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Winter begins. New-Year's Day: equivalent to Dec 23, Christian calendar. Moon's First Quarter.
" All was. All is. All ever shall be. The All spake, and motion was, and is, and ever shall be: and, being positive, was called He and Him.
1st Sabbath. Day's length, 10 h. 0 m.
"The All motion was His speech"--OAHSPE
Full Moon. [p. 5, ch. 1, v. 1
Fallen Sword's Day. [The writing of Oahspe
began this day through the hands of J. B. New- brough, on a type-writer, at 128 W. 34th Street, New York City. The writing was done at in- tervals of fifteen to twenty minutes each morning.
2d Sabbath. Day's length, 10h. 5m.
ing at sunrise, and completed in fifty weeks,
Moon's Last Quarter.
in the year of Kosmon 33.]
" Remember, the password which admitteth thee to the All-highest kingdoms is, Jehovih the I Am.
3d Sabbath. Day's length, 10h. 11m.
" These are Tae's revelations of Jehovih's times and seasons appointed unto the chosen: The shortest day on the northern line of the sun shall be the end of the year, and it shall be New Moon. First month begins.
called the last day of the old year, saith Jehovih.
" And the first day thereafter, when the sun
4th Sabbath. Day's length, 10h. 18m.
on his southern course starteth toward the north, shall be the beginning of the year, and it shall be called the new year's day.