The Voice and Will of Jehovih



For the founding of Jehovih's Kingdom
on earth as it is in Heaven.


FIRST. Jehovih who is over all and within all.
SECOND. The Holy Council of the Second Resurrection in Heaven, whose Chief is God.
THIRD. The Earthly Homes of His chosen, with their Inner Council and Chief.
FOURTH. Lodges and Fraternities with their Outer Council and Chief.

PART 1. Government and Laws of the Kosmon Light.
PART 2. Plan, Work, and Ritual of the Kosmon Fraternities--Communities.
PART 3. Work and Ceremonies of the Kosmon Fraternities--Lodges.
PART 4. The Earthly Homes of His Chosen--Jehovih's Kingdom on earth through little orphan children.
PART 5. The Earthly Homes of His chosen--Jehovih's Kingdom on earth through the Faithist or Kosmon parents and their children.
PART 6. Jehovih and His angels.
PART 7. The Doctrines of Kosmon.

With a Supplement on the Kosmon Light and its working.

Shalam, New Mexico

36 A. K.




This text was not part of the original Oahspe manuscript. It was written by Dr. Newbrough 3 years after Oahspe was received, in the 36th year After Kosmon (1884). This document formed the basis upon which the Shalam colony in New Mexico was organized, which failed. Subsequent groups organized on this basis have also failed (for example, the Essenes of Kosmon attempts in the 1940-50's).

This text should be compared with the Book of Judgment, Chapter XXXV, the Book of Inspiration XI:9, and the Book of Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth, Chapters VI, VII, VIII, IX and XXIV, and similar references in Oahspe.

Although the text of this book was not part of Oahspe, it is included here in the interest of providing all of the manuscripts that Dr. Newbrough wrote relating to Oahspe and the forming of a community of Faithists.

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of the


Government and Laws Exist For Only Those Who Create Them

1. Hear the wisdom of thy God, O man; whatsoever is revealed to thee shall not be a law merely because of such revelation -- even though it be from thy God.

2. Wherein thou shalt perceive wisdom in my revelations, or a certainty of good results, thou shalt enact therefrom thine own government and laws.

3. This only canst thou not alter, for it is a law in all the heavens of Jehovih: That all government and laws exist for those who create them; that when such creators go out of office, their laws go out with them; that their successors shall reinact them, or create new ones for themselves.

Establish These Laws In Thine Own Way
(Dislaimer and Admonition)

4. Therefore these revelations cannot be government and laws for thee, save thou establish them in thine own way for thyself.

5. Thy God hath said: I give to thee the religion of Gods themselves.

6. Therefore I commit to thee Jehovih's earthly kingdom, that His will may be manifest on earth as it is in heaven.


Two Councils = One Tae Suggested
(But Reversed from Heaven)

1. There shall be two Councils, an Inner one and an Outer one, and the twain shall be known as Tae.

2. The Inner Council shall be within the place of Jehovih's chosen, the Faithists in Him, after the manner of my Holy Council within the place of the second resurrection in heaven, whose chief I am.

3. The Outer Council shall be with the world at large, after the manner of my sub-Holy Council, which dealeth with mortals and the spirits of the first resurrection who dwell on earth.

4. And there shall be one Inner Council within each home or colony of Faithists.

5. But there shall be but one Outer Council, with branches in different cities, the twain being in reverse to my heavenly Councils; for my Inner Council is but one, but my Outer Councils many, though named sub-Holy Council.

6. Each and every Council shall have a chief, and his official acts shall be founded on the base expressed in the Book of Discipline, to wit: "have not the Uzians resolved their colleges into pupils and teachers? and jurisprudence, so that testimony and not the judge governeth the decisions? Out of the wisdom of the government of the college and the judge's position in court, thou shalt find the key for the decrees of the chief."

7. The Inner Council, through its chief, shall make known the conditions and requirements of its colony to the Outer Council.

8. And the chief of the Outer Council shall make known such matters to his Council, and they shall respond to the requirements of such colony.

9. It shall be lawful for members of the Inner Council to be members of the Outer Council, but the reverse of this shall not be.

10. An individual member within the colony shall not transact business on his own account with the Outer Council nor with the Uzians, even as the angels in the second resurrection in heaven manifest not in places below them.

Valuable Inheritance Provision
(Uzian Worldly Gifts Accepted to Benefit the Colony)

11. Though on earth, and in case of valuable bequeathment to an individual member of the colony, he shall hand the matter over to Inner Council for benefit of the fraternity.

12. This latter clause shall not apply to trivial matters, nor to friendly written correspondence, even though with the Uzians themselves, for the liberty of the individual shall be maintained.


Laws of the Inner Council

1. As to the second resurrection in heaven your God hath said: Whosoever will free himself from all things below shall enter therein. Moreover, I said: Go found a place of second resurrection on earth in like manner.

2. Now therefore let this be a law amongst you, that henceforth whosoever joineth a colony shall put away all Uzian possessions and bondage ere he become a brother with you.

3. And if a man be in service with an Uzian, or if certain ones are dependent on him, then that man shall free himself beforehand.

Method of Divorce Sanctioned For Spouses Entering Colony
(Differs from Oahspe; refer Osiris VI:27-29; Judgment XXXIX:3-4)

4. And if a wife desire to enter, and her husband not, she shall say to him: "Not I, but Jehovih putteth us asunder; for I go not after the things of earth, but my Father in heaven." And she shall depart away from him.

5. And if a husband desire to enter, and his wife will not, he shall say to her: "Not I, but Jehovih putteth us asunder; for I go not after the things of the earth, but My Father in heaven." And she shall depart away from him.

6. But when a man and wife both desire to enter, and they say: "We are married and we desire to enter and remain as husband and wife", then they shall so enter.

Colony Refuge from Uzian Law

7. For whoso committeth himself to serve Jehovih shall not be bound by Uzian law to prevent him entering Jehovih's kingdom.

Inner Council Qualification

8. Only such as have thus become members of a colony, or of a home, in fullness in act and covenant, shall be eligible to be members of the Inner Council.


Covenant Amidst Fire, Water, Earth, and Pillars of Fire!

1. Ye shall covenant amidst fire, water and earth, within the trilights by the altar, after the manner these things are done in heaven with heavenly things.

2. And ye shall join hands betwixt the pillars of fire, the trilights, and repeat, first, the Holy Covenant, and second, the Covenant of Brotherhood, which your God hath given you in the Book of Jehovih's Kingdom on earth. (But this manner differs from Chapter V and VI of that book, which see.)

3. And when the Covenants have been uttered, ye shall make a written record thereof, witnessing it for one another, and affixing the date and place; and the record shall be deposited in the arc of the covenant. And each and every person over fourteen years of age entering or joining the colony, or joining a home preparatory to founding a colony, shall thus fulfill the assignments, records and covenants.

Donate House, Land, and All Worldly Possessions to the Inner Council

4. And when an applicant for membership is encumbered with a house, or land, or other earthly possessions, he shall donate the same to the Inner Council for the benefit of the fraternity.

5. Nor shall any person be permitted to make the covenants until he hath thus put away all things below, and all bondage to the Uzians, becoming free before Jehovih.


Outer Council Qualification

1. God said: Such only who have taken the vows of the four degrees of the brotherhood of Faithists, and who strive to live by them in truth, shall be eligible to the Outer Council.


Election of a New Outer Council Chief Every Year

2. And ye shall ballot for a chief, who shall receive more ballots than all the rest combined.

3. And such an one shall be chief of the Outer Council.

4. But ye shall provide for rotation in office, so that no chief shall hold office longer than one year at a time.


Conduct of Council Business

5. The chief shall announce the business before the Council, and then call upon the members to express their knowledge thereon. And when they have so expressed themselves, the chief shall express his knowledge accordingly as he receiveth it from the rest, and by his own judgment.

6. And the chief's decree shall be law.

Election of Chief and Conduct of Business Same for Inner Council

7. These two latter clauses shall apply also to the Inner Council, even to the admitting of members within the homes or colonies. But in the first instance of such, he who beginneth a home shall be chief thereof, and the first members who come in shall be with him, the Inner Council of that home until there shall be twelve adult members, when the chief shall deliver his office over to such an one as expressed in the second clause of this chapter.

The Heirarchy:
First: Jehovih
Second: God
Third: Inner Councils
Fourth: Outer Council Lodges & Fraternities

8. These shall become the organic manifestation of Jehovih's will on earth as it is in heaven. First, Jehovih, Who is over all and within all; second the Holy Council of the second resurrection in heaven, whose chief is God; third, the earthly homes of His chosen, with their Inner Council and chief; and fourth, lodges and fraternities, with their Outer Council and chief.

9. For as Jehovih commissioned me, your God, to found His kingdom on earth, even so commit I these things unto mortals.

10. The time thereof, being the thirty-sixth year of the Kosmon era 36 A.K.= 1884 A.D.), and the fourth year of the dawn thereof (4th year of the Oahspe revelations).