Equivalents: Arejaon, 49. Kavi, 7. F'roasha, 76,
F'ranraka, 84. Yakna, 13. Huit, 64. Velocity, =
3,072. 7 = 8,021. 7 = 4716. 76 = 1,085. 84 =
12,008. 13 = 6,047. 64 = 18,765. Duration = Huit x
2,780 years for the earth. F'ransaka 3,142
Example - To find population in Atmospherea belonging
to the earth in Huit, thirty-three years =
788,000,000 x 2,780 divided by 3-100 = 83 1-33 x =
65,666,333,333 1-3 souls.
Plate 38.--ANOAD.
C'vord'um and A'hiss'a-Corpor, embracing nine phalanxes. First of Spe'ta period. Earth, 3 = 765,744. Gitche, 86. Hem, 11. Entrance to Hyrim, 6,000 years.
Plate 40.--SHA'MAEL.
The prophet of Jehovih said: A time shall come when the earth shall travel in the roadway of the firmament, and so great a light will be therein that the vortex of the earth shall burst, even as a whirlwind bursteth, and lo and behold, the whole earth shall be scattered and gone, as if nothing had been. But ere the time cometh, My etherean hosts shall have redeemed man from sin. Nor shall the inhabitants of the earth marry, for the time of begetting will be at an end. Even as certain species of animals have failed to propogate, and have become extinct, so shall it be with man. The earth will have fulfilled its labor, and its services will be no more under the sun. But the vortex of the sun shall be round, and the body of the great serpent coiled up. In the place where the earth was, shall some of My far-off worlds come and fulfill the labor allotted to them. And the atmosphereans who have not been redeemed from darkness in that day, shall alight on the new world and also fulfill their labor. (See Books of Jehovih and Saphah.)