz,

Books of Frank Herbert, John De Chancie, Douglas Adams and Piers Anthony,

Charles De Lint and many more, films and series like the Peacekeeper War

You never know just what you'll see b ut peek inside and get to know me.


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Why "Idyllmynded"?

I first created my website back in 1997 when I was going through a divorce. It was my therapy. When trying to decide what to call my page I had looked to the Latin and pulled the root words for village and raven together. I called the page Corvopease` to imply that my website was Raven's Village. My original format was similar to a MUD (Multi User Domain/Dungeon) and I wanted to imply that navigating my website was like exploring a village or castle. Anyway, people have always had trouble remembering it and no one knew how to pronounce it so I wanted something different for my updated webpage. Many years ago, when I first started logging into forums, I frequently used Idyllmynded as my tagline. My mother used to read "Idylls of the King" to me when I was very young and I have always kept the mindset of wonder that was instilled in me as a result of such early exposure to fantasy and mythology. Much of who I am today is because of my childhood infatuation with stories. As you explore my web site, perhaps you will begin to understand why I call it Idyllmynded.

Why Ravenkai?

That's a bit of a long story but the Reader's Digest version is this: When I was a child, I began daydreaming and writing down the adventures of a hero I had created. I had few female heroes to mold myself after because so much of Science Fiction, Fantasy and History is male dominated. What few females there were to look up to were much too feminine for my tomboyish tastes so I created my own. I named her Raven Kai, which is a play on my birth name and a nickname. In 1986 I joined a fan club under the name of Raven Kai and my mother about had a heart attack. “The Post Office is a government body. By using that name through the mail, you have made it your legal alias! I can't believe my daughter has an AKA!” Anyway, a couple of years later when I started logging onto the internet at the Notre Dame library (mom worked for NITA), wouldn't take a space so the words were run together and Ravenkai was reborn.

Are you the same Ravenkai who…

  • played in Diamond MUD? Yes.
  • played in Farside MUD? Yes.
  • played in Imagica MUD? Yes. .
  • played/created Purgatory MUD? Yes.
  • played/created The Crossroads MUD? Yes.
  • hung out at Ultimate TV/Hardcore Nutball chat? Yes.
  • went to Lindenwood College ? Yes.
  • went to Ball State University ? Yes.
  • worked for Barnie's Coffee and Tea in Indy? Yes.
  • hung out at The Abby coffee shop in Indy? Yes.
  • used to have a Geocities website? Yes.
  • used to say peace, love and kiteflying? Yes.
Any other questions?