To Prophecy Resurrections
1. Again Jehovih spake through Es, saying:
2. The first resurrection in heaven have I made to inspire the first resurrection on earth; the second resurrection in heaven have I made to inspire the second resurrection on earth. The third resurrection in heaven have I made to inspire the third resurrection on earth. The like to like, made I them.
3. Es said: Consider then, if a man on the earth strive for riches, or power, or self in any manner, whence he draweth his inspiration; and determine thou also by this what will be his rank in his birth into the es world.
4. And if a man be a preacher and not a practitioner, doing not the thing he knoweth to be the highest, thou shalt determine what will be his spirit birth.
5. On the other hand, he that liveth to the full, the highest of all he knoweth, by his own strength, producing for others all he can, thou shalt determine his place also.
6. These resurrections are possible, either on the earth or in heaven; but there are many so immersed in the earth, that only by death and by suffering hades (first and second resurrections), can they be aroused to strive for higher light.
.7. Now, it will be said to thee: Such a man hath lived a good and exemplary life, giving to the poor, being temperate and respectable before the world. What will be his place in heaven?
8. Answer thou him, O Tae, saying: He that serveth himself, goeth to the lowest of bound heavens. He who serveth Jehovih with all his wisdom and strength, goeth to the third realm, but he who serveth betwixt these two goeth to the second lowest of the bound realms. Shall a man deceive Jehovih, saying: I did the best I knew, when he knoweth he did not?
9. Be thou wise in discerning Jehovih in all things, and seeing and judging as He would judge, for there are deceivers in heaven; and to him who would shelter his own deceit, these spirits come by thousands. But he of the third resurrection escapeth them.
10. And now, touching the prophecy of a nation, weigh thou the people and determine what resurrection they are already in, and the number of each division. Then determine the generation antecedent (before); and the one again antecedent to that, making tablets thereof.
* * * * * *
Tae Asks About Jehovih's Kingdom
Jehovih answered through Es:
11. They that are heavily laden, and dwell in Him, they are the type of My etherean worlds!
12. Forswear yourselves away from the world; she worshippeth the beast, The cloud of the second resurrection is upon her. Wash your hands (of the world) and be clean. My hosts from the Most High heavens wait at your doors.
13. Behold, the spirits of darkness and of lies and deception have knocked, and ye opened unto them (see The Book of Judgment I:11-31 and XXV:11 as representative of this verse).
Tae Asks the Future of Nations
14. And now Tae looked abroad over the nations, and he said: What of the emperor, the queens, the king, the lords of the land?
15. Es said: Weigh thou them, O man: they and their peoples under them, and enumerate them according to the tablets, and thou shalt foretell the times that are set for them. As they were built up by the sword, they shall fall by the sword. As they stand by the strength of their standing armies, even by standing armies shall they be cut down.
16. By the sword shall Christ destroy Mohammed, and Brahma and Buddha; but he shall come against Confucius and fall. (i.e., China; Ka'yu being the prophet of Jehovih better known as Confucious.) Then shall Christ destroy himself; for as his followers (will) have cast him out of Rome, he will have no abiding place on the earth.
17. Search thou the road of Vishnu and Etau, and Ram, and Osiris; for all the idols of heaven run the same course, as thou shalt prove in Orachnebuahgalah (the Tablet of Prophecy), nor is here any help for them.
18. Jehovih is Omnipotent over all. He sendeth all Gods and saviors, by His Almighty command came they. They are books He bestoweth upon the generations of men, but when they are of no more use to man, behold, He taketh them away and giveth instead that which is suited to the progress of the world.
19. Be wise, and remember thy Creator all the days of thy 1ife. Be thou one with Him, and thou shalt live forever!
End of The Book of Knowledge.
There are some differences between this edition of The Book of Knowledge and previous published editions. Hence, the following notes:
Introductory subheadings, and some editor's notes (in parentheses) were added to this edition, for clarity. Following are changes (corrections) in this edition, and why.
Page 38
I:20 "Hear, then shall I know that they know one another?", corrected to: "How, then," as it was intended to read.
Page 43
II:38 Wherefore, then, have men set up Zarathustra, and Brahma, and Budha, and Christ, and the prophets of old? The word Zarathustra deleted, and Mohammed inserted in its place, as Mohammed is the fourth member of the Beast of the Arc of Bon (Mohammed, Brahma, Budha and Christ), not Zarathustra! Zarathustra was not an idol, but a prophet of Jehovih, as were Abraham, Moses and Joshu.
Page 49
IV:6 Thus did Tae determine that an arc was three thousand years, but that the dan'ha varied from fifty to six hundred years. The word "dan'ha" here is incorrect. As given in the context of the next verse 7, what varies are the heights (dans) of an arc. The "dans" are the harvest times, which originally varied from 200 to 600 years, but the 200-year interval was too long, so reduced to 50 years, quarter ascensions, during the Arc of Spe-ta (refer Book of Cpenta-armij XI:5) So currently, the dans (not dan'has) vary from 50 to 600 years. The duration (not height) of a dan'ha is that of an arc of 3,000 years, plus or minus 600 years: from 2400 to 3600 years.
Pages 50 and 118
IV:13 (Note only; text was not changed.) The diameter of the earth's vortex is given as 1,000,504 miles in this verse. On page 118, the diameter of the earth's atmospherea (vortex) is given as 1,504,000 miles. Both cannot be right, and neither are correct as the "diameter" of the earth's vortex (atmospherea). The figure 1,504,000 miles corresponds to the circumference of the earth's vortex, not its diameter. Accordingly, these references should be changed to read "circumference" instead of "diameter", and Part IV verse 13 should be corrected to read "one million five hundred and four thousand (1,504,000) miles in circumference".Page 50
IV:18 Ha'k was second brn, and then Semu, and they covered the earth abroad with asu, till hotu came, and Jehovih ceased creating new living things; and the second time of the earth was hotu. Ha'k is a 72,000 year season like Seffas and Kosmon. The Ha'k season in which Asu was created was the second season during the Semu'an Age. Jehovih ceased creating new living things when the Hotu'an Age began with the Seffas season. Hence the correction to this verse: "then Semu" to "during Semu".
Pages 56, 163 and 165
V:24 Hydeville should be Hydesville.
Page 65
VII:18. and forever harp on him, knowing higher; the word "nothing" was omitted.
Page 65
VII:26 Those who have not attained to the third resurrection, that is Jehovih's presence, must have, first a mortal king or ruler; third, the sword and the prison; (should be second, the sword, and third, the prison).