2. Now is the beginning of the second resurrection. Even as the corporean putteth off the corporeal body, and is born a spirit, becoming the first resurrection, so are ye, putting away individual self and becoming an organic community, the beginning of the second resurrection.
3. As they of the first are for individual self, so have I bound them close on the face of the earth; as they survived on the earth on corporeal food, so have I made them to survive in the lowest heaven on atmospherean food. As Moeb hath risen above these conditions, so will I exalt the foundations of the house of Moeb higher up from the earth than Hored, and Moeb shall be the lower house of My kingdom.
4. The voice of Jehovih departed and God saluted Ha'jah in the name of the Father. And a great light enveloped the house of Moeb, and the es'enauers chanted a hymn of praise. Thereafter God arose and stood in the throne of Jehovih, saying:
5. Hear ye O all ye people of heaven above and heaven below, the house of Moeb in the beginning of the second resurrection is founded in Jehovih's name. Proclaim ye the words that have gone out of my mouth, to the east and west and north and south, and to the swift messengers of the arcs of the firmament above.
6. Glory, glory be to Jehovih! Boundless and Almighty Creator, Present, and full of love, wisdom and power, glory to Thee forever and ever, amen!
7. The house of Moeb chanted a proclamation. The swift messengers assumed their respective globes of light, and began to ascend in every direction, carrying the word to the exalted spheres.
8. And God crowned Ha'jah as the sub-God of Hored, and he was proclaimed to all the quarters of heaven and earth. And the history of his name exists to this day as Jah, amongst mortals.
2. When the representatives came, according to the instructions of the marshals, and were before the throne, Ha'jah said:
3. The toilers shall not be always toilers; the physicians not always runners after the sick. Whosoever is proficient will I exalt. He that can walk shall no longer crawl.
4. Many are wise and strong, and some have passed beyond the boundary of self-desires for self-sake.
5. A child may not have self-desires, but then it lacketh wisdom and strength. A full grown man or woman may have wisdom and strength, but lack in the abnegation of self.
6. I will make every community a double from this time forth, and one shall be called Maga, and the other shall be called Minga. Maga shall be my promoted laborers, who are being prepared for the second resurrection.
7. And Maga's labor shall be in concert with Moeb, the house of Jehovih. But Minga's labor shall be as heretofore, even with individual affairs and the organizing of new places for the delivered es'yans, who are the fruit of the Lords and their kingdoms on the earth.
8. Let my marshals select judges to carry out these my decrees, in the name of Jehovih.
2. And the kingdoms of the Lords on earth were also fully established. And at that time the earth had passed into Hon'she, in the etherean space, where dwell the Osirian Shrevarhs, to whom the swift messengers from God had reported the condition of the earth's surface, with the tablets of Grade and Ingrade of mortals.
3. The Shrevarhs said: The earth hath not attained her fullness. The gases of her low regions must be purified to make more places for mortals.
4. So it came to pass there fell upon the earth, by command of the Shrevarhs, by the will of Jehovih, fire and brimstone and iron and phosphorous, and the shower thereof reached into the five divisions of the earth. But ere the fall thereof, God was apprised and he apprised the Lords, and they informed the ashars, and they impressed such mortals as were in rapport with heavenly things, and the chosen marched away from the places of destruction, so that not one perished.
5. But many of the asu'ans were consumed in the fire.
6. But God sent extra workmen, and surgeons and physicians, from heaven down, to such spirits as were falling into forgetfulness and dissolution, and commanded that they be engrafted on the surviving asu'ans for pity's sake; and this was accomplished through the Lords of the earth and their servants, the ashars.
7. At the end of two hundred years God enumerated the people in the lower heaven, and there were, besides the spirits of the Fetals (many of whom were doubtful as to everlasting life), two hundred and ninety-six millions of souls. Of this number there had been raised up to the grade of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih more than thirty millions, who were the first of the earth's production.
8. And now was the sixth generation of the seed of the fallen angels delivered, and this was the fullness of earth bondage for them.
9. God summoned the house of Moeb for the revelations of Jehovih on the first day of the first year of dan of Hon'she. And when they were thus assembled, and had chanted to Jehovih appropriate anthems for the times past, the All Light came upon God, and he said:
10. Behold, the time of dan of Hon'she is at hand. Ere three days pass by, the hosts from the etherean heavens will descend to accomplish the resurrection of my hosts to the regions whence they came two hundred years ago.
11. Summon my Lords of the earth, and my people of heaven; proclaim my words unto them.
12. Ye that peopled the earth with everlasting life, give ear; the harvest of the new year is ripened, it shall be gathered into the heavens above. Let my people rejoice, for the glory of deliverance is at hand.
13. There awaiteth, full of hope and love, in Osirian fields, hosts of angels and archangels, to receive these, the first fruits of the new earth.
14. Clothe them in quietness with the rays of light. Make ready; for etherean Gods and Goddesses are setting sail in the regions above to come and deliver us.
15. Proclaim my words in all places in the name of Jehovih. And add unto them, saying: And to as many as desire to ascend, come ye to Moeb, in the name of the Son of Jehovih!
16. Messengers went forth, both in heaven and on the earth, and proclaimed as had been commanded.
17. And on the third day there assembled in Moeb and Hored ninety million angels, to witness the descending and ascending of Jehovih's chosen. And the archangels of Hon'she sent a hundred thousand Gods and Goddesses to guard Moeb and Hored around about, to dispel and keep away the clouds and sunshine, so as to add glory to the scene.
2. Hear me, O God, in the name of Jehovih! Thou hast ordained me according to the custom of heaven, to be a master of generations with mortals, and yet one generation is incomplete, wherefore I have come before thee. This day I have been summoned by Jehovih, through thy messengers, saying: To as many as desire to enter the next resurrection, come, for the time of harvest is at hand. Thus saith God, Son of Jehovih. Behold, now, another generation do I desire to dwell on earth.
3. God said: The places of heaven are open to all. If thou wouldst ascend now, do even so. If thou wilt tarry one generation, then thou shalt tarry two hundred years, for of such period will be the next harvest.
4. Ga'wasa said: In Jehovih's name, let my brethren pass before thee in judgment.
5. God said: Jehovih's will be done.
6. Ga'wasa withdrew and went and told his brethren what was said; and presently they came in and passed in judgment before God.
7. God said: Thou hast said, let me pass in judgment before thee! Hear me, then, for this is my judgment: If thou ascend with thy work incomplete, thou wilt be the unhappiest of men. Remain, therefore, for a greater glory is within thy reach.
8. The Loo'is passed to the left, signifying their determination to tarry yet two hundred years more with mortals.
9. After the Loo'is, came others desiring to be adjudged by God, and to all who had incompleted work, God said: Remain! And they remained.
10. Besides these were seventy thousand ethereans eligible to ascend, who volunteered to remain with mortals another two hundred years. Amongst these were the five Lords and Ha'jah, and four hundred messengers belonging to Hored, and seven hundred women in fetal, in the western division of Hored under Waga.
2. Onesyi, high aspiring Goddess of Hon'she, and the thousand counsellors, gathered in a host of five millions of souls, emancipated, and to them the dignified Onesyi spake, saying:
3. Unlike all harvests heretofore delivered to us from other corporeal worlds, Jehovih sendeth us the first-born of the earth. Let us rejoice and glorify Him, O my beloved. Send forth to the boundaries of Hon'she and proclaim the hosts of earth upraised. Provide them with mansions and quarters, ye that remain at home. And ye that volunteer to go to the earth to receive them, come quickly.
4. Onesyi said: Swift messengers have just come to me from the arc of Wan; Etisyai will be there. She it was who bestowed Jehovih's crown on the first God of the corporeal earth. Her hosts, a million strong, go by the way of Tivyus, and pray we meet them in O'wea. And thou, Wistaw, shall sit on my throne. I will to the earth, to receive the thirty million newborn, the glorious gift of Jehovih.
5. Onesyi said: The young virgin earth hath given birth. O the joy of the firstborn! I will take with me a host of singers, a million strong. Their voices shall have power and sweetness to win the love and adoration of all the thirty millions. The glory of Jehovih's works shall shine so brilliantly upon them that all past trials shall be forgotten. Hasten, O ye Gods and Goddesses! Let down the curtains of fire! Here begins the play of Jehovih in the management of a new world!
6. Now gathered together men and women, long raised up in the emancipated heavens, whose wills were potent over a'ji and nebulae, and swift in appropriating what Jehovih had fashioned in the firmament. And they built a ship, the size of which was equal to the width of Hored, and filled it within with angels of the rank of Gods and Goddesses, many of whom had been brought forth into life before the earth was created, and whose native corporeal worlds had gone out of existence. And they let down curtains from the ship, and the curtains were like flames of fire, and they reached downward, equal to the breadth of the earth.
7. These Gods and Goddesses were as a unit in will, and potent and swift workmen, and the ship was laden, and on her course through the vault of heaven. Past the a'jian fields of Che'wang she rode swiftly. Soon the hosts of the much-loved Etisyai were seen in a smaller craft, highly polished and swift, making way for O'wea.
8. Up goeth a shout of joy from millions of throats, then a song of delight; heaven is joyful in Jehovih's boundless dominions. And now the twain approach O'wea; and they slacken speed and near each other, nearer and nearer, till the ships touch and are joined by skilled workmen.
9. Forth leap the two Goddesses, Etisyai and Onesyi, and in no stateliness or ceremony, but like children in whom love is transcendent, they fly to each other's arms, amidst the outburst of joy from the countless throng. Yet onward moves the etherean ship, majestic and meteor-like, steadily taking course to the new earth.
2. The ninety millions of angels looked upward, watching for the dawning of the light, waiting and watching. And many a one who remembered Etisyai, of two hundred years ago, wondered if she would return in glory, like when she came and crowned God by Jehovih's command. Some were robing themselves in white, and hastening nervously, like a bride about to wed; some were half inclined to sorrow for leaving he earth and lower heaven, where they had toiled so long; and some were stately and by their presence said: Thy will be done, O Jehovih!
3. God ascended the throne, and Ha'jah came up and sat on his right hand; and the light of Jehovih shone upon them so that many newborn, especially of the es'yan spectators, could not look upon them.
4. God said: One dan hath come and gone; this harvest is but thirty millions.
5. Ha'jah said: Thy son, O Jehovih, hath shaped the destiny of a world. Great is his glory.
6. A light of golden hue gathered above the throne, and took the form of a triangle; and there was a graven image at every corner, the which, when read, was I-O-D; and it was in the character of Waga, bestowed by the Lord on the altars in the house of worship on earth, and its value was thirty-three millions, which was the exact number prepared for the emancipated heaven in etherea; and the thirty-three was the years of a generation of mortals.
7. God said: Jehovih is one; the living is one; inanimate corpor is one; and these three are the entirety. To teach mortals this, O Ha'jah, is to give wisdom to the earth. Take thou this triangle, O thou, Son of the Most High. And as long as Seffas endureth on the earth shall it be the bequeathed heirloom of heaven, descending from God to God that occupieth the throne.
8. Thereupon God stretched forth his hands, and the triangle became fixed and solid, and God hung it on Ha'jah's neck, adding: In the name of Jehovih, receive thou this jewel, as my parting testimonial. Remember that, when mortals are raised up to understand this symbol of three in one, then will kosmon begin to dawn on the earth.
9. Ha'jah said: O God, thou symbol of the three attributes, love, wisdom and power! Thou didst leave thy stately home, where thou hadst Gods and Goddesses for companions, and come to the far-off earth, which was young and curtained round with poisonous gases, to guard the young and imperfect angels of other worlds in their wanderings forth, with thy wisdom, love and power concealed. Thou didst give them liberty and yet redeem them. Thou hast stretched forth thy hand over the earth and made it to yield souls to glority the Creator. And yet in all the while thou hast never quoted thyself. O that this could be taught to angels and men! Who is it, that will not trip or mention himself, or make himself a manifested self?
10. This day I am to be crowned, to fill the place thou hast built up; but I falter and tremble like a child. Ha'jah burst into tears, and after a while he added: O Jehovih, why hast Thou laid Ha'jah's tears so close? Thou hast created love in my soul, and it hath grown to be a mountain. God, Thy Son, who hath been my tutor for a thousand years, and on many worlds, corpor and es, is now thrusting Thy glory upon me.
11. God said: Heed thou the earth and her heavens, for they are to be thine for one dan. And remember also, that though I ascend with my hosts to etherea, yet I have charge of this world until the completion of this cycle, two thousand eight hundred years: my archangels shall henceforth answer to thy prayers to Jehovih.
12. Suddenly a light came down from the firmament, like a new star, twinkling, with a halo extending wide on every side. All eyes were turned up, full of expectancy. Hushed and still, the ninety millions stood.
13. Presently the star assumed a brighter phase and spread its halo outward, with horns descending, like a crescent, such as is formed in sacred worship when a God standeth in the midst. Larger and brighter the light grew, and tremulous and waving like sheets of fire.
14. Then shot down toward Hored and Moeb three rays of light, piercing, and in advance of the central orb. And the three rays were red, blue, and yellow; but the crescent beyond was white, and it shone abroad over the heavens, so that the corporeal sun and stars in the firmament were invisible.
15. At beholding the majesty and grandeur of Jehovih's host of descending, millions of es'yans and clouded souls in the lower heaven, broke and fled; some ran and hid to avoid the threatening light. For such is the magnifying power of the etherean flame, that all dark thoughts and hidden evil lurking in the soul are magnified, and made so plain that even the dumb can read them through.
16. Millions of the ethereans on God's staff had seen such scenes before, and now stood in glee, firmly riveted by the joy within them. To them, a hundred to one, clung the newly raised from earth, who had never known any other heaven, save such as traveleth with the earth, around about the sun every year. From these there rose millions of whispers, saying: It is like a new death; like a new birth. Behold a man dieth on earth, and his spirit flieth off to another world. And yet now again it flieth off to still another world.
17. Quickly, now, came the three great rays, foremost projecting; and these were the orders of marshals from the a'jian fields of O'wea and Hon'she; the red lights represented A'ji, the blue lights represented O'wea, and the yellow, Hon'she. And there were of marshals one million, and they cast the curtains round about to cover all of Hored, the great kingdom.
18. Chief of the marshals was Ah-jeng; and next to him were five sub-chiefs; and next to them one thousand tributary chiefs, who were masters of the ceremonies; and they came in the centre of the descending three great rays of light, came swiftly and direct toward the throne of God. And the substance of the rays of light was like curtains of cloth, one end of which reached up to the now near approaching crescent sea of fire.
19. When the light was near touching on the pillars of fire surrounding Moeb, it slackened a little, and then more and more slowly. The chieftains leaped from the etherean flames and stood at the foot of God's throne, saluting in Jehovih's name.
20. God and Ha'jah stood up and answered the sign, then descended and went to the left and right of Ah-jeng, and they ascended, and Ah-jeng sat upon the throne, and the voice of Jehovih spake through him, saying:
21. Hold up your heads and rejoice, O my sons and daughters! Behold, I come in a flame of fire! I am here, and there, and throughout the place of heaven, boundless. I gather together and I put assunder the loves of mortals and angels. For they shall go abroad in My firmament and behold My glorious works.
22. Down to the corporeal world I descend and carry hence the loved, for they are Mine. I will make all people look up to My kingdoms. Down to the lower heaven I come in ships of light, curtained about with etherean mantles, and gather in My harvest of new births to higher worlds, more radiant. My hosts below shall look up and glorify My everlasting splendors.
23. I give the tear of grief and sorrow and pity; but, in its flowing forth, I come with holier light and power to stir up the souls of My people. For they shall learn to speak to their Father, who heareth and giveth ear, and is full of love.
24. My joy is in the birth and growing up of souls, and in the joy of their joys, and in the proclaiming of their adoration for My boundless universe.
25. I call to them in darkness, and they come forth; but they halt in the darkness, and I call again, and I send My higher, upraised angels to them, and they call also. Yea, I fill the sky with the splendor of My worlds, es and corpor, that I may stir man up to rise and enjoy the things I have made.
26. The voice departed, and Ah'jeng said: Behold the glory of the heavens, O my beloved, and the reward of the diligent in heart. Jehovih liveth and reigneth, the Highest and never to be reached, the Forever Beyond, and yet Ever Present.
27. O Thou Light of Light and Life of Life, how wonderful is the substance of Thy Creation! Thou hast given me light to behold Thy splendors, which are forever new. O Jehovih, Thou Past, Present and Future of one time, which is and was and ever shall be. Jehovih, Thou, Seen and Unseen and Potent, who hast from Thy very Self imparted a part to all the living! Who hast raised up these of Hored! Glory be to Thee forever and ever!
28. And now, by certain signs and signals, Ah'jeng directed the officers of his hosts to take possession of Moeb and Hored. And the marshals extended out around the place, and by their presence added new light to the pillars of fire.
29. The marshals were decorated with colored raiment and signs and symbols, denoting the places whence they came, and their rank as Gods, and the experience they had passed through.
30. When Ah'jeng ceased speaking, the music of the chosen band of descending angels broke upon the place; first, faintly and far off. The work of the marshals was in keeping with the time of the music; and as the music drew nearer and stronger, so also more and more of the number of marshals descended and filed off to their respective places.
31. Presently the advance of the horns of the crescent, and the cold wave of the falling sea of fire, swept over the lower heaven fearfully and of unquestionable power. By a signal from God, the Brides and Bridegrooms* joined in the music of the archangels, and great was the glory thereof.
* Atmospherean spirits, who are prepared to be raised to etherean heavens, are called Brides and Bridegrooms, because they are then wedded to Jehovih.
32. Betwixt the horns of the crescent was a star of wonderful beauty; and it came toward God's throne, reflecting countless rays of light, brilliantly and awe-inspiring. And as the star drew near, it opened on the advance side, as a shell is opened, and there, with arms entwined, sat Etisyai and Onesyi, Goddesses.*
* Etisyai and Onesyi have been preserved in the tablet of the Zodiac under the name of Gemini.
2. And now did spread out, and round about the wheels of the great ship of fire; and all the millions of hosts, men and women (archangels and Gods and Goddesses), formed a mighty amphitheatre, in which Moeb, with his thirty-three million Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, occupied the arena, themselves arrayed in white, but differently from the Redeeming Hosts from the etherean worlds.
3. In time to the music, without a word of command, moved the hosts; as one person moveth, they in unison moved; and each as a shining crystal in the place allotted, and void in nothing; and all so perfect, as if Jehovih had made each a special work of wonder to inspire men with reverence for the talents He had created withal.
4. In the same time the hosts were forming in place, so was the time of the music, and when the music ceased all was still. The throne was in the east, facing the west; the hosts of Moeb, who were the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, occupied the lower plane, and the ethereans surrounded them on all sides, raising higher and higher in the distance.
5. God and Ha'jah met the Goddesses at the foot of the throne. God knew Onesyi hundreds of years before in other worlds, and he remembered Etisyai, who had crowned him two hundred years ago. So also did Ha'jah know Etisyai and Onesyi. When they met they all saluted by touching the right hands; and immediately the Goddesses ascended to the centre of the throne, and God went on the right and Ha'jah on the left.
6. Etisyai and Onesyi looked hopefully on the Brides and Bridegrooms, but were passive. Presently the voice of Jehovih spake out of the light of the throne, saying:
7. Soul of My soul, substance of My substance, created I man. Out of My corporeal Self clothed I man. Out of My corporeal Self clothed I him with flesh and blood and bones. Man's spirit I gave from out Mine own spirit, ever present; and I quickened him to move on the face of the earth.
8. God and the Brides and Bridegrooms responded, being quickened by the All Light; Out of corpor I came, quickened by Jehovih's Ever Presence. By virtue of His Wisdom, Power and Love came I into the world; to Jehovih all glory is due forever!
9. Again Jehovih spake, saying: A time I allotted to man to grow, to attain wisdom, power and love; a time to rejoice and a time of sorrow; a time to beget offspring and know a father's care and love; in likeness of Me, to him gave I attributes of my attributes, that man might know Me and My Love.
10. Response: By the bondage of my love to my begotten, do I know my Father liveth and reigneth, and will watch over me forever!
11. Again the voice of Jehovih said: A time in the corporeal form I gave to man, that he might learn corporeal things, and to learn whence springeth the tree of life. From no self-existence of his own made I man, but from Myself; and in the place I quickened him into life, I bound him for a season. But when man hath filled his cororeal life I provide death to deliver him into a new world.
12. Response: Beautiful is Thy Wisdom, O Jehovih, and far reaching. I was bound in the flesh even as a beast; likened unto the attributes of a beast was my judgment, struggling for things of the corporeal world. With horror I looked upon death; as a sore calamity did I value Thy cutting me off. But Thou deliveredest me into another world, preserving my judgment whole, bringing me to the heavens of my forefathers.
13. Then Jehovih said: In no time brought I man, newborn into the world, without a mother and a nurse and rich nourishment to feed him withal. Yea, I gave him angels to inspire him and lift him up; and I provided a Lord of the earth to manage his kingdoms and nations, and a God in heaven with a throne and judgment seat, that man in the angel world should be provided and wisely instructed in soul to comprehend the glory and harmony of my worlds.
14. Response: Bountiful, O my Father Above! From nothing that I knew of, Thou broughtest me into conscious being, and in my helpless days fed me with rich nourishment. Thou gavest me rulers and examples of government on the earth to discipline my soul to the order of men. And when I was born in heaven, I found God on his throne and a well-ordered haven of rest, with willing angels to clothe me and feed me and teach me the ways of Thy kingdoms in the firmament.
15. Again Jehovih said: When man hath fulfilled his time in the lower heaven, I prepare him by ample teachers for a higher resurrection. As Brides and Bridegrooms my hosts adorn them, and I come in a sea of fire. First was man wedded to the earth, by Me solemnized, and without man's knowledge. Then to the lower heaven was he wed, laboring with spirits and mortals.
16. The voice departed, and now Onesyi spoke, saying: Behold the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih! When they were young they were wed first to the earth and then to the lower heaven, without their wills. Now they stand before the throne of God. In Thy name, O Jehovih, I command them to speak their wills.
17. Response: I put away myself for Thee, O Jehovih! Make me one with Thee. I put away the earth for Thy kingdom's sake, O Jehovih! Make me one with Thee! I put away Thy Lord and Thy God, O Jehovih, for sake of Thee! Thy Lord and Thy God raised me up and made me strong, but lo, the small spark of Thyself within my soul hath grown to be a giant, bowing to none but Thee, O Jehovih! O make me Thy Bride (Bridegroom), O Jehovih!
18. Onesyi said: The lame and the weak shall have a crutch, but the glory of the Father is to see His Brides and Bridegrooms walk alone. Whoever to Jehovih is wed, shall never more to this man nor that man, nor woman, nor Lord, nor God, nor to any person or thing, for self's sake, say: Help!
19. Response: God and the Lord were my Saviors; without them I had never known of Thy exalted heavens, O Jehovih. Thy Spirit calleth me forever upward. Thy Lord and Thy God taught me to look upward; yea, they prayed for me. Now am I strong before Thee, O Jehovih! Henceforth will I pray to Thee only; but never for mine own benefit, nor for glory, nor for ease, nor for rest, nor for exaltation; but that I may be quick and strong and wise to do Thy will forever!
20. Onesyi said: Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, All Hail! All Hail!
21. Response: Voice of Jehovih, All Hail! All Hail!
22. Onesyi said: To Jehovih and his everlasting kingdoms are ye wed forever!
23. Response: To Thee, O Jehovih, am I wed forever!
24. Onesyi said: To be one with him forever!
25. Response: To be one with Jehovih forever!
26. The voice of Jehovih said: They shall judge from My judgment seat; in them shall My Wisdom shine; for they are Mine forever!
27. Response: To consider Thee first, in all things, O Jehovih, shall I henceforth forever!
28. The voice said: Behold I have woven a crown for them; adorn them for My sake.
29. Response: I will have no crown, save that which is woven by Thee, O Jehovih! For thy sake will I wear Thy crown forever!
30. The voice said: Behold, they that were My sons and daughters have become My Brides and Bridegrooms; they are Mine forever!
31. Response: I am Jehovih's forever!
32. Onesyi said: Pass before the throne, O my beloved. The testimony of Jehovih awaiteth His redeemed. Ye shall dwell in the emancipated kingdoms forever!
33. And now the hosts of Brides and Bridegrooms passed singly before the throne of God; the whole thirty-three millions passed. And the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of glory, and there came down from the firmament above mists of yellow, blue and red; and the mists fell into the archangels' hands who stood about the throne, and by them was converted into crowns, the which were placed on the heads of the Brides and Bridegrooms. And on the crowns were the words: In Wan brought forth; delivered in Hon'she.
34. As the hosts passed in front of the throne, Onesyi said: By that which springeth out of the earth is the atmospherean fed and clothed; but the etherean draweth from the etherean worlds. Behold the crowns of the earth and of the lower heaven are but symbols of power, wisdom and love; but that which I bring from Jehovih's kingdom containeth real virtue.
35. And lo and behold, the Brides and Bridegrooms became as archangels by virtue of the crowns from Jehovih's hand.
2. And the people went and mingled with each other, rejoicing and saluting. And Ha'jah and God and Etisyai greeted one another, and the Lords came forward, and were also greeted; and then the marshals and the es'enaurs and all long-serving laborers. And lastly, all that had redeemed any man or woman from darkness to light, came also, and were saluted and duly honored.
3. And for the space of one hour all the angels indulged in revelry, reunion and fullness of heart; but no book could relate the thousandth part of the questions asked and love assurances expressed.
4. When the hour was ended, Onesyi signalled the proper officer, and he sounded the gavel thrice, whereupon all was hushed and still. Onesyi said:
5. As Jehovih bestoweth a newborn child, so also doth He take the father and the mother away to the es world. As Jehovih sent Etisyai, my sister, to establish the lower heaven, so have I come by His command to bear hence this harvest to His everlasting kingdom. As a child bewaileth the loss of its father and mother, so will ye that remain bewail the loss of this rich harvest of archangels.
6. It is Jehovih's will that ye drink deep of the sorrow of parting, for by this bondage will ye be again reunited in the heavens still above. The progress of the soul of man is forever onward, and in steps and plateaux; and the glory of the resurrection of him that goeth before is equally great as is the sorrow of him that remaineth behind. But the love that bindeth together is as a chain outstretched across the universe; nor time nor distance shall prevail against the inventions thereof.
7. Swift messengers, well trained to course the vault of heaven, will pass between you, carrying the tidings of your soul's delight. And as Jehovih giveth summer to follow winter, and the winter the summer, so also shall the time again and again, forever, in which ye shall mingle and part; again labor together, but in broader fields, and again part for a season.
8. Behold the wisdom of Jehovih in placing far apart the places of the souls of men; for all things abiding near together equalize themselves. Even as there is glory in a new birth, so is there glory in death; as there is sorrow in death, so is there joy in resurrection. The time is now come when these that ye see, ye shall not see for a long season; but ye shall rejoice in this hour of parting, for they rise as Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih.
9. The es'enauers sang an anthem of praise in which all the hosts united, and great was the glory thereof. And now Onesyi arose, saying:
10. Jehovih, Almighty and Everlasting! Holy, Holy Creator, Ruler and Giver Forth! Look upon this Thy Son, Ha'jah! O Father, in Thy Name and by virtue of Thy Power in me vested, do I perpetuate and crown him God of Heaven and Earth!
11. Ha'jah, now God, said: Thy will be done, O Jehovih! Then Onesyi turned to the five chief Lords of the five divisions of the earth, and bestowed them in like manner.
12. And Onesyi stretched forth her hand, saying: Give me a crown, O Jehovih, for Thy Son, God of heaven and earth! And there descended etherean substance into her hand, and she raised it up, and lo, it became a crown of great beauty, and she put in on God's (Ha'jah's) head. Then in like manner did she crown the Lords of the earth.
13. And Etisyai and Onesyi came down and sat at the foot of the throne.
14. God (that had been Ha'jah) came down and Waga and Jud with him, and stretching forth their hands, they said to Etisyai, Onesyi and Sethantes, the retiring God:
Arise, O Goddess, }
Arise, O Goddess, } and go thy way!
Arise, O God, }
15. And they rose up and marched forth. The proper officers had already prepared the ship for its etherean journey; and soon as Etisyai and Onesyi had entered the central star, all the people that were to ascend went into the places assigned to them.
16. God (that had been Ha'jah) and the Lords returned, in tears, to the throne, and now the plateau of everlasting light began to ascend. Music sprang from every side, glorifying Jehovih and the magnificence of His bountiful worlds.
17. And those of the lower heaven were as the echo of the music above; and the light of the ascending ship of fire made all else as a shadow. But higher and higher it arose, in the form of a crescent, slowly turning on its upright axis, turning and rising, higher and higher, and the music faded away in the distance.
18. In a little while the meteor-like ascending ship of heaven looked like a star, till farther and farther off it disappeared in the distance.
19. Thus ascended to the emancipated heavens in etherea the first harvest of angels born of the earth.
2. And the Lords departed, they and their attendants, and went to their kingdoms over mortals.
3. And this was the beginning of the second dispensation of the first cycle of the Eoptian age of the earth. And the lower heaven was well established in habitations, angels and officers, and in all the requisites for the upraised souls of mortals.
4. And God dispensed laws and government after the manner of his predecessor, enlarging all the places according to the increase in the number of spirits rising up from the earth.
5. And the voice of Jehovih was with God; and as the first kingdom had been called Hored, so was the second called Hored, signifying the place of God.
6. And as it had been with the Lords of the earth in their places, so continued it with the new Lords, and they enlarged their places also, even according to the increase in the number of inhabitants of the earth.
7. And as it had been of old, that messengers went constantly from Hored to the Lords' places, so did they also continue to do; and by this means all the affairs of the lower heaven were kept in harmony, Lords and God.
8. And God ruled in Hored four hundred years, and Hored spread over all the lands of the earth.
2. After the manner of the ascent of the first harvest, so was the ascent of the second harvest. And the place of the landing of the second harvest in the firmament of heaven was in Lais, and Bin, and the grade of the harvest was seventy-eight, being two less than the grade of the first harvest.
3. So the heavens of the earth passed into the care of succeeding God and Lords, who had been raised up and prepared therefor. And for the present there were no more ethereans dwelling in these regions.
4. Jehovih had said: They that come out of the earth shall be sufficient unto themselves. As a mother provideth for her child, so do I provide for the spirit generations of a corporeal world; but when they are mature in wisdom, strength and love, I command them to take the places of Lords and God in the management of my kingdoms.
5. So it came to pass after the ascent of the ethereans, the whole earth and its lower heavens were under the dominion of such as had sprung up out of the earth. Hence it became a saying: The first was etherean rule; the second was atmospherean rule. For the earth had Lords who had been on no other world, and a God who had never been on other worlds.
6. And it likewise came to pass that the atmospherean rulers were more lenient and less tyrannical in their government than had been the ethereans. For as the ethereans had forbidden the es'yans, the newly dead, to return to their mortal kindred, even to the fiftieth year in spirit life, so, not so with the present Lords and God, for they indulged hundreds of thousands of es'yans for sympathy's sake to return to their mortal kindred. And these es'yans became not workers in heaven, either for others or for their own resurrection to higher regions; but they became idlers and vagabonds in the lower heaven, oft living with their mortal kindred till their mortal kindred died, and then in turn persuading such es'yans to do even as they did.
7. And God perceived, when it was too late, that his leniency had laid the foundation for disorganizing the kingdom of heaven; for the strolling idlers, knowing no other heaven, sowed the spirit of disbelief in the places of learning and industry in the lower heaven, persuading others that they were toiling to no good purpose.
8. They said: Behold, it was told us on earth there was a Jehovih! But we are in heaven, and yet we find him not. Now do we know of a truth there is no All Person. Come, then, let us seek ease and the rich viands that rise up out of the earth. A man liveth on the earth and dieth, and his spirit floateth around about, and there is no more of him. Why will ye serve the Lord? Why will ye serve God? Be ye free and live for yourselves instead of others.
9. Thus it came to pass that little by little the lower heaven began to fall from its high estate.
10. The third dan was six hundred years, and God and his Lords, having provided successors, ascended with their harvest to etherea. And the number thereof was four hundred and eight million Brides and Bridegrooms, and their grade was sixty-six.
11. The fourth dan was five hundred years, and the harvest was six hundred million Brides and Bridegrooms; and their grade was fifty-eight.
12. The fifth dan was three hundred years; and the harvest was two hundred millions; and their grade was fifty, which was the lowest grade capable of emancipation, or capable of surviving in etherea.
13. And now darkness set in and covered all the earth around. And from this time until the end of the cycle, which was three thousand years from the birth of man on earth, there were no more resurrections to the emancipated heavens.
14. The Kingdom of Hored was broken up and dissolved. The spirits loved not to labor and to learn according to Jehovih's plan, but returned to the earth-ornaments; and they were called drujas,* because they desired not resurrection.
* The ancients called the lost spirits by different names in all countries: In India, Druj; in China, Won-yeang; in the Algonquin tribes, O'spee; the Hebrews, Girapha (i.e., to be feared). Then we have the terms, ghosts, fairies, wraiths, etc. etc., for modern terms. Under the name of familiar spirits the ancient Hebrews were well informed of these drujas. Druj is a Vedic name. The ancient Chinese called them M'spe. The Germans called them "The double," because when they take on forms they look like the mortal to whom they are engrafted. The term, familiar spirits, as now used, has a wider range. See ceremonies, Hi'dang, Saphah.
15. And God and the Lords, and their officers and teachers, were without subjects and pupils. And mortals were beset by thousands and millions of drujas, so that the ashars were powerless to accomplish good inspiration.
16. At this time there were more than three thousand million angels in atmospherea, and for the most part, they dwelt on earth.
17. Thus ended the first cycle of the first heaven of the earth.