1. This is the sermon of the Voice, as delivered in Shalam to such as were admitted on trial, to wit:
2. My Voice is with all men, saith Jehovih.
3. Whoso is admonished against wrong-doing hath heard Me. By that shall he know My Presence.
4 . The man of Uz crieth out in mockery: Who hath heard Jehovih? Do the Faithists say, they have heard the Creator's voice? How can empty space speak?
5. But I am sufficient unto all My creations. The ant heareth Me, and the bee, the bird and the spider and all manner of living things which I created.
6. How think ye they hear Me, learning to do My will? Go I to them with lips and tongue, or with a trumpet?
7. I am Spirit; I am the Soul of things. By way of the soul is My Voice unto every living creature that I created.
8. But man locketh up his soul, and will not hear Me.
9. He heedeth that which cometh upon his corporeal senses. And this darkness groweth upon him, generation after generation.
10. Then he crieth out: Where is Jehovih? Who hath heard Him? Perhaps the ancients; but none in this day.
11. Jehovih saith: I am as one on the top of a mountain, calling to all people to come up to Me. But they hearken to darkness at the foot of the mountain, calling them down in corpor.
12. Now, behold, whatsoever thou hearest, or seest or readest or any indulgence that riseth thee upward, the same is My Voice unto thee.
13. But, whatsoever thou hearest, or seest or readest that casteth thee downward, is the voice of darkness.
14. Whoso studieth to know the right, shall hear Me; whoso striveth to be all truth, to himself and to others, already heareth My Voice.
15. Whoso indulgeth in anger, or vengeance, or in wrong-doing, casteth a veil up betwixt Me and himself; he shutteth out My Voice.
16. It is a talent to hear Me; I bestowed it upon all the living; it is seated in the soul.
17. By cultivation, it groweth; yea, it becometh mighty above all other talents.
18. By its culture, man attaineth to all possibilities, for so I created him.
19. When My Voice is weak, because of the darkness of man, he calleth Me conscience, or setteth Me aside as a faint impression.
20. But, with culture, behold, My Voice cometh to man with words and with power.
21. And he knoweth Me, and is mighty in good works and wisdom.
22. And he becometh a proof before the world, that My Voice is with him.
23. Jehovih saith: Whoso hath not heard Me, is in darkness indeed. He hath not yet turned his thoughts inward to purify himself and seek wisdom.
24. Whoso hath heard Me, knoweth it, and all the world can not convince him to the contrary.
2. Ye shall not persuade any adult to come into the Father's kingdom.
3. But ye shall say unto whoso cometh your way: Come and see us, and judge thou, in thine own way, what is best for thee and for the world.
4. Others shall come to Shalam, inquiring for curiosity's sake, and for the sake of relating mischievous falsehoods founded on a grain of truth.
5. Therefore, be ye guarded, saying to such: The time of word-doctrines is at an end; examine thou, and judge as thou wilt.
6. Others will seek to convict you of self-righteousness. Therefore, if they inquire after this manner, to wit: Say ye, the Faithists are immaculate? or, say ye, all others are wrong? then shall ye answer them, saying:
7. Nothing mortal is immaculate; and, as for others, we are not their judges. Go thou to Jehovih, and inquire of Him. Sufficient unto us is it to do all the good we can, having faith in Jehovih.
8. Some will seek to trap you on the subject of marriage, inquiring after this manner, to wit:
9. Say ye, celibacy is higher than marriage? or, is marriage the higher? What say ye of marriage and of divorce?
10. To these ye shall answer after this manner: We are no man's keeper; neither say we whether celibacy or marriage is the higher. We give liberty unto all to serve Jehovih, on that matter, in their own way. One marriage only do we permit to any man or woman. And, though one or the other die, yet the survivor can not marry again. And, as to such as are married, they can, at the option of either one, return to celibacy, by being publicly proclaimed in the temple of Jehovih.
11. And if they inquire of you as to leadership, saying:
12. Who is the leader? Who is the highest? Who is the head? Ye shall answer them, saying: Jehovih. We have no man-leader; no man who is higher than another. We are brothers and sisters.
13. They will press you, inquiring: Some men can do more work; some men are stronger; some men are wiser; now, therefore, how do ye grade them that excellence may be known and respected?
14. To these ye shall reply, saying: All men are Jehovih's. He designed the strong ones to carry heavier burdens than the weak; He designed the wise ones to teach the less wise. Why, then, shall we give any preference to one over another? They are not ours, but Jehovih's. Sufficient is it for us to do our own parts, with all our wisdom and strength.
2. Because they had never known to say: This is mine, and that is thine, they were without selfishness or selfish desires; looking upon all things as Jehovih's, and on themselves as laborers to render good unto others.
3. They said: We were created in order to help rescue the world from darkness, and to rejoice in our own lives, because of such good as we can do unto others.
4. Behold, we were orphans and castaways; Jehovih wedded us to all the world.
5. Having, therefore, wisdom and purity within themselves, and, withal, having sufficient association to choose from, they did choose and wed for love's sake.
6. Nor did any worldly ambition control their choice, or influence them in hope of any gain as to their wedded partners.
7. And it came to pass that the offspring begotten of these were indeed a new race in the world, as to wisdom, love, purity and spirituality, and new also as to beauty and shapeliness, the like of which had never been before in all the world.
8. And they were by birth so developed in su'is, that, when they were grown a little, education came to them without books. To see and to hear, either corporeally or spiritually, was all they required in order to accomplish wisely all things required unto mortals.
9. And, with them, the heavens were as an open book; the libraries of the heavens as the sound of voices full of wisdom.
10. And the angels of ancient and modern times came, and stood by them, and walked with them, revealing the past and the future.
11. And, now, the fame of Shalam and her people were spread abroad, and, lo and behold, colonies were springing up in the east, west, north and south.
12. Hundreds of forest places and unoccupied lands were purchased and put under cultivation.
13. The wisest and best people began to depart out of the cities of Uz. Many of the Uzians, lawyers, preachers and priests and physicians, gave up their callings. And they went forth, saying: Alas, what good have I produced in the world? O Jehovih, teach Thou me the way to work in one of Thy kingdoms.
14. And some of the rich gathered up their means, calling: Come, O all ye poor and helpless! Behold, I have purchased land; come hither, and build a colony unto Jehovih.
15. And judges and governors gave up their callings also, and went and joined the Faithists, founding and practicing Jehovih's kingdom on earth.
16. And kings and queens and emperors deserted their thrones, and went and dwelt with the poor.
17. So, colonies of Faithists in Jehovih spread in every direction, becoming the chief foundation of the state and of the world.
18. And, yet, none of these colonies were bound by written laws, nor had any of them leaders or masters, nor any government, save the Light of Jehovih.
19. Nor was one colony bound by the customs and commands of another colony; but all of them lived by the highest Light that came to them.
20. Nor owned any man, woman or child anything more than the clothes he or she wore; but all things were Jehovih's, in care of the keeping of the colony.
21. Nor was there buying or selling between the colonies; but they exchanged with one another according to production, and without any regard to value.
22. And whosoever came and joined a colony, bringing gold or silver or valuable goods of any kind, donated them to Jehovih, and not to the colony, to be distributed according to the light thereof for the Father's kingdoms.
23. Neither labored any one for the colony, but for Jehovih; nor did any colony hire any man nor woman nor child to work for them.
24. Such, then, was Shalam and her example before the world, of the Father's kingdom on earth.
2. Jehovih separated the people, the Uzians on one hand, and the Faithists on the other.
3. And He said unto the Uzians: Because I called, and ye came not;
4. Because ye said: Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, and ye put not forth a hand in My behalf;
5. Because ye saw the multitude going after intoxicating drink and smoke and opium;
6. Because ye rose not up, saying: Stay thy hand, satan!
7. But shirked, granting licenses unto these sins;
8. And ye have become a polluted people;
9. Given to drunkenness and to smoking and to all manner of dissipation;
10. Each one casting the blame on others, and hiding himself in self-righteousness;
11. Thus opening the doors of your houses of debauchery as a temptation to the young:
12. Behold, I am risen in judgment against you.
13. My holy angels I shall withdraw from your cities.
14. And from your places of worship;
15. And from your government, and your law-makers and rulers;
16. For they have profaned Me.
17. Making laws and granting licenses to carry on evils, knowingly and wilfully, for policy's sake;
18. Hoping for personal favor and gain.
19. For they knew that what was not good for one person, was not good for a nation;
20. And that, whatever sin indulged in, would, soon or late, bring its own punishment.
21. And they said: We derive a large revenue from the duties and licenses for these iniquities!
22. Thus hoping to justify themselves by compounding themselves.
23. And I said unto them: A revenue thus received shall be expended in prisons and alms-houses, and shall not be sufficient.
24. Because ye granted licenses, and polluted the people, behold, the pollution shall more than balance the revenue.
25. The criminals and paupers shall be a greater burden than though ye received no revenue.
26. Behold, I showed unto you that, as an individual could not sin against Me without, soon or late, becoming answerable unto Me, I showed ye also that the same responsiblity and result would befall a nation or a people in like manner.
27. For which reasons, and because of your evasions of My commandments, I called unto My God and Lords and My holy angels, saying: Waste not your time and labor more with the Uzians.
28. Nor answer ye their prayers when they call on My name;
29. And, though their chief rulers and law-makers be in the throes of death, and they call, saying: O Jehovih, heal Thou or Chief Magistrate!
30. Yet, ye shall not go unto them, nor do them service more.
31. For they have become a conceited people, saying: There is no God, and Jehovih is void as the wind.
32. Behold, ye shall let them go their way; their cities shall become full of crime, for angels of darkness shall come amongst them, and no city shall be safe from theft, murder and arson.
33. And vagabonds shall travel in the country places, stealing and robbing and murdering.
34. And their great men shall take bribes, and their judges shall connive with sin; and the innocent shall be confined to mad-houses.
35. And justice shall depart away from them.
36. The employee shall pilfer and steal from his employer; and the employer shall hire others to look after those in his employ.
37. But all things shall fail them.
38. For I will make them understand, I am the First Principle in all things;
39. And that I am Justice;
40. And that I am Purity;
41. And that whoso raiseth a hand against justice, purity, virtue, wisdom and truth, also raiseth his hand against Me.
42. I made the way of life like going up a mountain; whoso turneth aside or goeth downward, shall utlimately repent of his course, and he shall retrace his steps.
43. To a nation and a people, and to a government of a people, I am the same.
44. Righteousness shall be first and foremost of all things.
45. Their governors and law-makers shall be made to know this.
46. When they were a monarchy, I held the king responsible.
47. But when I gave unto the multitude to govern themselves, behold, I gave also responsibility unto them.
48. And they sought not to make laws for righteous government unto the whole, but sought to favor certain cliques of iniquities, and to make laws to protect them in evil manufacturies, and for traffic in tobacco and opium and alcohol.
49. And no man more sought to be a governor or law-maker for the good of the people, or to serve Me;
50. But he sought office for profit's sake and vainglory.
51. Now, therefore, My holy angels went away from them, and no more answered their prayers.
52. And the righteous of the first days departed away from them.
53. And they became a nation of money-getters and servants of mammon.
54. And I blessed not their marriages nor their households.
55. And their sons and daughters respected not their fathers and mothers; for, as the fathers and mothers respected not Me, so came disrespect and misery upon them.
56. And their sons and daughters became profligates and idlers, growing up for no good under the sun, depending on their wits to work out a life of sin and luxury.
57. And whoso married, peace came not to them; but contention and jealousy and bitterness of heart.
58. And their offspring fell in the grades, becoming outcasts and paupers and criminals.
59. And husbands and wives cried out for divorcement on all hands.
60. And the law-makers granted them and favored them; but, lo and behold, the evil multiplied on the earth.
61. In pity I cried out unto them, saying: Ye may make laws forever, but My kingdom cometh not by the road of man's laws. Except ye turn about, and begin anew, there is no help for you under the sun.
62. But they would not hear Me.
63. Then I sent My angels unto them, teaching them the same things that were taught of old, amongst which were: As ye bind yourselves on earth, even so shall ye be bound in heaven; as ye live on earth, serving self only, even so, in a selfish heaven, shall ye enter My es worlds.
64. But they denied My angels, and abused My seers and prophets.
65. In their own self-esteem, sat they themselves up to judge Me, saying: There is no All Person; there is nothing, save certain natural and divine laws, and they are dumb, like the wind; they see not, nor do they hear.
66. Then I called out over the earth, saying: The time of My kingdom is come. Now is the time of My reign amongst mortals.
67. And those that had faith came; and, behold, they have built unto Me.
68. I have a new people on the earth.
69. Again I called to My God and to his angel hosts, saying: Behold, I have separated the wheat from the chaff; I have divided the sheep from the goats.
70. Go ye unto those that serve Me in the practice of My kingdom, for they shall become the chief people in all the world.
71. They shall rejoice and prosper in all things; they shall sing songs of gladness.
72. Their sons and daughters shall be an honor unto them and a glory in My household.
73. Because they seek to serve Me by practicing good works with all their wisdom and strength.
2. Even as I drew the Israelites out of Egupt.
3. And, whoso go out, prosper in My hand; I make them an everlasting people.
4. But those that remain, go down to destruction; and they become unknown upon the earth.
5. Their great men are forgotten, and their wisest men lose caste in the histories of a thousand years.
6. Behold, these things I had made known unto the generations of the earth.
7. Now, when I separated the Faithists and the Uzians, in the kosmon era, I sent angels, warning them. I said unto them:
8. Flatter not yourselves that man is all wisdom; I say unto you, I am with the righteous; might shall not triumph through wrong-doing. Behold, a judgment shall come upon this people.
9. When I begin to call them, My chosen shall come and found My kingdom; and they shall come faster and faster every year.
10. And the Uzians shall fall into iniquity, more and more every year.
11. And, now, behold what hath been!
12. The prince of devils came upon the Uzians, saying:
13. Think not that I come to send peace on earth; I come not to send peace, but a sword.
14. I come to set man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother.
15. Now, therefore, when My angels went in behalf of My kingdom, behold, the prince of devils did invade the places of the ungodly.
16. And, whoso received My angels, and practiced righteousness, were fallen upon by the emissaries of the prince of devils, and unmercifully treated with curses and tortures.
17. But I called the righteous hence, and they built unto Me My kingdom.
18. And I said unto the Uzians: Let this be a testimony unto you of the power of the Almighty;
19. Ye go about building ships of war, and harbors for defence, with torpedoes, and with all manner of wicked inventions;
20. But I say unto you, this nation, this government and this people shall not be attacked in the places ye build.
21. It is within.
22. For I will draw away the righteous, and none but rogues shall accept your great offices.
23. And this matter shall grow upon you in the way of evil, declining in virtue more and more every year.
24. Look, therefore, at your grade; judge ye the words of the Almighty.
25. My hands fashioned the signs of the times.
26. As the hirer this day hireth one man to watch another, even so shall it come unto you in the great offices of your government.
27. By force and by might, ye shall hope to overcome the prince of devils, but ye shall fail.
28. And, in proportion as ye go down in corruption, even so shall the Faithists go away into My kingdoms.
2. Jehovih had said: A republic can not follow the highest Light; it followeth the majority. And a majority is, and was, and ever shall be, the lesser light.
3. Therefore, a republic is not the all highest government; and, since only the All Highest can triumph in the end, behold, and interpret ye what shall come to pass.
4. The C'chiefs said: But many understood not. Nevertheless, the Faithists had little in common with the Uzians.
5. The Faithists established a reciprocity betwen different colonies.
6. For, some were suited to agriculture and some to manufactures.
7. And they exchanged produce, so there was neither buying nor selling between them.
8. And it came to pass also, that, as some of the colonies were situated to the south, where it was warm, and some to the north, where it was cold, so the people went and sojourned in any place suited unto them, continuing their membership wherever they went.
9. Now, thus it did come to pass, in Jehovih's kingdom on earth, man was without a government, such as man's government.
10. And this was the next higher condition that came up after republics.
11. The angels of Jehovih, perceiving this was coming to pass, said unto the Faithists:
12. Bother not your heads much about passing new laws for the Uzians; neither take ye any part in the government, whether it doth this or that.
13. For many men shall rise up, saying: If the government would make a law of peace; or, if the government would prohibit the traffic and the manufacture of this curse or that curse,--
14. But we say unto you, all these things shall fail. Trust ye not in the ungodly to do a godlike matter.
15. The societies shall fail; the Peace Society shall become a farce; the Prohibitory Society shall be lost sight of.
16. Even the churches that profess peace and temperance will not embrace peace and temperance. They will fraternize with liquor-traffickers and with colonels and generals of war, for sake of policy.
17. The boast of the Uzians shall be: This is a home for all peoples; but, nevertheless, even in the midst of their boastings they shall make prohibitory laws to the contrary.
18. For they are fallen under the lower light; none can turn them about the other way.
19. Under the name of liberty, they shall claim the right to practice ungodliness.
20. But ye shall come out from amongst them, and be as a separate people in the world.
21. Thus it came to pass; the people were admonished by God and his angels, and by Jehovih speaking in the souls of mortals.
22. And those that were of the Spirit believed; but those that were of the flesh disbelieved.
23. Wider and wider apart, these two people separated. And the believers, having faith in Jehovih, practiced righteousness, rising higher and higher in wisdom and purity. But the disbelievers went down in darkness; were scattered and lost from off the face of the earth.
24. Thus, Jehovih's kingdom swallowed up all things in victory; His dominion was over all, and all people dwelt in peace and liberty.