1893 Handwritten Letter About Book of Ben Proof Sheets (Leaves)
(The Book of Knowledge)

Shalam 9/12/93.

Dear Percy,

Yours of the 6th inst. with ..... as stated rec'd. I return to you the leaves Book of Ben. The present edition is the exact transcript from the M.I. - I know Newbrough had quite a large number of sheets of M.I. which were never put into Oahspe, some from one book and some from an other, & I think, tho' I know nothing about it, that they were left out in order to reduce the size of the book. For instance the Book of Praise was nearly double its present size, & I have read much that is not in it now, Quite likely it might have been so with the Book of Ben. Much was left to N's discretion as to what to print & what not. White will in future give me monthly & quarterly reports of the pamphlets & Oahspe.

Yours Truly,

1891 Handwritten Letter About Oahspe Revisions

Shalam, Las Cruces, N. M.

Dear Percy,

Yours with N.P. .... re'd. Well, anything of that kind is a good ad. for Oahspe. - You will not find that letter, however, in the forthcoming Edition. By Dr. Newbrough's orders given to me nearly a year ago I cut it out of this Ed.

He said there were some of the descendants of Cotton Mather still living, & it was better not to have any thing of so personal a nature in such a book & I quite agreed with him. The name Lincoln is also left out for the same reason, the word President put in that place. I think I shall be in Boston sometime in July.

Yours truly