Tae Begins to Understand
1. Tae said: How shall I come to Thee, O Jehovih? I have nothing more to stand upon.2. My self-conceit hath been as a mountain before my vision. I have nothing to boast over the ancients; the things I gloried in, the inventions, and sciences, and discoveries of my time, I saw not from Thy standpoint, I exulted in myself, saying, have I not done great things?
3. But I had not done a hand's turn with all my inventions and discoveries to better the poor and unlearned. What, then, is the measure of the good I have done more than the ancients?
4. Verily hast Thou turned my eyes inward and made me ashamed. The sciences I boasted of, hast Thou nailed down to the earth, and I perceive my spirit was burrowing into corporeal things only. And as to Thy Gods and saviors, and idols of all kinds, I was cursing Thee in cursing them. In my conceit I was demanding light from Thee, and straightway plunging my head into darkness.
5. Yet I come to Thee, O Jehovih! Thou alone art my theme. Thou my Love and my Glory. But I will not say: Give me light! Thine is the wisdom and the power to bestow whatever is for my own good.
6. When I called for light, it was for myself, and was void before Thee. I had raised up my voice against prayer lest I appear as a beggar in Thy presence. What, more, then, is any man, but a living prayer? One desireth riches, one power, one wisdom, one love, one food, and one rest. Henceforth, then, I will pray for nothing, but accept whatever Thou bestoweth. Yet how can I restrain myself? Do I not desire to know Thy heavens in the firmament? To find a way whereby I may come to the spirits of the wise men of olden time?
7. Can I restrain my desire to know all that hath been on the earth; to find the people who once lived in the buried cities; put myself in rapport with them in spirit, and hear them tell their earthly exploits of thousands of years ago?
Some pages from The Book of Knowledge are missing here. Up to this point, Tae has received responses from five of Jehovih's sons and daughters (Kosmon, Esfoma, Corpor, Uz and Seffas). The responses from Ha'k and Es are missing, as well as Tae's conclusion of how to proceed in his quest to see and hear spiritual things for himself, directly. In order to provide continuity to this reprinting of The Book of Knowledge contents, God's Book of Ben, Chapter V, verses 28-42, are included here. The context strongly indicates that these verses originated from this position in The Book of Knowledge.
God's Book of Ben
28. Within every man's soul, Jehovih hath provided a judge that will soon or late become triumphant in power.
29. Man (Tae) said: Hear me: I am tired of reason and argument.
30. Now will I covenant with Jehovih. He only shall answer me; He will give me light:
Tae Covenants with Jehovih
31. To Thee, O Jehovih, I commit myself, to be Thine forever.
32. To serve Thee by doing nothing for mine own selfish ends; but by doing the best I can for others, all my days.
33. My flesh body will I baptize (bathe) every day in remembrance of Thee; for my body is Thine, and I will keep it clean and pure before Thee.
34. Neither will I suffer my spiritual body to be injured by wicked thoughts or passions of lust; for my spirit is Thy gift to me also.
35. Twice every day shall my spirit body be covenanted to Thee, in which times all earthly thoughts shall depart away from me. And whatsoever light Thou bestowest on me, that shall be a guide and ruler over me for the day thereof.
36. In the morning at sunrise will I turn to Thee, that I may be spurred up to swiftness in doing good and in manifesting Thy light in my behavior. And at night before I sleep will I recount my day's labor, that I may see wherein I was short in doing with all my wisdom and strength.
37. Thou, O Jehovih, shalt be my Confessor and Advisor; to Thee will I give praise without ceasing. My prayers and anthems to Thee shall be without number. This do I perceive is the highest of all aspiration.
38. For what better is it for God or the spirits of the dead to tell me a thing than for mortals to tell me? Is not all wisdom necessary to be proved within each and every man? Is it not better that my vision reach up to heaven and see it myself, than to be told of it by the angels?
39. It is wiser for mortals to become pure as angels, than for angels to become impure as mortals. Nay, I will not drag the spirits of the higher heavens down to the earth. If they came and told me, it would be but hearsay testimony at best.
40. I will commune with them and weigh their words, as to whether they be wise and adapted to founding Thy kingdom on earth.
41. Am I not done, O Jehovih? Thou hast sealed up thy kingdoms from me. Henceforth I will neither preach nor hear preaching. Only to labor and to do good, and be in peace within my own soul, and with my neighbors, and to glorify Thee.
42. I will do no more, nor will I multiply words with any one under the sun.
End of Quotation from
God's Book of Ben
The Book of Knowledge
PART III, continued
Tae's Spirit Sense Opened
8. Since thou hast put away words and become a worker in My behalf, I have drawn nearer thee in wisdom and power. Behold, then, thy reward!
9. Kosmon said: And Jehovih touches Tae on the forehead, and his spirit sense was opened. And Esfoma came and brought Tae a lava-stone, saying: Lay this on thy forehead. Tae laid the lava-stone on his forehead, but he saw it not.
10. Esfoma said: What now?
11. Tae said: I feel like a burning mountain. Lo, this stone has been hurled from a burning crater. Then Esfoma took a sealed record and gave it to Tae, saying: What of this, O man?
12. Tae said: I will lay it on my forehead, where the light cometh. And when he had done this, he read the record without opening it.
13. Jehovih said: Unto all men I gave two senses, corpor and es. In the time of Seffas, I allotted to man to mature corpor (materially). But now is the time of Kosmon come, and man shall mature es (spiritually).
14. It is well that thou shalt be believing toward men and angels, but it is better to develop yourself. Thou hast desired to know the mysteries of My unseen worlds, and the past histories of the earth. Behold, I give unto thee a new sense, the which will fulfill thy soul's desire. Yea, thou shalt read the books in the libraries of heaven!
15. Have I not said of old: All things shall be revealed! Think not that a messenger will come, loud speaking, for man would not believe; but I quickened the righteous with Mine own hand, and they will comprehend without belief.
16. The time of preaching and believing is at an end. Man shall know of his knowledge, and practice that which he knoweth. Herein is My light being manifested in this day.
17. Kosmon said: Tae called the new sense, suis, because it is spirit-seeing and spirit-hearing. And Tae comprehended that approximate things leave an impression on each other, which impression can be read by the suis sense.
18. Tae said: Now will I cultivate this talent Jehovih hath given me, for I perceive it lieth closely to the es'ean worlds. Was it not for the cultivation of this sense that Samuel of old founded a college of prophecy? And did not Zarathustra do so also?
19. Jehovih spake through Kosmon: Whoever pursueth righteousness by this talent shall rise to receive not only the past, but the future also. But whosoever turneth suis down into the earth shall fall, and not rise. When dan'ha is upon the earth, I give suis to as many as have risen in spirit above the flesh.
20. But many turned away from Me, using suis for riches, and they descend to darkness. Suis being a talent above the earth, shall not be used for earthly things, and in this respect, there are many dead who have not attained to suis.
What New Sense Reveals to Tae
21. Then went Tae forth, that he might comprehend unseen things; and the light of Jehovih went with him, and angels also.
22. And when he had come within a temple of worship where Christians were worshipping, Jehovih drew near, and the power and light of Jehovih's sons and daughters were upon him; and they said, what beholdest thou?
23. Tae said: Two peoples are before me, corporeans and es'eans (spirits) and they are alike, save one hath not corporeal bodies and the other hath, and they are clothed alike. As one worshippeth, so worshippeth the other, and the light that is upon them all is the same, no greater, no less.
24. Now, when Tae departed and came to a temple where Budhans were worshipping, Kosmon said: What beholdest thou? And Tae answered, saying, even as in the other place, mortals and spirits worshipping, and the same light is upon them both.
25. Jehovih led Tae forth again, saying: Since thou hast suis, thou shalt attain also to ethe (etherean sense), in after time. After that Tae departed, and went into a saloon, where men were smoking and drinking, and Jehovih touched him and said: What beholdest thou?
26. Tae said: Corporeans and es'eans, and the same light is upon them both, and their habits are the same, and their avocations also. They are smoking and drinking, both mortals and spirits, neither is one above the other.
27. Jehovih caused Tae then to go to a place of pollution, and when Tae had beholden all, he said: Alas, what mine eyes have beholden this day! Both peoples are the same! And there came into the place the son of a rich man and the son of a king, and the spirits of darkness went and fondled them, but the young men saw them not. But their flesh was moved upon, for they lived for the flesh's sake, and they fell in sin. And when the young men departed out of the place of evil, lo and behold, many of the spirits of pollution went with them.
28. Jehovih said: Tae, My son, thou shalt follow them and bear testimony to what happeneth. And Tae did as commanded.
29. Presently the prince and the rich man's son came to a neighbor's house where assembled many young women, with their mothers and fathers. And the spirits of pollution went and fondled the women, an the mothers urged their daughters also, being desirous of wedding them. And wilst Tae was yet in the house a dark cloud of darkness came upon it, and he departed. But yet not many days elapsed when there went up from that house weeping and wailing because of the wickedness done therein.
The College of Suis (Prophecy)
30. Tae said: Thou art just, O Jehovih! The gift of suis has made me strong in righteousness, and filled me with fear also. I perceive how Thou hast measured the lovers of earthly things, and meted to them the companions they have chosen. Herein doth it devolve on me to develop suis in my sons and daughters, and in all children whom I can raise up, and in time to come neither the good or evil that is in any man can escape their observation. Is not this the foundation of prophecy?
31. Kosmon said: By the light of Jehovih that dwelleth in me I declare unto thee, O Tae! Be thou wise not only in suis, but in thy corporeal judgment also. Thou hast perceived that all things leave an impression on all approximate things. To read these is suis.
32. Hath it not been written of old: save thou separatest thyself in body and spirit from the world, thou shalt not reach Nirvana (etherean condition)? Put this and that together, learning from the past as well as the present.
33. Tae said: Now do I perceive, O Jehovih, I must avoid the imprint of evil things in order to attain Thy higher light. Is not this the true course to raise up my sons and daughters? For of what benefit in the world is suis if it remain amidst clouds? Tae withdrew from the world, taking his sons and daughters with him, besides orphans and infants without number. And he built a home in the country, and founded a college of suis, teaching the exercise of both the spiritual senses and the corporeal senses.
Tae's Children
Will Found Jehovih's Kingdom
34. Tae said: Lo and behold, infants have suis at the first. In all the ages past hath man smothered it out by ministering to the corporeal senses alone. And Tae preserved to his sons and daughters, and to the infants, the power of suis.
35. Jehovih said: Fear not for them, O man, for in having suis, they will not depart away from Me. They shall be the founders of My kingdom on earth. Then Jehovih spake through Es.
26. Es said: For thy good works, thou hast enlisted angels from the second heaven (etherea). Hear me, O Tae, and be wise in thy judgment. Whilst thou wert in the world and with it, thy voice of prayer rose not, but wasted itself amidst familiar spirits and mortals. The impressions of these being around about thee, transcend all other powers in thy soul. But now that thou hast freed thyself from the presence of them who live for earthly things alone, thou art open to receive the Father.
What Kosmon Means
37. Remember that in this day Kosmon is bestowed on the earth; that is, the era in which man shall combine the wisdom of earth knowledge with the wisdom of spirit knowledge; the light of the hermit and recluse with the light of the city; the learning of the books of old with the spirit of making books of his own.
38. Give heed to my words: Jehovih giveth to one the power to heal by means of spirit power. Let such a person not fall back on spirit alone, but diligently pursue all corporeal knowledge of healing. This is Kosmon.
39. Jehovih giveth to another oratory and music by means of spirit power. Let such a person not fall back on spirit alone, but diligently pursue also corporeal knowledge on oratory and music. This is Kosmon.
40. Did not the teacher of music under the reign of Seffas apply the corporeal notes and not the Spirit? And yet when he taught a bird to sing, he shut it up in a dark room and made it learn from es only. In this he was wiser with the bird than with his sons and daughters.
41. So also hath the man of much learning drowned his own spirit in darkness; nevertheless, the man of suis shall not neglect book learning; otherwise he is but as a clock without a regulator, or a ship without a rudder.
42. To attain to Kosmon is to find the secret of prophecy. Think not that prophecy can be attained without diligence in pursuing knowledge. As thou wouldst from corporeal knowledge foretell an eclipse, so from es knowledge shalt thou fore-tell and past-tell the nations of the earth. Yet all knowledge, corporeal or es'ean, is compatible with general principles, and one may lead to unfolding the other.
43. In olden time wise angels came to men and informed them of what was to happen, and these men were called prophets. but I tell thee, O Tae, such men were only instruments of revelation. In the time of Kosmon men shall not be merely instruments of prophecy, but actual prophets themselves.
44. As man computeth motions of corporeal earth, and foretelleth an eclipse, so shalt thou compute the es of man and nations, and the vortices of the unseen worlds, and foretell coming events, and cause the hidden things of the earth to deliver up their long hidden secrets.