(NOTE: The four heads of the beast identified in God's Book of Ben are those from cycles past: Anuhasaj, Ho-Joss, Te-in, Dyaus, Ashtaroth, Baal, and Osiris, all false. The four heads of the beast used in The Book of Knowledge are Christ, Buddha, Brahma & Mohammed. Also note that parts of the following verses 1 and 2 appear as God's Book of Ben VIII:15-17.)
Battle With the Beast
In the Arc of Kosmon
1. And two heads of the beast stood in the east (Buddha and Brahma), and one stood in the midst (Mohammed), and one in the west (Christ). And the one that was oldest, and standing in the east (Brahma), raised up his blood stained hands, trembling in miserly rage, and with a book tattered and torn and smutted with the foulness of glutted averice (Hindu bible, the Vedas, meaning knowledge, vit, wit), swore an oath saying:
Down! Down! Jehovih! Unseen and godless! Down! Know thou this ancient lore! And the caste of men?
2. And rattling his hideous bones, even whilst with hissing breath he bated some to see the great awakening light.
3. But swift and terrible, the head of the beast that stood to the east and south (Buddha), snorted loud, and with both hands black with clotted human blood, uplifted, cried out: Who art thou, of the north and east (Brahma), that bellows out because thy tottering kingdom forsees its certain fall? Not only will I put Jehovih down, but thou, too, miscreant, deceiver of men! Know thou, O worthless Brahma, thy day is done. I, even I, great Buddha, will rule all the world. None but I shall save mortal souls.
4. Then with flashing sword raised high, and hungry for deeds of war, the head of the beast turned and shot forth his poisonous breath till all the world was foul. But ere he one stroke made, the head of the beast in the midst of the cloud (Mohammed), and more polluted than all the rest, and deep marked with lust, turned around to survey the scene, as if disturbed in amorous gluttony. And he shouted loud: Hold! You dogs of ancient! Only by me, Mohammed, shall man ascend to heaven! Behold my deeds of blood! By myself am I sworn! I will feast on your rotten carcasses, and banish Jehovih from the earth!
5. He raised himself upward, unwashed, and his head smoked with the fumes of mortal blood; he shook the mighty cloud of the beast far and near.
6. But now, horror arose afresh, for the head of the beast that lies to the west, (Christ) stretched up his horns, and silently at first, always the most to fear, he felt around for his sword, and on the other heads of the beast contemplated, as one that knoweth his own power. Then toward great Jehovih he looked approvingly, but full of well-planned deceit.
7. Without more ado, he spake to the other three heads of the beast, saying (Christian Bible, Mathew 10:34-35): Think not I am come to send peace, but a sword. I come to set man at variance against his brother, and a daughter against her mother. Behold the millions I have slain! Behold how my mortals build torpedoes and ships of war! Behold the long trail of human gore where my banner goes forth! Know ye, too, I am the savior of men! Even great Jehovih shall bow the knee when I command! I will send my legions forth to rap on tables, and show the faces of the dead, and then proclaim through mortal tongues it is bolted loose, and thereon build my kingdom forever.
8. And then the head of the beast stood triumphant in the west, stripped of his bloody sleeves, and with one hand held high a banner whereon was written: I AM THE LAMB OF PEACE! And with the other swung high his mighty sword, like a whirlwind, it swung abroad over all the black clouds,
(NOTE: Page from The Book of Knowledge is missing here, but from the context with that which follows, the battle is won by Jehovih.)
The Beast Cast Out From Earth
9. Women of wealth and fashion cast aside their earthly goods and went and labored with the poor, teaching cleanliness, and wisdom and uprightness of heart. And those that preached were the spirits of the dead, who were ripe in experience in Jehovih's unseen worlds.
10. But the beast with his countless millions, was cast out from the earth. As a long black cloud, riven and broken, floating, floating, floating, it passed away, and was seen no more! Nor was there more any God known upon the earth. But Jehovih rose supreme in every land; and all people under the sun sang anthems of glory to His name!
The Meaning of Beast
11. The voice of Jehovih came upon Es, saying:
12. Of the past, these things shalt thou comprehend, O Tae. The beast walked forth on the earth in every guise, and in the second sphere of atmospherea he became a living person, born out of the sins of men.
First Resurrection Beasts
13. For one man worshippeth science, and it was his beast; one worshippeth riches, and it was his beast; one fashion, and it was her beast; another lust, and it was his; another worshipping nothing, and it was his beast. Now all these and of such like order, continued to do the same things after death, for that which they had builded up on earth became as a living entity within them, and they could not put it away. This was the first resurrection, being the birth of unclean man into the spirit world.
Second Resurrection Beasts
14. In the second sphere of atmospherea, which is the second resurrection, the condition was like unto the first, but organic (organized).
15. For one people worshipped Brahma, making a beast of him; another worshipped Buddha, making a beast of him. Another worshipped Christ, making a beast of him; another Jesus, making a beast of him, and forever parading his crucifixion. And the beast that each one built up within his soul became an entity to him on his entrance into spirit life, and he became bound to the machinations of evil spirits professing to be that beast. And these evil spirits became as gods, in fact, building kingdoms in the lower heavens, and making subjects and slaves of their worshippers, compelling them to contribute of their earnings and labor in spirit, even as mortal kings exact tribute (taxes) on earth. Thousands and millions, and tens of millions of subjects and slaves had they, and their cities were even as represented to mortals, paved with comparative pearls and diamonds.
The Three Resurrections
First Resurrection Teachings
(Reincarnation, Soul-Mating)
16. These things hast thou witnessed: that the spirits of the first birth discourse on the things of the earth, and of marriage and begetting (sex); not having risen even to the second resurrection. Their hope and belief in heaven is to re-enter wombs and be born again, teaching reincarnation, and ministering to the proclivities of lust in mortals; inspiring visions of sexual desires and practices in heaven (i.e., soul-mating). For all such spirits have not risen up from the earth, and know no other abode, but to revel and glut themselves in corporeal debauchery. And many of them boastingly, and in darkness, teach falsely that spirits in heaven beget sons and daughters, and even that sons and daughters reincarnate themselves in mortal flesh, becoming children of the earth.
17. All such spirits shall thou know by such teachings; for whatsoever seemeth the highest delight of a man on earth, or a spirit in es, that will he exult in and proclaim.
Second Resurrection Teachings
(Gods and Saviors)
18. And this sign hast thou witnessed of them in the second resurrection: they proclaim the beast they have made, whether it be an idol of Jesus or Christ, or Buddha, or Mohammed, or Brahma, and forever harp on him ,knowing (nothing) higher; and he standeth as a figure of the beast, whereupon they hang their hopes of endless bliss.
19. By their preaching, hast thou evidence of their place in heaven. Whosoever practiseth in them, receiveth his inspiration from the slaves of the beast he proclaimeth.
20. Yet the second is higher than the first, for the first is isolated, and the spirit or mortal belonging to the first, preachest and practiseth on his own account, being wholly for self.
21. This sign hath the Father given: That in marriage, man and woman becometh the first testimony before mortals, that self can be abnegated without loss of self experiencing a loss in fact. And this is the smallest possible number that can unite on earth or in heaven. Let the single man or the single woman stand, therefore, as a type of the lowest of the heavens (first resurrection), and let marriage stand as a type of the second resurrection; for those of the first are as individuals, but those of the second are as the beginning of association, and the committing of one's self to the combination of many.
The Third Resurrection
(Families and Communities)
22. Es said: A sign of the third resurrection hath Jehovih given to men whereby they shall be known, which is: that self shall not be maifest, save in the union of many. For as the first resurrection may have marriage between two persons who become as one, so do they of the third resurrection become Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, manifesting in families of tens, and twenties, and hundreds, and thousands, who are also as one. Nor have they any other king, or chief ruler, or God, or Lord, or Christ.
23. Wherefore if a man say: I have no faith in these things, because they are impractical, ye may know he belongeth to one of the first two resurrections, and not to the third.
24. Es said: Nevertheless, it hath been proved in Israel that these things were for four hundred years (beginning of Arc of Bon, previous cycle), and these people attained to six millions of souls. Whoever then saith this day is void of righteousness like the ancients, is speaking from the first or second resurrection, denying the progress of man, and accusing Jehovih.
How to Determine Resurrections
25. Judge not Jehovih's chosen by the standard of the worshippers of the beast, neither shall any man accuse Jehovih because man has set up natural law, putting Jehovih afar off; or because he hath set up Brahma, or Buddha, or Christ, putting Jehovih afar off, for all these idols were necessary to those who love the figure of a beast.
26. Those who have not attained to the third resurrection (that is, Jehovih's presence), must have, first, a mortal king or ruler; second, the sword (militia, police); and third, the prison; for all of these were given to those who are begotten in sin and dwell in the beast.
27. Neither can he who preacheth any of the idols practice that which he preacheth. They are but as news vendors, proclaiming what Buddha did (or Christ did), or what is done by natural law, or divine law. Their mission is to preach and not to practice; for the practice of righteousness is not possible to them.
28. If a man come to thee and say: Behold, I am inspired by the angels of the third resurrection, see to it, and prove him (or her), for if he be true, he is a practiser of Jehovih's kingdom, not in preaching, but in works.
29. But if he strive for himself in all things, then is he inspired of the first resurrection.
30. And yet if he be a proclaimer for one of the idols, then is he one of the second resurrection, asserting law, and even violence.
31. As one man alone cannot practice war, neither can one man alone practice the third resurrection. One man alone may giveth away all he hath, laboring for others all of his days, abjuring self before the world; yet he cannot thus be in the third resurrection. Because he hath not attained to the Father's kingdom, which is organic (organized), and composed of a number.
32. Try them, therefore, before Jehovih, whether, for sake of Him they will become one with an army of brethren for righteousness. For such is a kingdom, and of it, Jehovih is king. All such will abjure war and violence, and contribute all they produce to the Father's kingdom, reserving nothing. This becometh power by virtue of righteousness and peace. These are ministered to by the spirits of the third resurrection, who have no Buddha or Christ, but Jehovih only.
33. The proof of these things shall be manifest before all peoples. The Buddhan, or Brahman, or Mohammedan or Christian will not accept a brotherhood (peace on earth), either on earth or in heaven, because forsooth, he has his own idol. Neither will he abjure war, but declare it a necessary evil, even in the same breath he professeth peace. The charity he doeth is likewise vain and of little effect. It is like lifting water with a sieve. He buildeth asylums and houses for the poor, and places to feed the hungry, and in his places of worship raiseth money and provisions and raiments. But, lo and behold, the numbers who come to want, increase on his hands.
34. And yet worse than these are such as belong to the first resurrection. They worship nothing, and are without moral power before the world. Their charities are nothing, education nothing, and as for ideas of virtue, it is every one for himself.