------------ On page 484, below Description of Plate 18, insert: "Showing the position of the earth's western hemisphere in a'ji in the seven years of the arc (in 2,848 Before Kosmon, which caused the destruction of the races of Oech'lo'pan, the Mound Builders of America. It was the tail of this nebulous a'ji, that forty years later fell upon Arabinia, causing the retrogression of the Israelites from the light of Jehovih.
------------ On page 490, below Description under Plate 20, insert: "Showing position of the earth in the time of Zarathustra, 8900 years B.K."
------------ On page 491, under Description of Plate 21, insert: "Showing the arc in which the earth was in the cycle of Moses and Capilya. And Jehovih made a sign of the triumph of light to endure four hundred years. Jehovih said: Let the period of four hundred years be a sign to them that come after. And it was so. For at the termination of that time, both Israelites and Brahmins forsook the higher law and established kings and rulers amongst themselves. And this is also one of the numbers of the prophets to this day."
------------ On page 547, under Description of Plate 29, insert: "The fragments of which, falling to the earth, are called meteoric stones." Then add to above insert: Wark in atmospherea becometh organic and falleth to the earth." Now, this last insert, is verse 28, of page 548, which should be stricken off, as it has no connection with the text there. --------------
On page 548, under Description of Plate 30 (Ji'ay) Insert: "during the glacial period, showing m'ha'k, the surrounding nebula, that caused the earth's crust to break and upheave, forming ranges of mountains. At the period referred to, the earth was turned from its axic course; the north becoming east, and the south becoming west."
------------ On page 549, under Title of Plate 31, insert: "Wark in etherea becometh the a'ji'an cloud, and shattereth." Now, this above insert, is verse 29, of page 548, which should be stricken off, as it has no connection with the text there.
---------- On page 551, under Title of Plate 33 (Hyarti Nebula), insert: "Showing the earth (white centre) eclipsed on all sides. In the Hyarti period the earth was in darkness for one hundred and thirty years. This was the gestative age for the vegetable kingdom."
--------- On page 552, under Title of Plate 34,(Jiniquin Swamp) insert: "Showing the firmament, beginning 1900 B.K., and continuing until 1300 B.K.; occasionally freed from nebulous eclipses. The nebulous region was sufficiently large to embrace the solar phalanx (Great Serpent). During the above period the earth was frequently in the state of eclipse for weeks and months at a time; one period enduring fourteen months. During these six hundred years the people of India, China, Europe and Africa fell from the light of Jehovih, becoming cruel and exterminating, establishing torments and inquisitions, for the sake of their idols, saviors, saints and prophets. Jehovih said: Let the period of six hundred years be a sign and limit of darkness that followeth the light of dan (next to dan'ha), and this is one of the numbers for the prophets of this day." ---------
On page 563, under Title of Plate 46, insert: "Solar Phalanx, that is, sun-family. Jehovih said: Let a sign be before men, that they may know I shield My works with Mine Own hand. And it was so. For He made for the living creatures on the earth and in the waters, and in the air, every one a shield. Yea, the kernel of wheat and the flesh of the nut, He encompassed around about, that men might know that He shielded all His works on the exterior thereof. For in the time of Kosmon it hath come to pass to reveal the vortex of Tow'sang, that man might behold the wisdom and glory of His works. All save man, He made with an external shield; but man alone He made to be shielded by the spirit within him."
--- In fellowshipofthecreator@yahoogroups.com, "bobbayer3741"