Jehovih's Voice Inspires Tae
1. Jehovih spake through His sons and daughters. His voice came up out of the marsh and down from the heavens above, and the children of men heard and saw, and raised up because of the spirit in them. And they answered to Him, Who is Almighty; and their voices were called Tae, because as it is the universal word of all children born, so doth it represent universal prayer of man
Tae Seeks Enlightenment
2. Tae said: Reveal, O Father, give me light! I behold the wide earth, the sun, moon and stars. But the great vault of heaven is as an empty sky. Where is the abode of the dead; the place of the souls of men?
3. In times past Thou hast quickened seers and prophets, and through them lifted up Thy children and proclaimed other worlds! Am I more dumb than those in past ages? All the while myself and forefathers have withstood Thy mighty Presence.
4. Thou hast quickened my members by thine own hand to be dissatisfied by the old revelations, and made me to peer deeper into the cause and place of things, and to desire further light from Thy holy place.
5. By Thy Power hath my manhood been raised up. By Thy Power and Wisdom only will I be appeased.
6. When I was a child I believed as a child, because it was told me; but now that I am grown up, I would know who Thy prophets were, and how they attained their gifts, and wisdom of words.
7. The cosmogony Thou taughtest in the olden time was sufficient for that day; but I am raised up by Thee to perceive the sun and stars of other worlds, and their travel in Thy great firmament. Now, I cry out unto Thee, where is the promised heaven? Where is the proof of immortal life? By Thee was I quickened into life and made conscious that I am. To Thee I come in the majesty Thou madest me, Thou my Father! By Thee was I made determined to sift all things to the bottom. In Thee do I know there is magnitude to encompass all my holy desires, and answer me.
8. Give me of Thy Light! When I was a child I besought Thee as a child; now, I call out in the manhood Thou hast bestowed upon me! I will know Thy Lords, Thy Gods, and Thy Saviors, and Thy promised heaven.
9. I have scaled the mountain; Thy myriads of corporeal worlds that travel in the eternal sea of space! I have beholden that all the stars in heaven would not fill the hollow of Thy Hand; yea, that Thy breath moveth the universe! The glory of Thy works hath inspired me with madness to come to Thy Mighty Home!
10. Speak, O Jehovih! Thou alone canst assuage this soaring spirit that sprang forth from Thee, inspired. Give me light!
11. I have encompassed the earth around, and bridged the nations thereof with assimilative words. My geography is finished. Give me a book of heaven! I have burrowed deep in corporeal knowledge, and seen the drift of all the earth. Where is the spirit world, and land of the dead? Give me light!
Kosmon answers Tae
(Beginning of Kosmon)
12. Kosmon said: Jehovih heard the voice of Tae, and answered him. He said: Let the angels of heaven go down to the earth. My blessed son called to Me in wisdom and truth. And the angels of heaven descended to the earth, for it was in the time of danha in the firmament of heaven, and the angels manifested and proved the immortal life of men.
13. Jehovih said: Let this day (March 31, 1848) be the beginning of the reign of Kosmon; for it is the beginning of the wisdom of the earth, being cojoined in My Name.
Tae Asks Specifics
14. Tae said: The half is not yet answered, O My Father in heaven. Since Thou hast proved the immortal life, Thou hast stirred me to my soul's foundation. Whence come these inhabitants of the unseen world? Where lieth this footstool for Thy Majesty?
(The following verses 15-19 are identical to God's Book of Ben, Chapter I, verses 29-32):
15. If when I am dead I shall see the place, is not the germ of that sight already in me? How am I made that I see, but see not this? Hear, but hear not this? If I am now dead to that which is to be, will I not then be dead to what is now? Give me light, O Father!
Jehovih Enlightens Tae
16. Jehovih said: Man I gave a corporeal body that he might learn corporeal things; but death I made that he might rise in spirit and inhabit My etherean worlds.
17. Two senses gave I to all men, corporeal and spiritual senses; nevertheless the twain are one person. A man with corporeal senses in the ascendancy, chooseth corporeal things; a man with spiritual senses chooseth spiritual things.
18. Two kinds of worlds have I made, corporeal and es worlds. He who desireth of corpor shall receive from corpor, for he is My son, in whom I am well pleased. He who desireth from es shall receive from es, for she is my daughter in whom I am well pleased.
Kosmon Explains Son, Daughter
19. Kosmon said: Because man liveth on corporeal worlds, corpor is called son; but because man in spirit liveth in the es world, es is called daughter.
Tae Still Not Satisfied
20. Tae said: Because Thou hast sent angels to me, and I have seen them, and talked to them face to face; yea, of my own flesh and kin, and proved them to be the spirits of the dead, verily, I know this much is true. Yet I cannot see them nor hear them, save they manifest through corporeal things. How, then, shall I know that they know one another?
21. Hear me, O Jehovih! Am I still a child, and must needs fall back on angel's testimony? Hast thou not given me an inquiring spirit, that I must prove things to mine own knowledge? Verily, I have seen an angel's face and stature change to look like another person, even whilst I talked therewith. If these things are thus so subtle, cannot even our own presence mold them to truth or falsehood? Such a witness is of no value. When then, O Jehovih, shall I find growth for mine own members, that I may know the es worlds and the inhabitants thereof? I will not be appeased by merely seeing the spirits of the dead, nor by their testimony. They may call themselves God, Christ, Budha, Brahma or Confucius, yet I will not rest on them or their word. To Thee, only, O Jehovih, will I put forth my plea. I am Thy son.
22. Thou hast quickened me to know things of my own knowledge; and though it be told me, Thus said the Lord of thy God, yet will I raise my voice ever above them, and though a spirit say, I am thy Jehovih, believe thou me, I will deny him.
23. Thou hast quickened me to rise up above the tales of the ancients, and to demand knowledge from Thy throne. By Thee is my soul moved to this magnificence, and only Thy magnificence can satisfy Thy son.
24. Since I have seen the spirits of the dead, I will know their abiding place, how they live, how they travel, their manner of growth, their food and clothes, and how they spend heir time; whether they labor or live idly, and above all how far, and in what manner their corporeal lives had to bear on their spiritual happiness in heaven.
25. Give me light, O Jehovih! Not by word of mouth. I will have my members quickened that I shall comprehend within myself. Yet not one alone! Rather waste me in annihilation than not to give it unto all men or teach the way. For if one alone, he would become a god amongst men. Jehovih, forbid this!
Jehovih Replys via Kosmon
26. Jehovih spake, through His sons and daughters, and
27. Kosmon said: Hear me, O man, I will speak in wisdom. Follow thou my counsel and be wise.
(The rest of this verse and the next are identical to God's Book of Ben, Chapter II, verses 23 and 24.) What, then, hast thou learned in all the time of earth? Canst thou tell why the grass is green, or why one rose is red and another white, or the mountains raised up, or the valleys sunken low?
28. Knowest thou how all the people of earth clothe themselves, or travel over; why a man was not to fly as a bird, or live in the water like a fish? Whence came the thought of shame? Even thyself thou dost not comprehend, and know of thine own knowledge the time of thy beginning. Thou knowest three times three are nine; and even this thou canst not prove but by symbols and images. Nor is there aught in thy corporeal knowledge that thou canst prove otherwise, save it be thy presence; and even that that thou seest is not thy presence, but the symbol and image of it, for thyself is but as a seed, a germ of the Father.
29. Be wise, therefore, in knowing thine own knowledge, and of a surety right the matter from the side of the es world.
Tae Wants Proof
30. Tae said: I will reason with Thee, Jehovih, for all I know shall be based on science and truth. From Thine own perfection am I inspired to this end, and my talents shall be strengthened by pursuing the exact sciences of all known truths. Neither will I put away mine own judgment, nor accept for truth that which is at variance with Thy established laws.
31. Thou madest both the seen and the unseen. Are they at war, or in harmony? My corporeal body is made of earth, and stone and water. Is the spiritual body, then, not made of air, oxygen and hydrogen, and imperceptible dust?
32. The angels Thou hast sent have feet and legs! Wherefore? Do they walk on the air, or wade through it? They have no wings, they cannot fly; they have not seen the illustrious angels who have been long dead. Must I also go into the es world simply to meet my neighbors, and never salute the wise of olden time? Give me light O Jehovih!
33. Something within me maketh me to anticipate the light and glory of what I have not seen; but I must have it tangible and demonstrable: the immaculate truth!
Jehovih answers via Esfoma
34. Then answered Jehovih through His daughter Esfoma.
35. Esfoma said: Hear me, O Tae. I will speak words of wisdom and truth, and thou shall not depart from my word.
36. Science is that which the ignorant look up to, but seeth not. Is a ship, science? Or a stone arch? Or a machine? Verily not. Is the idea of these things, science? Can an idea be science, or a multitude of ideas?
37. Is it not said of the man who findeth the vertebra of an insect, he is scientific? But he who findeth the backbone of a horse, is a vulgar fellow. Another man findeth a route over a mountain or through the forest, and he is scientific. Why, a dog can do this.
38. Another man findeth a new way to solve problems, and he is scientific! But the pupil after him who doeth the same thing is nothing. Who, then are the scientific? For have they not all borrowed, compiled, and only added a little? Verily, then, what is science? Is not the sand-glass more scientific than a clock? What, then, meanest thou by science? Is not the sum of it all but a figurehead, undesignable and without foundation? Yet all thy life thou hast heard of science. and so have thy neighbors, and ye understand one another, though not one understandeth himself.
39. Esfoma said: Hear me further, O man, for this, of all things, should stand high in thy soul. Take now, therefore, the chalk, and write thou ten for me. (Tae took the chalk and wrote 10, saying "That is ten".)
40. Esfoma said: Now will I convict thee before thine own face, that thou hast uttered falsely.
(God's Book of Ben, Chapter II, verse 27, is identical to portions of these verses 40 and 41.) Thou hast written but two strokes, and called them ten. Esfoma wrote 1111111111. Yet, be not surprised, O Tae, for now will I convict myself, also, inasmuch as I have deceived thee. I said I would show thee ten, and straightway, I made ten marks; wherefore I should have written the word, "ten". Now thou art wise! Nay, hear me further, for all I have spoken is false; for have I not tried to persuade thee that the one uttered word then, was ten; wherefore I should have uttered ten utterances.
41. Pursue thy studies, O Tae, and thou shalt find
that supposed exact science is nothing, and that
supposed truth is only falsehood compounded and
acquiesced in.
Find thou the time the sun will rise
tomorrow, and thou art scientific; but deviate thou
the ten thousandth part of a second, and thou art
not scientific; nay thou art a falsifier before
42. Yet be not discouraged of the exact sciences, or of finding the truth according to thy judgment. Thou art wise to desire to attain knowledge of thine own self, and not to accept, either from man nor angels, on belief merely; but, wherein beginneth and endeth thyself?
43. Hast thou not robbed the tree of its fruit in order to feed the body? And the field of its wheat, and the young corn that was growing? Give to them their parts, and what hast thou left of thy corporeal body that is thine own?
44. Yet less than these hast thou of thine own judgment. Thou art but the fragment of an entity in all thou knowest of thine own judgment. Nine parts to ten are the gleanings of thy surroundings.
45. Wherefore, then, shalt thou expect to know the laws of earth or heaven! Give ear to my words, and be wise in thy proceedings.
(God's Book of Ben Chapter III, verses 10-14 are similar, but revised from the following verse in The Book of Knowledge.)
46. Is it not a law of the earth that earth substance
shall fall to it? Yet thou seest a tree come up out
of the ground, ten thousand corporeal pounds, and
stand erect in the air. Hast Jehovih made one law
to pull one way, and another in another way? How
knowest thou there is any law about the matter?
Knowest thou of thine own knowledge?
Tae Seeks Without Begging
1. Tae said: Now I do perceive, O Jehovih, I am not wise, and that of myself I am nothing, having nothing. Neither is it possible for man to discern truth in abstract, nor Thy laws, whether Thou hast laws or hast not laws. Nay, he cannot adjust the scales of his own self, and prove what part is his alone; nor in fact if he have an entity of self within himself.2. How then, shall I comprehend the magnitude or the laws of Thy universe? Yet in what time of my life have I not talked learnedly of these things, and of exact science?
3. Hear me, O Jehovih; I will not go back to the ancients to learn wisdom, nor will I shut up mine eyes against trying to understand. In Thee, only, have I faith . And since all other things in heaven and earth are Thine, there is none else to whom I can come justly. Give me light, O Jehovih! Thou, Who gavest me myself, shall answer me. What, then, is the true pursuit of man? Shall he be a beggar, and pray for light, and yet not receive it after all?
Jehovih Answers via Corpor
(Kosmon is Happiness on Earth)
4. Jehovih answered Tae through His son, Corpor, saying:
5. Corpor said: Hear me, O man, for my wisdom shall be borne home to thee. Neither will I discourage thee in thy knowledge.
6. Know then, thou art, and that thy body is made from the corporeal earth. Jehovih is sufficient, for Jehovih so made thee. To thee he gave the desires of the earth. Is it wise, then, to defer corporeal happiness until thou hast risen in heaven? What mattereth it to thee, whether thou art built up out of wheat and fruits or flesh? Is it not sufficient that thou canst enjoy the building thereof?
7. What is science to thee? Or truth or laws of the universe? Is not thy earth life sufficient for the earth, and the earth for thee? If Jehovih made the earth in wisdom, has He not also wisely made heaven?
8. Leave off these abstract studies, O man, and be contented in the place thy Father has assigned thee. Thou that talkest of science understandeth not thyself, and art without explanation. Neither canst thou define truth. How, then, canst thou judge, or even know what is before thee.
9. Thou talkest of laws, divine and natural, but knowest no law, no divinity, no nature. Is law a thing? Whither does it keep? Thou seeth a tree grow, but putteth Jehovih away, and sayest, behold it groweth by natural law! Art thou ashamed of Jehovih, that thou sayest not He groweth it? Is He not sufficient? Wherefore sayest thou "nature", save but to put Him away and deny His Person?
10. Corpor said: Is not the earth good, that thou turnest away, calling: Heaven! heaven! Give me light from thy far off worlds! Endow me with signs, and miracles and prophecies!
11. I will not discourage thee, but thou shalt be wise and happy in thy dwelling place. Are not these greater to be desired than all things else? To this end is the Kosmon era come; not to carry man up to heaven, but to found the Father's kingdom on earth.
12. Thou hast wisely asked: How shall a corporean's life affect his life in the next world? Hear me, then, and be wise in thy corporeal judgment. For am not I, Corpor, Jehovih's? Science is great; great learning is great; truth is great; but a greater than all is to know how to be happy. Thou shalt not put me away saying: All the earth is sin. I will not have it. For if thou profitest not in Jehovih's Person, how canst thou attain His Spirit, the All One?
13. Teach thyself to be happy: and to perfect thyself in the way Jehovih hath created thee.
Tae is persistent
14. Tae said: Now I will be wise in thee, O Jehovih. Neither will I more talk of nature, nor of law; but when I mean Thee, I will speak of Thee, and to Thee.
15. Neither will I boast of science, nor of learning, nor of truth; nor will I deny them. For as Thy spirit is within and over all, what is science and learning, and truth but glimpses of Thy All Light?
16. Yet as a man proud in his estate, I come before Thee, saying: Give me light! I have looked over the broad earth, and found it full of sin and misery, and death.
17. I will not pray to Thee to remove these things. I will not meddle in Thy affairs. What more is it at best to pray than to beg? By Thy spirit, I am no beggar! As Thou goest forth in majesty, so am I, Thy son, inspired to go forth in Thy behalf.
18. If Thou hast filled this world full of darkness, and sin, and misery, and death; what more can I hope to find in heaven? Are they not both the work of Thy hands?
19. My hope hath ever looked ahead for the achievement of happiness, but when the time cometh I am sorely tried. My judgment teachest me, therefore, that heaven can be, at most, but little improvement on earth.
20. Then give me light, O Jehovih! For I would answer the children of darkness with good argument, and teach them to glorify Thee in Thy works.
Jehovih answers thru Uz
21. Then answered Jehovih through His son, Uz, saying:
22. Uz said: Behold me in my power, O Tae. I am the fourth dimension, the vanishment of things (seen to) unseen. Thou hast labored with Kosmon, but found not, and with Corpor, and found not. Hear thou me and be wise.
23. This, thy corporeal body, is mine; thy flesh waiteth for me, and the moment thou relinquish thy hold, I will molder thee in dust. Yet I am not thy enemy, for whilst thou art master over thy flesh, I will touch it not.
24. Out of the darkness man is brought forth a blank, and his entity is a spark of Jehovih. His entity will never cease to grow. Yea, from the hour of conception it is a new star in the world, and it magnifieth itself forever.
25. The trials of the flesh to man are as nutriment to his spirit's growth. And yet, think not that thou shouldst rejoice in thy neighbor's trials, saying, it is good for his spirit's growth. But as Jehovih gave all He had, and thus made all things, be thou like unto Jehovih, and give to the man in trial, lest thou robbest thyself.
26. Thou knowest not how far thou hast been lifted up thyself. Can any man with his own hands lift himself up in the air? Flatter not thyself, then, that man alone can lift himself up in spirit, or that he hath power to evolve himself, one generation above another. Do not all nations perish? As they come up out of darkness, do they not go down in darkness?
27. Is it not unwise to say: O Jehovih, why didst Thou thus, or not thus? All thy questionings will not turn Jehovih or His plans one jot or tittle. Turn thine eyes inward, then, O Tae, and seek to adapt thyself to the Father and His kingdoms, of which this earth is one.
Tae Questions the Past
28. Tae said: How can I comprehend Thy wisdom, O my Father in heaven? I am tripped up at every corner; and yet I perceive that my generation is wiser than the ancients. Wherefore, then, didst Thou stir me up? The ancients found joy in an idol; were content to eat and sleep, their faith being equal to their wisdom.
29. But these that come after, cried out unto Thee for wisdom, and Thou gavest. Thus I am born above the faith of the ancients. I have grown beyond the measure of Thy olden revelations; my soul crieth out to Thee for more light.
30. I know that Thou hast sufficiency for all things. Give me wisdom, that I may help myself. Had I been born in darkness, the idols of my fore-fathers would have sufficed.
31. Hear me, O Jehovih, in what I have done! I have measured the earth and high standing rocks, and the mountains Thou reardest up, and the valleys Thou has scooped out. Thy footstool hast shown me a record not written by man, and it proclaimeth the earth millions of years old. How then, can I shut up my understanding which Thou gavest me, and believe the books of the ancients?
32. Yea, I have measured the stars in Thy firmament, and the sun and moon, and weighed them, and they proclaimed a greater glory to Thee. Their number is more than there are drops of water in the ocean; and many of them a thousand times larger than the earth. I have found them rich in air, and water, and heat and cold, and they proclaim themselves birth places for men, even as is the earth.
33. I have measured the light and computed the time of its coming, and lo, they also have existed for millions of years.
34. Wherein have I done wrong in this? Thou gavest me my talents, and Thou hast forever pressed me forward to search Thy glorious works.
35. A man cannot make himself a small child, neither can I compress my outbursting soul, which hath ripened on the magnitude and glory of Thy works.
36. How, then, shall I say that Thy worlds, which have run millions of years, were created by a man born two thousand years ago! Must I stoop myself to blaspheme against Thee for sake of swallowing the idols of men in darkness? Forbid Thou this, O Jehovih.
37. Now will I put my question to Thee plainly, and Thy voice shall not fail me. Wherefore, then, did not Thy angels of olden time reveal to man the truth about Thy works? Or if they revealed the truth, why permittest Thou man to lose the truth? Give me light, O Jehovih!
38. Thou madest me! Thou art my Father; and I come to Thee in majesty, by the power Thou gavest me. None shall stand betwixt me and Thee; neither Thy Lords nor Thy angels from heaven, nor any man that is on the earth. I will know why Thou permittedst idols of stone and wood and graven images? Yea, I will know why man buildeth an idol on earth or imagineth one in heaven? I know Thou art sufficient unto the worship of all men. Wherefore, then, have men set up Mohammed, and Brahma, and Budha, and Christ, and the prophets of old? For these idols have cursed the whole earth around about with war and destruction. Give me light, O Jehovih!
(Note: Tae's verses 28-38 above are abridged to just three verses in God's Book of Ben, Chapter IV:20-22.)
Jehovih responds via Seffas
39. Jehovih heard the voice of Tae, and He answered him through His son, Seffas.
40. Seffas said: Hear me, O man, and be wise, for I will answer thee because of the justness of thy questions. Yea, I will answer thee, and also put thee in the way to prove all things to thine own judgment.
41. But be thou not puffed up with conceit; thou art little in advance of the ancients. They erected pyramids, and obelisks, and great temples, and they said: Behold, how greater and wiser we are than the ancients!
42. Thou also hast boasted, saying: Behold our ships of war! Behold our engines and railroads, and the telegraphs. How greater and wiser are we than the ancients!
43. I charge thee! The pyramids and temples did not raise up the poor, and cause them to glorify the Father because they were born into life. Neither do the warships in this day, nor the engines, nor railroads contribute but little to raise man up out of sorrow and poverty. Is not this the true scale to weigh the resurrection of men and nations?
44. Be considerate and wise in the Father's sight. Thou art prone to overlook all things; thou beratest idols and graven images, without weighing thy speech. What more are the letters of a written word than graven images? Doth not all the wisdom in books hang on these? Nor canst thou prove a single problem in mathematics without graven images, and idols and symbols.
45. To a man who never saw a hat, without a sign, or image, or symbol of an idol of one, or by one itself, how wilt thou convince him? But, if thou hast none to show him, then wilt thou make something of some corporeal thing in order to convey to his mind that which is in your mind.
46. Why, then, complainest thou against the angels of old? Wert thou, then, with Asu, who could not talk? Bethink thee what stratagems thou wouldst have resorted to in order to teach him to think. For is it not the greatest of all wisdom to teach man to think for himself? Is this not better for man than to reveal all things to him? For, in the latter case thou wouldst deprive him of the use of his own talents, and thus thwart the plan of Jehovih.
47. Thou hast portraits of thy wife and daughters, for they assist thy memory to recall their beauty to thy soul; but when thou desirest to convey to thy friend's mind a place he never saw, thou bringest him a landscape picture, saying: Behold, this is the place! Now, thou utterest a falsehood, for it is only a piece of cloth painted, wilst the place thou speakest of, is land, and trees, and water.
48. Bethink thee, now thou hast resorted to falsehood in order to convey a truth to thy friend's mind. Was such, a falsehood, if it really succeeded in conveying a truth, nor couldst thou convey the truth to thy friend by (without) a falsehood, save thou wouldst have taken him to the place.
49. How, then, could the angels of Jehovih teach man of Jehovih, but by idols and graven images? Weigh the matter, and thou shalt perceive that knowledge is conveyed from man to man by idols and images. Even the sound of a spoken word, is an idol of an idea; and the idea is carried within that which is not the real thing itself, but merely wind.
50. Thy corporeal senses can only be reached by corporeal things. Spiritual things, of which ideas are a part, can be conveyed by es force, and without idols and images. Give heed to my words, and thou shalt find the way to thy Father's kingdom.
51. Having taught man of Jehovih through stone and wood, it was necessary, next, to teach him by means of spirit, that Jehovih was disassociated from the earth, otherwise man would not have desire to rise to the heavens in etherea. To this end man was taught that Jehovih's sons had ascended and were sitting on His right hand.
52. As thou speaketh not to the picture of thy wife, neither shalt thou worship the Lord, nor Buddha, nor Christ, but Jehovih alone. He is sufficient to all men and nations, and acceptable to them. Be not angry with the past, but broad in thy perception; for all things, whether stones, or wood, or men, are from Jehovih for the ultimate resurrection of the souls of men to His etherean worlds, for their own happiness, and to glorify Jehovih forever.
(Note: God's Book of Ben Chapter IV, verses 23-29, is an abridged version and/or revision of these Seffas verses 40-52.)