SHAKERS.--Shakerism has demonstrated the advantage of communal over isolated labor. They have no poor. The goods they sell have a good name.
"Do not assert any thing unless you can prove it."We often receive letters like this:--
Dear Mary,--Do write me all about the Faithists, and Shalam in particular. How far are you from the railroad and the post-office, and from some Christian church? and do you dress in uniform, or like the Shakers? My husband and I try to live good Christian lives, and we are wonderfully interested in your noble work. But we can't, and, what's more, we won't, do without meat and eggs. If we should conclude to join you, my husband wants to know if you object to cigars. He says no one must interfere with his liberty in this. I hope you will love him when you get acquainted with him. Tell me all about Oahspe, the New Bible. The old one is good enough for us. I know I would not believe in the new one. If we bring our baby (he is fourteen months old) when we come to visit you, do you provide us a nurse, or must we bring one? I am pretty sure we'll join; and I think, if we do, we can influence a good many more to join, etc.
(Signed) JESSIE.
[Answer to Jessie.]
Dear _____ _____,--The facts of your own questions would preclude your becoming a Faithist, much less a member of our fraternity. We admit no Christians. Their faith being in Christ, let them go to Christ. Jehovih, the Creator, is sufficient unto His own works. We regard Christianity as a form of idolatry. It breeds contention, disputes, and war wherever it goes. We are strictly vegetarians. We practisethe commandments,--to love Jehovih above all else, and one another as much as ourselves. We return good for evil, if it happens to come with our new-comers, and we soon win them. We have no servants for you, nor for ourselves. We are all equal. As to Oahspe, please send to "The Oahspe Association," 128 West 34th Street, New York, and get a copy, and read it. We regard your influence to induce people to join us a gratuitous. We rest our faith in that respect upon Jehovih.
Yours, etc. MARY.