2. Meantime, messengers and map-makers bore the disastrous news to Osiris, who in turn sent word on up to De'yus, the self-Lord God, who now, through Osiris, his most favorite God of power, sent these commands:
3. When night is on and mortals sleep, my hosts shall fall upon the ashars, the guardian angels, and drive them hence, obsessing every man, and woman and child, in these great divisions of the earth. What care I for the altars and temples and oracles and arcs? Possess ye the mortals before the morrow's morning sun. Hear ye the command of De'yus, The Lord your God, through his high-raised son, Osiris!
4. And the well-stationed messengers plied all day long to the near and remote parts of the assaulting armies, giving De'yus' commands. And ere the sun went down, the whole thousand millions knew their work, and were wheeled in line, to march with the falling darkness, and pounce furiously upon the ashars of Jehovih.
5. But the true God, in Craoshivi, had been warned by Jehovih's Voice of the course of events, and he had sent his messengers with all speed down to the earth to warn them of the enemy's designs that night; the which they accomplished none too soon, for, already, when they had completed their most exhaustive work, the sun had dropped below the west horizon.
6. So, at the midnight hour, the terrible approach began on all sides; and to each and every spirit there came enemies, in tens, and hundreds, and thousands, shouting: Begone, thou Jehovian fool! The Lord our God and his son, Osiris, command! Away from thy sleeping mortal ward, or by the voice of God we will cast thee, bound, at Annubi's feet, food for hell! Begone!
7. Each Jehovian answered: To Great Jehovih I am sworn! Though ye bind me and cast me into hell, by the Great Spirit's hand I will free myself and come here again and teach His sacred name. And repeat forever my peaceful mission to raise up this heir of Jehovih!
8. Again the threatening adversaries stormed, and wondered whilst they stormed, that one alone stood so boldly in face of such great odds and flew not away at once. And every ashar laid his hand on the sleeping mortal in his charge, for by this his power was multiplied a thousand-fold, and raising up his other hand, thus addressed the All Highest: By Thy Wisdom and Power, O Jehovih, circumscribe Thou this, Thy sleeping heir, that whosoever toucheth the mortal part shall cut himself from off Thy everlasting kingdoms!
9. And, with the words, a circle of light fell about the place, bewildering to the assaulters, who, having once halted, opened the way to their own cowardice to recoil within them, a most valiant warrior against unrighteous deeds. Whereupon, a war of words and arguments ensued, till again the morning sun rose upon the almost harmless assault, and left the Osirians discomfited and ashamed.
10. Though not in all places, for in some extremes they waited not for words but rushed in and laid hands on the mortals, gaining power sufficient to hurl clubs, and stones, and boards, and stools and tables about the house, and so roused, wide awake the mortal occupants. Who, seeing things tumble about by some unseen power, were quickly up and frightened past composure. Some hurried off to the rab'bahs, some to the oracles and temples, to inquire about the trouble betwixt the ruling Gods.
11. And in these few places, when once De'yus' spirit-soldiers gained possession, they fastened on in thousands, even quarreling as to who had most honor in the hellish work. And yet not one of the ashars in all the lands was seized or borne away.
12. And now, in the time of the rising sun, the messengers of the Lord God flew hastily to Osiris' kingdom, where he sat on his throne, expecting news of an overwhelming victory. And when they told him of the most pitiful failure, save in so small a degree, Osiris raved and swore: By my soul, I swear an everlasting curse, but I will fill all the hells in hada with these fool-hardy ashars! Yea, even though I go down to the earth in person, and with Baal and Ashtaroth go from house to house throughout the world!
13. Osiris again sent word to De'yus, who was of vast experience, and not so hasty; a wiser God, and better acquainted with the tides in mortal energy to serve Jehovih. So De'yus sent back word to this effect: To rest the soldiers three days, that the surveyors might measure the stature of mortal faith, and so make the third attack more successful. And with these words concluded, to wit:
14. Because of the long spiritual peace amongst mortals, there must be many grown to intellectual disbelief in an All Highest. For groveling down in the earth to measure the rocks, and to study the habits of worms and bugs, for generations, their seed hath brought forth many skeptics, believing nothing of spiritual kind, but rating high their own judgment. With these, for lack of faith in Jehovih, the ashars are powerless to ward off my soldiers. Mark them out in every city and in all the country places, and again at mid-hour of the night, fall upon them, crowding away Jehovih's ashars.
15. Besides these, find ye the ignorant and superstitious amongst mortals, who are lazy and of lustful desires, for by their habits the ashars have little power in their presence. Mark these also, and, at midnight, fall upon them and possess them.
16. And go ye amongst the rich, whose sons and daughters are raised in idleness and pleasure; whose thoughts seldom rise to the heaven; for with them the ashars are also weak to protect them, who are most excellent subjects to spirits fond of sporting pleasures. Mark ye them, also, and at midnight fall upon them, driving hence the ashars.
17. Abandon ye the altars and arcs and temples and oracles, and all the strongest, most zealous Faithists, for the present. Save such few as still flatten the head and are dull in judgment, whom ye shall also possess.
18. Thus prepared Osiris and Baal and Ashtaroth for the third assault on Jehovih's angels. And their millions of groups were kept in constant drill, ready for the work. The first fire and flush of boasting was already gone from them, save of a few, and the serious aspect of a long war stared them in the face.
Plate 92.--GALL.
2. A strip of Parsi'e'an land cut betwixt Jaffeth and Vind'yu, and extended to the sea in the far east; but the great body laid to the west, covering the Afeutian Mountains, still plentiful in lions and tigers and great serpents. In these mountains came the I'huan hunters to catch lions and tigers to fight in the games, where men oft, unarmed, went into the arena, and fought them with their naked hands, choking them to death before applauding multitudes. From these mountains the hunters supplied the private dens of kings and queens with lions, whose duty was to devour thieves and other prisoners, according to mortal law.
3. And oft these traveling hunters dwelt with the sacred little people in the wilderness, the I'hins, whom Jehovih had taught to charm even the great serpents and savage lions and tigers to be their friends and worshippers. And herefrom sprang a people called Listians, who, living mostly in the forests, went naked, to whom the I'hins taught the secret of charming and sacred hand power, who worshipped Jehovih, owning no man nor God as master, for which the Great Spirit named them Shepherd Kings, for they ruled over flocks of goats, which supplied them with milk, and butter, and cheese, and wool for cloth for crotch-clothes, the only covering they wore.
4. These Shepherd Kings, the Listians, lived in peace, wandering about, making trinkets, which they oft exchanged with the inhabitants of cities and the agricultural regions. One-fourth of the people of Pars'ie were Listians, who were well guarded by Jehovih's angels. And these were such as De'yus meant to obsess for future use in terrible wars, but the other three-fourths lived in the fertile regions of Parsi'e, the lands of which were rich in yielding ample harvests. The cities were filled with mills, and factories, and colleges, and common schools, free for all people to come and learn; and altars, and temples of worship, and oracle structures, made without windows, so Jehovih's angels could come in sar'gis and teach His Holy Doctrines. Besides which were temples and observatories for studying the stars, which were mapped out and named even as their names stand to this day. And next to these were the houses of philosophy, in all the cities; where great learned men undertook to examine the things of earth, to learn the character and property thereof. And whether of fish, or worm, or stone, or ores, or iron, or silver, or gold, or copper, they had learned to read its worth and nature. And of things dead, no longer living on the earth, and of strange stones, and of skins and bones of animals, their houses were well filled, for benefit of students and visitors. It was these that De'yus meant to have his armies possess, body and soul, for his own glory, knowing that by their researches in such matters for many generations they had strayed away from Jehovih. For such is the rule pertaining to all children begotten on the earth. If the father and mother be on the downward road in unbelief, the child will be more so; but if on the upward way, to glorify an All Highest, the child will be holier and wiser than its parents.
5. In olden times the Gods had inspired the Parsi'e'ans to migrate toward the west and inhabit the lands of Heleste, also a country of giants, but less given to rites and ceremonies; and they carried with them three languages: the Panic, of Jaffeth; the Vedic, of Vind'yu, and the Parsi'e'an; and because they used the same sounds, mostly, but different written characters, a confused language sprang out of these, and was called Fonece, and the people thus speaking were called Foneceans, that is to say: We will use the same sounds, but take to our judgment to use whatsoever written characters we choose. Hence, Fonece is the first and oldest of mortal-made languages; and this was styled in heaven the period of the emancipation of mortals from the dictatorship of angels in regard to written signs and characters and words. Jehovih had said: In that respect man on earth hath advanced enough to stand alone; and it was so, for, from that time to this, neither Jehovih nor his angels have given any new language or written characters to mortals. And all languages that have come from that time onward, are but combinations and branches, and amalgamations and malformations of what existed then on the earth.
6. The Helestians were rich in agriculture, and in herds of cattle and goats, both wool goats and hair goats; for it was in this country that the angels first taught man how to breed the goats for hair or for wool, accordingly as he desired. And these people were also mostly worshippers of Jehovih, and had many altars and temples; dwelling in peace, and loving righteousness.
7. Arabin'ya had four kinds of people within her regions: The I'huans, the Listians, the I'hins, and the brown burrowers in the ground, with long noses and projecting mouths, very strong, whose grip of the hand could break a horse's leg. The brown people, though harmless, were naked, living mostly on fish and worms and bugs and roots; and they inhabited the regions of the great river, Tua. Over these people, to subdue them and destroy them, Osiris allotted his great angel general, Egupt, servant of De'yus. Egupt called the region of his allotment after himself, Egupt, the same which is corruptly called Egypt to this day.
8. In the time of Abraham this country was called South Arabin'ya; but when, in after years, the great scholars entered the records in the kings' libraries, the later names were used, being written in the Fonecean language and not Eguptian, which was the language of the unlearned.
9. But the chief part of all the people in Arabin'ya were I'huans, of color and size and figure like the Parsi'e'ans, being also the offspring of the I'hins and the brown earth-burrowers, the hoodas, from whom they inherited corporeal greatness, even as from the I'hins they inherited holiness of spirit. But the flat heads had mostly disappeared from Arabin'ya.
10. And here were thousands of cities, great and small, even as in Parsi'e and Heleste, and they had colleges and houses of philosophy, even like Parsi'e, besides thousands of public libraries, which supplied books freely to the poor, who came here to be taught in the sciences, and in the arts of painting and engraving and sculpture, and in astronomy, and mathematics, and chemistry, and minerals, and assaying, and in the rules for inventing chemical combinations. But the Listians were the only people who dealt in charms and the secrets of taming serpents and beasts by virtue of the hand, and by curious scents, prepared secretly. And the Listians maintained the fifth rite in the resurrection, whereby, on the fifth day after death, the soul appeared in mortal semblance to his living people, and advised them lovingly, after which he ascended in their burning incense going to Jehovih!
11. Of such like, then, were the people over whom De'yus, named Lord God, had set his thousand millions, to subdue them for his own glory. And thus it came to pass, Jehovih spake in Craoshivi, saying: The time shall come when angels and mortals shall know of a truth that the Lord God is a false God and a vain-glorious usurper. For I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama, even till the era of kosmon. And men and angels shall see and understand that man of himself never inventeth a God in figure of a man born of woman. And that only through the inspiration of My enemies, who build kingdoms in hada for their own glory, hath any people ever fallen from My estate to worship a God in image of man.
2. At midnight again came the Osirians, rushing on, and by force of numbers laid their hands on many mortals, millions! Held fast, and hurled missiles furiously about the sleeping apartments, to rouse from sleep their mortal victims, who, to wake and see no cause for the whirling stools and tables, and the terrible noises and blows in every corner of their houses, sprang up affrighted, and lost as to know what to do. In many places the angels of De'yus spake audibly in the dark, saying: There is but one God, even the Lord your God, great De'yus, on the throne of Hored. Bow down in reference before him, or destruction and death shall be your doom!
3. The Osirian angels, gloating in their much success, now filled every house, where they had fastened on, and made all such places head-quarters for their captains and generals and thousands and tens of thousands of angel servants, who were proud and boastful, most hilarious in knocks and hideous noises about the house walls.
4. In many instances the ashars, the guardian angels, were overpowered and crowded off, for because of the small faith and little spirituality in the mortals captured, their power was weak and scattered.
5. But not in all cases had the Osirians won, but were in hundreds of thousands of families overcome or baffled till the rising sun, which drove them off, leaving the Jehovians still victorious. But sufficient was the glory unto Osiris and his legions, wherefrom messengers were sent to De'yus speedily, with most exaggerated tales of the victories won.
6. In Parsi'e there fell this night twelve hundred thousand men, women and children into the clutches of the hosts of De'yus, the Lord God, the false. In Arabin'ya the fallen victims numbered two millions; and in Heleste one million and a half! But not yet had the captured mortals realized what had happened; they only knew frantic noises, and flying missiles disturbed them all night long. Many rushed forth to the oracles and altars to learn the cause, and to know if, in truth, the angels of heaven were at war; if God had come, as had been told in the old legends, to afflict mortals. The learned acknowledged not the cause to be angels, but sought for cracks in the wood, or concealed persons, or cats, or dogs. The which excited their disbelieving souls so they proclaimed before all men each special wonder, a hundred times magnified.
7. The unlearned believed in the angels thus suddenly come upon them; and cultivated their coming, and hearkened to their words, to put away Jehovih and accept De'yus; or otherwise, after death, their souls would be weighed by Anubi, and, for lack of faith in the Lord God, instead of Jehovih, cast into everlasting hell.
8. And such mortals, willing tools to follow spirits' advice instead of Jehovih's light within their own souls, were led through the Anubian ceremonies, but malformed by substituting words to glorify De'yus, and Osiris, his so-called son.
9. But the philosophers searched deeper, to find if, of a truth, the soul were immortal; and if it be a very truth that the souls of the dead come thus back, setting at defiance nature's laws, as they called the common things about them? What, then, were the sum and substance of the created worlds, and ultimate end, the all highest place for man?
10. The which the Osirian angels answered, explaining that the first heavenly place was hada, wherein were many hells; and that the all highest heaven was Hored, where the Lord God sat on his throne in great glory. And around him on every side were thousands of millions of angels who had attained to everlasting peace, with nothing more to do but to bow and sing praises unto their God forever!
2. In the light and power of life and death I speak! Greeting, in De'yus' name, highest of Gods! In his love, to glorify you all for your great victory, this feast was spread, and my voice upraised in your praise.
3. First, to thee, Baal, wise and powerful amongst Gods, for thy great energy and glorious success, do I bestow the Sign of the Sacred Bird, Iboi, to be thine forever. And next, to thee, Ashtaroth, the Goddess that never tireth, or is without a strategem, for thy glorious success I bestow thee with the fete, the circle and the true cross, to be thine forever.
4. To thee, Hermes, most unflinching of generals, second in rank to Lord, for thy victories won, I bestow the Inqua. To thee, Apollo-ya, I bequeath a bow and arrow, for thou shalt break the bonds of the creed of circumcision, and tempt mortals to wed by no law but by the impulse of the heart. For as the Faithists have been bound by their sign to marry not outside their own people, so shalt thou teach the opposite; for by the cross of the breeds of men, they shall be broken off from Jehovih.
5. To thee, Posee-ya-don, I bestow a model ship, for thou shalt have dominion over sea-faring men in all these divisions of the world. To thee, He-fa-yis-tie, I bestow a forge and tongs, for thy dominions over mortals shall be with the workers of metals and weapons of war.
6. To thee, Pluton-ya, I bestow a torch and brand of fire, for thou shalt rule over mortals for the destruction of cities and houses, to whomsoever will not bow down to De'yus as the highest God. To thee, Ura-na, queen of the es'enaurs, the very stars of my armies, I bestow a quill and staff, for thou shalt have dominion over the songs of the earth, inspiring mortals to sing praises unto the Lord our God.
7. After this manner Osiris went through the list, bestowing and assigning medals, and signs, and symbols, and emblems upon the generals and captains, and exalting many of the privates for daring deeds done, and for victories. And then Osiris allotted to the generals and captains tens of thousands of spirits especially adapted to their respective work; and he placed Baal and Ashtaroth as chiefs over them. Next Osiris organized a new division of angels, an army of one hundred millions, distributed into one hundred parts, and called this army See-loo-gan, signifying spirits who travel about amongst mortals in systematic order, to measure them as to how best they can be used for the glory of the heavenly kingdoms; and to possess them, or hand them over to be obssessed, as may be deemed profitable.
8. At Pluton-ya's request, Osiris made his selection for him, and then further explained, saying: To thee, all privilege in thy line. If thou find fire not well suited to destroy a city, even though thousands of mortals be obsessed at the same time to fire it, then shalt thou suffer thy spirits to carry virus and inoculate mortals unto death; or to fill the city with epidemic air, well poisoned, throwing mortals into fevers so they shall die. For in all cases, whether Baal or Ashtaroth, or any of thy superior officers, say to thee: Destroy thou that city, or this city, or that family, or this family, or that man or this man; thou shalt so fall upon the man or place as commanded, and accomplish it.
9. And now, with due ceremonies, and with excellent music, the assemblage was commanded back to the earth to resume work. And Osiris' messengers bore the news to De'yus, well exaggerated, extolling the fidelity of Osiris to the highest.
10. From this time forth no masterly raids were made by the Osirians, but they improved the well-adapted times to give to mortals an abundance of wonders in angel manifestations; the which bait mortals caught at eagerly. And they were, for the most part, easily persuaded to follow angel advice, and so fell to work and built temples, and established oracles of their own; obliterating the doctrine of the Great Spirit, and substituting the words: The Lord God, and De'yus, and Anubi, his holy Son and Savior and Judge of the world; and Osiris, God's commanding Lord of the earth. And mortals traveled about throughout all regions, preaching and explaining spirit communion, and establishing the Anubian rites and ceremonies, but never using the names Great Spirit or Jehovih, save but to deride and accurse. The rites taught virtue, and love, and truth, and the acquisition of knowledge, but taught not peace, but war, which was maintained to be justifiable if done for the glory of the Lord, or for the Lord God, or for the Son, the Savior, Anubi, whose sign was a pair of scales, and who was sometimes called Judge, and Keeper of the Gate that led to the upper heaven, Hored.
11. Wherefore it came to pass that the mortal adherents of Osiris began to war on the Faithists and take their possessions. And inasmuch as the Faithists, by their pledges to Jehovih, dared not resist by weapons of death, but only by walls around their cities, and by strategems, and by running away, the Osirians had easy victories in most instances.
12. In ten years the Osirians began to build great cities, after the manner of the ancients; and to gather in their plunder taken from the Faithists.
13. And Osiris, and Baal, and Ashtaroth, through their angel hosts, chose from amongst mortals the largest and strongest, most war-like, and by means of the oracles, declared them kings and queens, and instructed them in building palaces and having thrones, after the manner of Lords and Gods. And directed mortals how to make themselves powerful by organization and obedience to the kings and queens, who were recognized as adopted sons and daughters of the Lord God.
14. Now it came to pass, in course of time, that in consequence of the great abundance of angel manifestations, mortals sought by this means to obtain knowledge of heaven and earth, and especially in regard to the end of man.
15. And the Osirian hosts, being the only angels engaged in the matter of establishing De'yus, answered them, saying: The life and the end of man are to glorify God, who is Lord of heaven and earth.
16. And the mortals pressed the matter further, asking: Who is God? What are the worlds? Whence came all things? How were the creation and the Creator?
17. For an answer to these questions, Osiris sent messengers to the Lord God in Hored; whereupon De'yus called a Council of his God and Lords, to meet in Hored, to solve the matter, that a uniform answer might be given unto all the divisions of the earth.
18. In the meantime, and before the Council assembled, the self (satan) of De'yus spake to him, saying: If thou admit a Creator save thyself, thou art undone. For is this not the point whereon hang the power and dominion of Jehovih? The Lord God inquired of satan, saying: Why spakest thou not of this before? Behold, the Great Spirit signifieth everywhere. But I am only as a man, small, compared to the size of the worlds!
19. Satan said: It mattereth not; thou shalt say thou wert the Creator of heaven and earth.
20. De'yus said: But this is not truth? When thou persuadest me to assume dominion of earth, thou saidst: Be thou Truth in all things. How, then, shall I say, I created heaven and earth? Satan said: When Osiris hath come before thee, say thou to him: Who hast thou found amongst mortals to be the greatest and wisest, best su'is? And when he telleth thee, say thou to him: Osiris, my son, him thou sayest is the greatest su'is shalt thou inspire in person. And thou shalt cause him to write answers to the questions of mortals, that the learned and the ignorant alike may know me and my kingdoms. Behold, before my time both heaven and earth were void as to a Godhead, save to the servants of Jehovih. And because they were void in this respect, thou shalt persuade thy seers to know I created them from voidance unto mine own glory.
1. Anuhasaj, alias the Lord God, had said to Te-in, the false, to whom he gave in charge Jaffeth and her heavenly places: In the self same time that Osiris and his hosts fall upon the divisions of the earth, even in that day and hour shalt thou and thy hosts fall upon Jaffeth (China), possessing the temples and altars, and places of oracles, where they serve the Great Spirit under the name Ormazd, and thou shalt subdue them to me under the name Joss, who is and ever shall be Ho-Joss of heaven and earth.
2. So Te-in, the false, with his thousand million warriors sped forth, downward, to the earth, wide spread his army, to cover the whole of Jaffeth, in hope to capture it suddenly. And even as Osiris plunged into the temples and oracle-houses, and about the altars, in the dead of night, to drive away Jehovih's guardian angels, so, like him, and even worse, Te-in was baffled and repulsed, and saw the morning sun arise upon his shame in total failure. And then he, too, with his mighty legions, went stalking about, all day long on the earth, waiting for the next night's assault on sleeping mortals, and to receive new orders from the Lord God, as to the next proceeding.
3. Then came the second night, and Te-in went in, with his army, furious because of the last night's cowardly failure. And to the sleeping mortals, men, women and children, hied them with oaths and loud boastings, threatening Jehovih's angels with the tortures of hell if they did not instantly resign all unto Ho-Joss, the all highest ruler, dweller in Hored.
4. But faithful stood the Jehovians; laid their hands on the sleeping mortals, and became all powerful against the terrible odds, and held them in abeyance again, till the sun arose and scattered Te-in's hosts, ashamed and sulky, in most pitiful defeat. Of which news Te-in now, most painfully, sent to his commanding God.
5. To him, even as to Osiris, De'yus sent word to next attack the houses of the men of learning, the unbelievers; and the ignorant, the superstitious; to abandon, for the present, the arcs, and temples, and oracle-houses, and the Faithists, firmly sworn. De'yus said: Send thou thy numerators and mathematicians; and measure and mark all mortals in Jaffeth, as to the vulnerable points, and map their localities; and when thou hast completed this work, set apart another night for an attack upon them. And thy hosts shall fall not upon the Faithists who are firm in the Great Spirit, Ormazd, but upon the weak and disbelieving, the skeptical and much learned philosophers, who are weak in spirit, and thou shalt not fail.
6. So Te-in enumerated the Jaffethans, as commanded, marking them as to their vulnerable points, whether in disbelief in spirit, or if given to lust, or to hasty passions, or to telling lies, or to stealing, or to murder, or to hypocrisy, or to desire for leadership. And before the time of battle, Te-in knew the grade of every mortal in Jaffeth. And he called his generals and captains before him in his heavenly place, Che-su-gow, over the Chesain Mountains, twenty miles high, showing them the lists and maps.
7. Take these, he said, and distribute them before my mighty armies, and ere to-morrow night they shall learn every mortal's place and quality; and in the night my legions shall rush upon the places, laying hands on the sleeping mortals, thus gaining power; and they shall hurl missiles, with terrible noises, through the houses of the sleepers, and so arouse them to awake and behold the war of heaven carried to their homes.
8. The generals and captains took the lists and maps, and had millions of copies made of them, and then sent them into all the regions of De'yus' militants; and besides sent proclaimers, millions and millions, with terrible oaths against the Great Spirit, but who extolled the magnificence of De'yus to the utmost; appealing to their love of independence, and to their power to cast off all other rulers forever, save Ho-Joss.
9. And now, when the night of battle came, the infuriated angel warriors of Te-in marched in lines, millions strong, toward the sleeping mortals. Spread abroad their great armies, covering the land of Jaffeth from east to west and from north to south. Over Glang'e'loe, the City of the Sun, were sent thirty millions of Te-in's warring angels, sworn to abjugate the people of great learning, alive or dead, and scatter the angels of Jehovih, or bind them and cast them into hell. Over the city of Pen Goo were Te-in's hosts, twenty millions; and over the cities of Tsee, and Wung, and Ha-tzo, and Ne King, and Zoo Wun, each twenty millions of Te-in's angels of war.
10. Besides these there were millions and millions stationed over the great valley of Wan, and in the mountains of So-Jon. In the plains of Wow Gan were stationed seventy millions. Five millions were allotted to each of the following cities, to wit: Sum Conc, Ah-gee, Ah-sin, Chang-ha, Gee Oooh-young, Gwan Gouk, Na'tji, Yuk Hoh, Ah Tosh, Ah Koan, Chaung, Shon, Nufow, Zow, Lin, Gee Bak, Ow-wa, Tdong, King-do, Ghi Sam, Seung, Chog, Doth, Jawh, Bing-Tah, Gha, Haih, Hung, Wing-tze, Ni Am, Ah Sam and Zow-lin.
11. In the mountains of Witch How Loo were stationed eighty millions, laying for the Listian breed of men. On the borders of the sea, for sea-faring men, and for their wives and children, were one hundred and ninety millions of Te-in's angel soldiers, ready for the assault. Besides these there were tens of thousands of smaller armies, stationed in the small cities and country places, waiting for the signal.
12. Now, in this age, Jaffeth had attained to great wisdom in many things, especially save in war, in which her people were as babes. More than half her people were Faithists, followers of Po, worshippers of the Great Spirit. And they practiced peace and dwelt in communities. Even many of the cities were in families of tens, and hundreds, and thousands, but nowhere more than two thousand. And the city families were after this manner, that is to say: The manufacturers of cloth of wool, one family; of cloth of linen, another family; of cloth of silk, another family; of leather, another family; of paper, another family; of transportation, another family; and so on, till all departments were full; and of these combinations there were cities of fity thousand, and a hundred thousand, and two hundred thousand inhabitants. And in the country places there were small cities, whose people tilled the soil and gathered the fruits of the earth, and they exchanged goods with the manufacturers who dwelt in large cities.
13. The government was by priests, one for each communion family, and the priests, who were called Wa-shon, were the receivers and distributors of goods, and they ministered in the temples and at the altars of worship in the name of the Great Spirit, Ormazd, sometimes called Po-e-tein, and sometimes E'O'lin, and by other names also.
14. Besides the schools and colleges there were houses of philosophy, and houses of prophecy, and houses of astronomy, thousands and thousands.
15. The Jaffethans were large, being I'huans, with one degree more of the brown people's blood in them than the Parsi'e'ans. Nor in all the world was there, at that time, so strong a people, and clean and jovial, high aspiring, with great gentleness. And because the land was tilled and made to bloom on every side, the angels named it the Flowery Kingdom; and because the people reveled in song, and poetry, and oratory, they were called, Lambs of the Great Spirit in the flush of spring time.
16. And these things were well known to De'yus, and to Te-in, the false, and to hundreds of millions of the assaulting angels, sworn to subdue them to Ho-Joss or to everlasting destruction.
17. But because of the power of Jehovih with the most faithful of the Faithists, the arcs and temples of worsip had stood unharmed by the satanic raid. Equally so the Te-ins failed to overpower the Great Spirit's guardian angels. So now, after due preparation, the time came for another contest, this time upon the least Jehovih-like of mortals.
18. On the other hand, the true God, Son of Jehovih, sent word from his throne in Craoshivi to the guardian angels dwelling with these mortals, so unmindful of the Father's care. He said: Come defeat, or disaster, or terrible darkness, overpowering your utmost strength, still struggle ye, in the name of Jehovih. The true Faithist knoweth nothing impracticable, but doeth his utmost for his highest light, though failure stare him in the face.
19. For once distrust of weakness entereth the human soul, the man slideth backward down the hill of faith; whilst he who will not consider results, save to serve Jehovih right on, fail or not, riseth, even though his project fail.
20. With this and no other word from Jehovih, the Faithists stood about their weak and helpless wards on the low earth, waiting for the thousand million Te-ins. But not in any lengthened suspense, for when the sun sood with the widest part of the earth between, the midnight hour, the militants came rushing on, with oaths most hideous, and by their dense flood of numbers reached the sleeping mortals and laid hands on them.
21. Then, with joy run to madness because of triumph, sent hurling round about appurtenances in the dwellings. And, in many places, with audible speech thus held forth in the dark to the affrighted mortals:
22. From Sanc-tu I come, to lie in the dust every mortal born that will not bow down in reverence to Ho-Joss, ruler of worlds. Give ear, O man; the anger of heaven's Creator is let loose upon a disobedient race!
23. And then, to give semblance of truth to the words, the angel intruders let fly such knocks and poundings that they moved many a house on its foundation, and roused the mortals, panic-stricken, to find the cause, or to hasten them quickly to repentance and prayers.
24. But not all was their victory; for the Jehovians firmly held the power in hundreds of thousands of places. And yet the Te-ins had a wonderful victory.
25. Te-in quickly sent word to De'yus, exulting, and exaggerating the victories won. And in turn, De'yus congratulated him and his army, his thousand millions, who, now anchored on the earth, and with mortals, frolicked about in all regions.
26. And in Jaffeth, in course of time, the same questions arose as in Arabin'ya; questions from mortals to the spirits; as to the destination of the soul of man; as to the origin of things; as to the heavenly places? And Te-in in turn sent word on up to De'yus, in Hored, as to what answer should be given. It was thus, that he, too, was summoned to Sanc-tu, in Hored, to meet with Osiris, and Baal, and Ashtaroth, and Sudga, subduer of Vind'yu.
1. Sudga, the false, sent by De'yus to overturn the Great Spirit's dominion in Vind'yu, and to establish the highest heavenly place, Urvatooz, was wiser than Osiris or Te-in in his wicked work. For he permitted not his army, his thousand millions, to rush on for the places of worship and for the oracle-houses. But most deliberately halted his forces in Haroyu, the lowest heavenly place over the mountains of Vivrat, in Vind'yu, three miles high and broad as the earth, and a commanding situation.
2. Whence, in a sure way, he sent his measurers on ahead down to the earth, to measure mortals, as to their weakness and strength in faith in Jehovih (Ormazd), and other rulers, heavenly; to map them and mark them, and to number them.
3. Great was the peace and beauty and glory of Vind'yu in that day. Her rivers and canals coursed the country over, and her industrious sons and daughters, two hundred millions, were, in the eyes of the angels, the pride and glory of the earth. Hundreds of thousands of her people were prophets and seers. And so abundant was spiritual light amongst the people, that even those who had learned but one language could understand and speak other languages with people from remote parts; words and sentences they had never heard; even when first meeting strangers. Like the inhabitants of Jaffeth, as to government and industry, mostly by the exchange of goods, and not by buying and selling, lived the Vind'yuans. This was their weakest point, as to an assault.
4. Sudga said to his generals and captains: Only by confounding the languages of these people can they be broken up and subdued. Behold, they are becoming as Gods; knowing and understanding in advance of the words spoken. What, then, is their greatest liable shortness, save we confound them suddenly in the meaning of words? Fall ye upon them, and possess them, and obsess them, all who are easily captured. Get ye a foothold here and there in the first place; and in their commerce cripple them.
5. Sudga said: It is a strong city that maketh all kinds of goods; it is a weak place indeed that dependeth on another, which is far off. Such people are easily tripped up. Behold, I will teach these people that I am the militant before whom every knee shall bow; or, in failing to win them thus, I will set city against city, and country place against country place; all against one another, for which their superabundant languages will furnish excellent material.
6. Sudga opened the door at night for his hosts to fall on the weakest of mortals, as to faith in Ormazd, Who had become as a stale story to hundreds of thousands of men and women. In Vind'yu had woman risen in knowledge, higher than the highest of women in other parts of the world. In the houses of philosophy and houses of science women were foremost, as to men, and skeptical as to the Ormazdian power.
7. On rushed Sudga's legions; and even as Osiris and Te-in won in the third assault, so now Sudga in the first. And, he too, sent word to De'yus, and exaggerated beyond all bounds of truth, as to his victories. Nevertheless, his hosts were sufficiently anchored on the earth to claim an everlasting victory for De'yus and to establish his name.
8. And here, also, after a few years, the questions came from mortals, asking thus: Behold, ye cut off the heavens of the ancients, the Nirvanian regions beyond Chinvat. Ye teach us that De'yus is the All High Ruler. What, then, is the all highest for man? How came the worlds? Whence came man? How was the creation created?
9. To answer which Sudga sent to De'yus for instructions. And De'yus sent to Sudga, even as to the other Gods, an invitation to meet in Hored, to hear the words of the Lord God, to learn his commands.
10. Thus invited, thus went the five great warrior Gods before De'yus, taking with them each his ten thousand attendants, besides thousands of trumpeters. De'yus had a good feast prepared for them; he had sent receivers forth to meet them and conduct them to Sanc-tu in great splendor.