Remarks on the Book of Ben

In the literature of India and China mention of cycles of three thousand years each is frequently made. And it is further stated that the ancients computed the dark periods and light periods of a cycle, and used them as an index of prophecy. Alex. Von Humboldt seemed also to place value on the dark periods in a cosmological sense. Though he attributed them not to a'ji, but to some obstruction of sun light. The Book of Cosmogony, however, shows how such an error might easily occur.

Humboldt, vol. iv., page 381, gives quotation to the following notes:

45 B.C. At the death of Julius Caesar: after which the Sun remained pale for a whole year, and gave less than its usual warmth; on which account the air was thick, cold and hazy, and fruit did not ripen.--Plutarch, in Jul. Caes. cap. 87; Dio Cass. xliv.; Virg. Georg. i. 466.


Index to Oahspe