1. PAN said: I am the earth; the first habitable place for man; I am beneath the water. Being submerged, my name survives. My words are man's first words. On the continent of Pan were words first used by man.
2. I am the 'Ah', signifying earth. I am earth words. I am the dispersed language. From me, Pan, came all earth languages. In all nations I am found. I deliver up; by me shall man know Him Who sent me. By His angels I was given to mortals; by them brought forth in this day.
3. PAN said: My steadfast lieth in the East. I founded the words of China and India. Fonecia (Phoenician) and Ebra (Hebrew) are my offspring. By the tribes of Faithists was I carried over. Egoquim founded me in Guatama (America). Egoquim became Algonquin. I am before all other languages; the first spoken words. Before me, man uttered as a beast, but made no words.
4. PAN said: The angels made some men as prophets and healers of the sick. By impression and by voice, taught they the prophets to utter words. These were Pan words; that is, earth words. The prophets taught their brethren. Many words were made sacred, that they might be well learned and sacred.
5. PAN said: I come not in a day, nor in a year, nor in a hundred years. I come not to one man only, but to many. I was uttered differently in different places on the 'Ah', the earth, according to the throats (guttural sounds) and tongues (dental sounds) and lips (labial sounds) and their development. Nevertheless, I was the same language (though sounds shifted).
6. PAN said: I am the key to unlock words. I make all things speak. Asu (Adam), the first men, were thus taught. As the camel uttered, so was he called; and the cat and dog and all the living. As the child called his father, so was the name 'man' made. This was in some places, Ghan, and Egan (China); Edam and Edan (Fonece, Phoenician); Adam (Ebra, Hebrew); Puam (Sanscrit); Pam (Vede); Sam (Kii); Ang (Algonquin); Anger (Poit); and Man (English). (Note: English = Anglo-ish = Manlish.)
7. PAN said: Think not that all the living uttered alike in all places. The wild dog spake not as the tame one; nor the small like the large one. Neither could all Asu utter the same sounds alike (sound shifting). Nevertheless, on the continent of Pan they were taught to name the living after their own speech. Thus was Asu taught of land animals and of the birds and all things whatsoever that utter.
8. PAN said: The wind spake but was seen not. Asu was taught that Corpor, the Seen, was ruled over by Es, the Unseen. In the leaves the wind said Ee; in the ocean surge and in the storm's roar, Oh; and in the winter's whistle, Ih; and he called the Unseen, E, O, Ih; Eolin (Poit); Eolih (Zerl); Eloih (Fonece); Jehovih (Ebra, Hebrew); Wenowin (Algonquin); Egoquim (Huit); Ze-jo-is (China). Nor were these all, for there were many imperfections of His name. He was the Unseen. What the Unseen spake, the Seen should not speak (the ineffable wind sounds, vowels). EOIh was Almighty.
9. PAN said: I am language. I am two members, the utterance and the behavior (names and motions, nouns and verbs). All things are embraced in my two members. The unmoving are dead; a stone has a name, but no behavior; it is unmoving; it is dead. It is the property of Uz.
10. Two behaviors have things. If a man look toward Uz (the world), it is downward; if toward Jehovih, it is upward. If a man march toward Uz, it is war and destruction; if toward Light, it is peace and wisdom. Whoever learneth these, my signs, shall read all languages.