But the people were helpless, crawling on their bellies, and they did not understand the voice of the Almighty. And Jehovih called His angels, who were older than the earth, and He said to them: Go and raise the people upright, and teach them to understand.
And the angels of heaven descended to the earth and raised the people upright. And the people wandered about on the earth. This was the second era.
Jehovih said to the angels that were with the people: See, the people have multiplied on the earth. Bring them together and teach them to dwell in cities and nations.
And the angels of Jehovih taught the people of the earth to dwell together in cities and nations. This was the third era.
And at that same time, the Beast (self) rose up before the people and spoke to them, saying: Possess whatever you want, for all things are yours and are good for you.
And the people obeyed the Beast; and war came into the world. This was the fourth era.
And the people were sick at heart, and they called out to the Beast, saying: You said: Possess all things, for they are good for you. Now, look, war and death have surrounded us on all sides. We pray, therefore, teach us peace!
But the Beast said: Do not think that I came to send peace on the earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword. I came to set man at variance against his father; and a daughter against her mother. Whatever you find to eat, whether fish or flesh, eat of it, taking no thought for tomorrow.
And the people ate fish and flesh, becoming carnivorous, and darkness came upon them, and they no longer heard the voice of Jehovih, or believed in Him. This was the fifth era.
And the Beast divided itself into four great heads and possessed the earth all around; and the people fell down and worshipped them.
And the names of the heads of the Beast were Brahmin, Buddhist, Christian and Mohammedan. And they divided the earth and apportioned it between themselves, choosing soldiers and standing armies for the maintenance of their earthly aggrandizement.
And the Brahmins had seven million soldiers; the Buddhists twenty million; the Christians seven million; and the Mohammedans two million, whose trade was killing people. And the people, in service of the Beast, gave one-sixth of their lives and their labor to war and standing armies; and they gave one-third of their lives to dissipation and drunkenness. This was the sixth era.
Jehovih called out to the people to desist from evil, but they did not hear Him, for the cunning of the Beast had changed their flesh, so that their souls were hidden as if in a cloud, and they loved sin.
Jehovih called to His angels in heaven, saying: Go down to the earth once more, to the people, whom I created to inhabit the earth and enjoy it, and say to them: Jehovih says:
Observe, the seventh era is at hand. Your Creator commands you to change from a carnivorous person of contention to an herbivorous person of peace. The four heads of the Beast shall be put away, and there shall be no more war on the earth.
Your armies shall be disbanded. And, from this time forth, whoever does not want to go to war, you shall not force them, for it is the commandment of your Creator.
Neither shall you have any God, nor Lord, nor Savior, but only your Creator, Jehovih! You shall worship Him only from now on, forever. I am sufficient to My own creations.
And to as many as separate themselves from the dominion of the Beast, making these covenants unto Me, I have given the foundation of My kingdom on earth.
And all such shall be My chosen. By their covenants and by their works they shall be known henceforth on the earth as Mine, and shall be called Faithists.
But to those who will not make these covenants, I have given the numbers of the Beast, and they shall be called Uzians, signifying destroyers. And these shall be from now on the two kinds of people on earth, Faithists and Uzians.
And the angels of heaven descended to the earth, to the people, and appeared before them face to face, hundreds of thousands of them, speaking as people speak, and writing as people write, teaching these things of Jehovih and His works.
And in the thirty-third year after that, the Ambassadors of the angel hosts of heaven prepared and revealed unto the people, in the name of Jehovih, His heavenly kingdoms; and have here in this way made known the plan of his delightful creations, for the resurrection of the peoples of the earth.
This book, Oahspe, is not infallible, but is to teach mortals how to achieve hearing the Creator's voice and seeing His heavens, in full consciousness, while still living on the earth; and to truly know the place and condition awaiting them after death.
The revelations within this Oahspe are not, and were not, wholly new to mortals. The same things have been revealed at the same time to many who live at remote distances from one another, but who were not in correspondence till afterward.
Because this light is comprehensive, embracing both physical and spiritual things, it is called the beginning of the Kosmon Era. And because it relates to earth, sky and spirit, it is called O-AH-SPE.