Tae, Taenas, Tah Tae, take care of ourselves, talents, tattling, tattling woman, teaching, teeth, Te-in, telescope, temper, Temple of Mouru, Tem'yi, tetracts, Te Zee, Thale, thermometers, thief, Thammas, third resurrection, Thoth, Thothma, thoughts, thou thyself, threads of light, throne of God, thunder, thyself, tides, time, Tistrya, tongues, treasure, treasures, tree of everlasting life, tree of knowledge, tree of life, tree of light, triangle, trident, tried, Trinity, tripod, Tristya, Triunes, Troy, truants, truth, truth and wisdom, try, Tryista, tuff, tyrant
uh'ga, Um, unbelief, unbelieving man, uncloven foot, Unknowable Nothingness, unseen, Uropa, Utaya, utility, Uz, uzated, uzians, valuable, valuables, vain, vampires, vanity, Veda, Vedas, Vedic language, vengeance, Vind'yu, Vishnu, visitors, Voice, voice and words, Voice of the Creator, vortex, vortex'ya, vortexian currents
war, warfare, wark belts, Washa'-wow-wow, Washington, water spouts, weakness, westward, wheel, wheel of Ormazd, whirlwind, wife, winds, wisdom, wisdom of Jehovih, wise, within, woman, Woo-hoo-taugh-Nee, word, words, world, world's people, worship, Wtochak
Xerxes, Xerxes' army
Yak, Yaks, Yaton'te, year, Yeshuah, Yi'ha language, Yima, yoke, Yokovrana, young, Yu'tiv
Zarathustra, Zarathustrian law, Zarathustrian religion, zero, Zeus, Zoa-raaster, zodiac