2. Nevertheless, Jehovih said unto Uropa: Thou shalt found here a kingdom in My name, and it shall become mighty in heaven and earth. Uropa said: What is the first best way, O Jehovih? Jehovih answered, saying: As for the drujas, thou knowest. But as for the corporeans, behold, they have neither copper nor iron, but use stone. Send, therefore, of thy hosts of ashars, five hundred who are well skilled in the art of inspiring mortals, to Arabin'ya; and thou shalt cause fifty men to migrate into thy lands. And the fifty men shall be such as are skilled in mining and working copper and iron.
3. And thy ashars shall inspire them to go to the mountains and find the ore, and then to work the same, to make tools of, and to make implements for hunting and fishing.
4. So Uropa sent angels to Arabin'ya, and they inspired fifty men to go to Uropa, and find copper and iron, and work it. And in the space of four years, behold, there had gone out of Arabin'ya not less than twenty thousand men. And the ashars inspired them to marry with the druks and half-breed I'huans. And in this way a new people of higher light was born into Uropa's division.
5. In Zeigl Uropa build her heavenly kingdom and founded the city of Oitch. Five hundred thousand angels were her holy Council, and fifty thousand captains; and of ashars, two millions, partly ethereans and partly atmosphereans.
6. Her heavenly kingdom was of the kind and manner of Gir-ak-shi's, and her administration in the same way. And in four years she had rescued nearly all the drujas in these regions of atmospherea. So when Fragapatti came to see her, she provided entertainments after the same manner as did Ger-ak-shi, having all her hosts present.
7. After this Fragapatti visited Kow'anea and his heavenly kingdoms, and also his earth divisions. Next Fragapatti visited M'wing'mi and his heavenly kingdoms and earth divisions. Next he visited Ots'ha'ta and his places, and then Soo'fwa.
8. With all these Lords and Gods Fragapatti spent many days, examining and recording all the labor done; and he spake before them all, so that his voice was heard by nearly all the people in the lower heavens. And so great was the work accomplished by Fragapatti with any one of these Lords or Gods, that were a history thereof written it would require the whole lifetime of a man to read it. Nor is it possible with earth words to describe the beauty and glory of a single one of these recreations in his travels.
2. Already were there assembled more than four thousand million angels prepared for the third resurrection. Fragapatti sent word to his Lord Gods, and to his Lords and Gods, and to Samati, God in inherent right up to the end of dawn. And he notified all of them of the day and hour when he should accomplish the resurrection.
3. And then Fragapatti called his swift messengers, whose labor is with the thrones of Jehovih in etherea. He said: Behold, the dawn of dan is near the close. The Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih will number ten thousand million souls. Two divisions will I make of grades fifty-five and seventy, for the forests and plains of Goomatchala. This ye shall communicate to Hoseis, Goddess of Alawatcha, on the road of Affolkistan, saluting in Jehovih's name, and of His Son, Fragapatti, Chief.
4. The swift messengers saluted, and then departed. Next he called the messengers for the kingdoms below, and of these messengers there were twenty thousand, divided into twelve groups, and they had been previously apportioned to certain divisions of heaven and earth.
5. To them Fragapatti said: To the Lord God of each division, and to the Lords and Gods, and through them to the officers under them, greeting, in the name of Jehovih! Appoint and annoint the successors in Jehovih's name; and when your kingdom is in order, appear ye at the throne of Mouru, for the resurrection of my hosts is near at hand. Provide ye ships and such vessels as are suitable, and bring, as visitors, from your kingdoms and most holy places, as many atmosphereans as desire to come, that they may witness the ceremonies and the ascent of Jehovih's Sons and Daughters.
6. And these commandments were carried unto all the divisions of the corporeal earth and her heavens. Fragapatti then said unto Athrava: Thou shalt receive the Brides and Bridegrooms. As for myself, I will go down to the earth and receive God and Zarathustra, and they shall be borne in mine own ship even unto this place, and thence to etherea.
7. In all places on earth and in heaven the spirit inhabitants were stirred to the utmost. In Haraiti there were already more than four thousand colonies, and every one had thousands and thousands eligible to the third resurrection, who would depart in the coming ascension. Of these there were persons of every occupation, and they were perfect in their order, belonging to groups and series of groups. And now the captains and generals were re-organizing them into phalanxes; and the Gods again organizing the phalanxes into kingdoms.
8. Zeredho sent her contributions to Haraiti, four hundred million souls. The Lord Gods were making their groups in their own several divisions, to be further organized after arriving at Mouru, the place whence the final ascension would take place. Some of these had a thousand millions of their own resurrection, including whom they had previously sent to Haraiti.
9. Fragapatti sent special messengers to God, Samati, to learn the day appointed for Zarathustra's death; and he further allotted to Zarathustra three days in hada, in which to preach to mortals by the inspiration of God, and appointed the fourth day thereafter as the time of his ascension from the earth.
10. And now, when all these matters had been put in shape, Fragapatti ordered the assembling of the sacred circle of the Holy Council, Sons and Daughters of the Most High. The lights were raised, and only Gods and Goddesses could remain in sight of, or near the throne of Jehovih. Fragapatti commanded Hoab to stand in the midst of the circle, facing the judgment seat.
11. Fragapatti said: Hear the words of thy Creator, O Hoab. I called thee up out of the ground, and with Mine Own spirit quickened I thee into life. From thy youth up I have followed thee day by day. I have called out to thee from My holy hill; with a woman's tenderness came I after thee. When thou didst try to run away from me, I followed after. Yea, I called My Son, high raised in My everlasting kingdoms, and I said unto him: O My Son, run thou quickly, for Hoab, My well-beloved, runneth away from Me. Go thou and bring him; for he is my Chosen.
12. He shall be My God of the red star; her heavens shall bow down before him. I will raise him up and anoint him with My holy fire; his countenance shall shine like a sun in My firmament.
13. And Fragapatti, My Son, overtook thee in thy flight; with great cunning he captured thee unto My labors. And thou hast raised up thy voice and glorified Me; thine arms have been bared to the harvest; thy fruit is a song of glory.
14. Have I not given thee experience in all things? Even to the precipice of hell made I thee to walk and fall not. The darkness of everlasting death I made to encompass thee; in the hour of thy despair I came to thee and raised thee up.
15. Have I not great profit in thee, My Son? My countless millions cry out in all places; they behold Me not; they know not of Me and My heavenly places. Like a troubled sea that knoweth no rest, the voices of mortals and angels forever cry out: There is no light!
16. Wherefore, then, was I not wise in thee, O Hoab? I made thee of strong limb, and with arms that reach far; thy judgment I fashioned for the great multitudes.
17. I say to the bird, the young bird with feathers: Fly! And it goeth away. I say to man: Go forth, in My name! But he looketh around. Again I say to him: Go forth! But he turneth to his neighbor for his opinion. Again I speak, calling: Come to Me! But he standeth wondering. Again I say: Come! But he saith: By and by. Again I say: Come! He replieth: I have not all light! Again I call, and he saith: Alas, there is nothing!
18. And he goeth down in darkness; he curseth Me and accuseth Me of errors! He preacheth My shortness, but in his words cutteth himself off from Me. In the foul-smelling place of his darkness, My holy angels cannot come; he burroweth himself in stubbornness that is blind and deaf.
19. But I blow My breath upon the earth and the stars; I drive them into new roads in the firmament of heaven. Into the dwelling-places of My high Gods I drive them as chaff before the wind. And when the light of My heavens hath cleared away the darkness, I send My Gods with great power.
20. To this end have I raised thee up, O Hoab. My shield is upon thee; thou shalt wear the triangle of the red star; two hundred years shalt thou hold dominion over the earth and her heavens. In My name speak, O Hoab!
21. Then spake Hoab, saying: Thy Voice is upon me, O Father! My limbs are weak; my hands tremble like an old man that is palsied. Behold, I have sought in vain to find anything perfect in me; I am as a trumpet that is bruised and split; there is no harmony or power within me.
22. Thou first gavest me a wife and sons and daughters to rule over and to raise up for Thy glory, but I failed utterly. My wife saw not with my eyes, nor heard with my ears, nor judged with my judgment; we were like two instruments, broken and out of tune. As for my sons, they went astray, like sheep without a herdsman; my advice was as weak to them as the shadow is to the tree. And my daughters went away from my love, and chose young men, even before my eyes.
23. Then I cried out unto Thee, saying: O Jehovih, why gavest Thou me a kingdom? Behold, it is scattered and gone! Then I went down into the grave in sorrow. But Thy hand raised up my soul in heaven; and Thou gavest me another kingdom. But my people would not see through my eyes nor hear through my ears. Then I sought to know if my eyes were not wrong, and my ears wrong, and my judgment wrong.
24. And I turned about, like one who is lost in a forest, and shutteth his eyes as to the direction of the sun, going by the sound of a multitude of tongues. And my kingdom drew a boundary around itself, and shut out all light. But Thy Son came and delivered me and my people.
25. Behold, I was as weak as a child; in my weakness Thy light came upon me. Never more shall I desire others to see through my eyes, or hear through my ears, or judge by my judgment. Thou hast healed me of my infirmity, O Jehovih. Only by one Eye can things be seen through; by one Ear can things be heard through; by one Judgment can things be judged.
26. Thou hast said: Go forth in My name! I will go, O Father! Thou hast said: Thou shalt have dominion over the earth and her heavens! This will I accomplish also, by Thy Light and Power, O Jehovih!
27. Then spake Jehovih through Fragapatti, saying: Accept the earth, O Hoab, My Son, My God! It is thine to keep and to rule over! Accept atmospherea, O Hoab, My Son, My God! It is thine to keep and to rule over!
28. Hoab said: I will be Thy Son, O Jehovih! I will be Thy God, O Jehovih! From Thee I accept the earth to keep and to rule over! From Thee I accept the earth's heavens, to keep and to rule over! Again Jehovih spake through Fragapatti, saying:
29. What thou doest henceforth do thou in My name, for it is of Me and is Me in thee!
30. Hoab said: What I do henceforth do I in Thy name, O Jehovih! For I know it is Thee in me that doeth all glorious things!
31. Jehovih spake through Fragapatti, saying: With Mine Own hands weave I a crown for thee My Son, My God of the red star! I place it on thy head for the glory of My kingdoms, which are endless in number and full of holiness! Wear thou My Crown, for it is with Wisdom and Power!
32. Then Fragapatti's hands were waved about by the Great Spirit, and a crown was woven and placed on Hoab's head, and it was brilliant and white, studded with countless millions of gems. Hoab said: Crown from Thy hand, O Father! I accept it and wear it, emblem of Thy kingdoms, endless in number and full of holiness. I know that Thou wilt ever be with me in Wisdom and Power! I will glorify Thee forever! My kingdoms shall glorify Thee forever!
33. The chief marshal now conducted Hoab to the throne of Jehovih, which had been previously vacated, and Hoab sat in the midst of the throne. In the meantime, the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of glory. Hoab then said: Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih, Orian Chief, come thou and honor my throne in the name of the Father. Then Fragapatti went to the throne and sat thereon. Next Hoab called up Athrava, then Hapacha, and then other Gods and Goddesses.
34. And now, whilst the Council held, Fragapatti said: Behold, the time of the death of Zarathustra hath come. Be ye here, and I will go quickly down to the earth and receive God and him, and the hosts of God and his Lords.
35. So Fragapatti departed, and sailed swiftly down to Parsi'e, on the earth, and came to the place of meeting of the corporeans who had charge of the Holy Word. And it was on the morning of the fourth day after Zarathustra's death. For three days and nights his spirit had been preaching to the Faithists, explaining the kingdoms of Jehovih.
36. So Fragapatti called unto God, saying: Behold, my Son, thy labor is done. In thee have I great delight. Behold, my ship lieth by the river; my lights are raised for the everlasting thrones! God (Samati) said: It is finished! That that thou didst put upon me I have done! Behold, here standeth Zarathustra, my Son.
37. Zarathustra was then taking leave of his corporeal friends, for his soul was fast becoming illuminated. Yea, he had looked up and beheld the ship of All Light, and he knew now the Voice of the Father.
38. So Fragapatti went and took Zarathustra in his arms, saying: Come, my beloved. Thy home is yonder! So, they went into the ship of fire and ascended to Mouru.
2. Be it known, O angels and mortals, such is the glory of Jehovih's works that, stand where ye will, His kingdoms are always seeming above. As ye of the earth look upward and behold the stars, so they that live on the stars look upward to see the earth. If, therefore, ye were receiving messengers from the stars, it would seem to you that they came downward; but to them, as if they rose upward, even until near the landing-place, when it would be downward to them also. Because the feet of a mortal or the feet of an angel are on the foundation of his place, and because his head standeth in the opposite way from his feet.
3. First came Ardi'atta, Goddess over the spirits that had been delivered out of the hells of Aoasu by Fragapatti and Hoab, housed in Zeredho and Haraiti. And with her, her successor, Gaipon, manager of the hosts. Ardi'atta brought one thousand and three hundred millions of souls in her ship, mostly visitors who had been delivered out of hell. Besides these, were twenty millions raised to light, clothed as Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih. These latter were the harvest of Ardi'atta, and in her charge. The receivers of her ship stationed it in its place, and then the receivers of her hosts conducted them to their places.
4. And now came E'chad, Lord God of Arabin'ya, in his ship, with more than four thousand million souls, half of whom were Brides and Bridegrooms. His ship was received by the proper officers, and stationed in its place; and his hosts received by the proper persons, and conducted to their respective places. With the Brides and Bridegrooms E'chad entered the south wing of the capital; and E'chad's successor was with the visiting hosts. When E'chad entered before the throne, Fragapatti saluted him on the sign Jehovih's Rest, and E'chad answered in The Glory of Evening!
5. Before the hosts of E'chad were landed and placed, there came Ots-ha-ta, Lord of North Oceya, with his successor, in a ship of thirty millions, of whom Ots-ha-ta had two million Brides and Bridegrooms. His ship was received and stationed in its place; and his hosts received and assigned to their places.
6. In the meantime, Kow'anea, God of South Guatama, came in his ship, with his successor, bringing seven hundred million souls, of whom Kow'anea had sixty million Brides and Bridegrooms. And they were received by the proper officers and assigned to their places.
7. Hardly had Kow'anea landed, when Yaton'te came, with his successor and his hosts. Yaton'te's ship was the most beautiful of all that had yet arrived. His hosts were four thousand million souls; but of Brides and Bridegrooms he had but thirty millions. Him Fragapatti saluted on the sign of Star of the West, and Yaton'te answered in the sign of the Golden Circle! He and his hosts were then assigned their places.
8. Now came M'wing'mi, God of South Oceya, and his little ship was laden with four hundred million souls, and he had three million Brides and Bridegrooms. His ship was received and stationed in its place, and his hosts received and stationed in their places.
9. Next came Soo'fwa, God of Japan and her heavens. His was the most brilliant of all the ships, and he had three thousand five hundred million souls aboard, of whom two hundred millions were Brides and Bridegrooms. His ship was received and stationed, and his hosts also; and when he entered before the throne, Fragapatti saluted him on the sign of Before the Ancients! And Soo'fwa answered him in the sign of Little Star!
10. And now the most loved of all came, Uropa, Goddess of the barbarians! Her ship was the swiftest and best trimmed, and she brought one thousand million souls, of whom she had eighty million Brides and Bridegrooms as her harvest. When she entered before the throne of Jehovih, leading in her Brides and Bridegrooms, Fragapatti saluted on the sign, Persistent Fire! And Uropa answered him in the sign, Jehovih's Trust!
11. Now came great Ah'oan, Lord God of Jaffeth and her heavens. His ship was the largest of all, and he brought five thousand million souls, of whom nearly two thousand millions were Brides and Bridegrooms. When he came before Jehovih's throne, Fragapatti saluted him on the sign, The Power of Love! Ah'oan answered him in the sign, Everlasting Life!
12. And now the ship of Gir-ak-shi came in, bringing a thousand million souls, of whom eighty millions were Brides and Bridegrooms.
13. Besides there were seventy and six other Gods, from departments of the grand divisions of the heavens, bringing, some five million souls and some even twenty millions. And there were Lords of islands and Lords of small places on the earth, who had also come in small ships, bringing, some five and some ten million souls. And all these Gods and Lords had Brides and Bridegrooms according to the place and number and condition whence they came. And they were all received and stationed in their proper places.
14. Thus there came to Mouru upward of thirty thousand million atmosphereans that had sprung up from the earth by Jehovih's will; and of these there were ten thousand millions and eight hundred million spirits prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms unto the Great Spirit. Besides these, there were the hosts of Fragapatti, the ethereans, ten millions, mostly Gods and Goddesses, and these formed the inner sacred circle of the Holy Council. Next to these were their successors, ten millions, who were to be the Holy Council of Mouru after the ascension. And next outside of these were stationed the Lord Gods and their attendants, behind whom stood their Brides and Bridegrooms. Next stood the Gods and their attendants, and Brides and Bridegrooms; and then the Lords, their attendants, and their Brides and Bridegrooms.
15. And next outside of these stood the successors, the Gods and Lords, with their attendants; and yet behind them, their visiting hosts. And within and amongst them all, the musicians, the marshals, messengers, swift messengers and heralds were assigned their respective places. But so vast was the multitude of angels, and so great the glory, that one might look thereon all day and not even see the millionth part; nor is it possible for corporeal words to convey but a crude picture of the magnificent scene.
2. But Thou hast raised up Thy Son, Hoab, who is of great Wisdom and Power in Thee. He shall be Thy God and Thy Son in the places I have been. To him, in Thy name, O Father, I bestow the triangle, symbol of Thee and of Thy created worlds, and of the individuals thereof. By my parting with it is the end of this dawn recorded; by Hoab's reception of it is his dominion begun.
3. God then took off the triangle and hung it on Hoab's neck, saying: I salute thee, God of earth and heaven! Immediately the es'enaurs chanted, Hail to thee, O God, Son of Jehovih!
4. Now during the time of the arrival of the hosts of Gods and Lords and their resurrections, there were to be seen, high in the firmament above, two stars, like twins, descending. These were the avalanzas of Hoseis, Goddess of Alawatcha, coming to receive the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, to take them to the etherean realms prepared for them by the Orians of the higher heavens.
5. Her avalanzas were descending by the road of Affolkistan, and coming swiftly. Now betwixt the glory of these lights, and the ceremonies in Mouru, one knew not where best to look, for the awe and grandeur on every side was overwhelming. And not less to move so vast a host were the es'enaurs, the singers, and the far-off trumpeters. There stood also the great multitude of Brides and Bridegrooms, arrayed in white, like a vast sea of white, more than ten thousand millions!
6. But not long the waiting was, for so the Gods time their labors that every adventure fitteth to another. The twin stars grew and grew in size, till, like two suns descending, they seemed as wide as the borders of Haraiti! And whilst the multitude thus gazed and watched, Fragapatti rose in his place on the throne and called out, saying:
7. Behold, the time hath now arrived for the brotherhood of Gods and Lords to be bestowed upon the earth and her heavens. As the earth is divided into many sections, so have I bequeathed on the earth many Lords, to hold dominion over mortals; and yet over all of these have I chosen and appointed one God.
8. For in this manner were the first heavenly kingdoms of the red star founded by Sethantes, Son of Jehovih. In the history that followed since his day, it hath turned out that first one Lord and then another lost power in his kingdom, and finally, even the Gods were powerless to rule angels and mortals to righteousness.
9. That ye may henceforth be strong, like the heavenly kingdoms on other worlds, I now decree Diva, in the name of Jehovih! And God and his Lord Gods and his Gods and Lords of divisions, shall comprise the Diva; nor shall any other person be eligible to the order, neither of this world nor of any other world; male and female shall be the members of Diva.
10. And he who is God, who was Hoab, high raised from Zeredho, shall be Div over all the rest. Nevertheless, the name Div shall be used by all the members of Diva, when abiding in their several dominions. But no other person, neither on earth or in heaven, shall be entitled to the rank of Div.
11. And the Diva shall meet thrice every earth year, and in this capital, Mouru, to render unto one another the matters of their several dominions; and when the meetings take place, each and every Lord and God, and Lordess and Goddess, shall be present and fulfill these, my commandments.
12. And when the members are thus assembled, Div only shall have the title of Div; and the members shall salute him as Div, Son of All Light. And the meetings of the Diva shall be private; nor shall any person be eligible to be present in Diva, save the novices who may be in preparation to become Lords and Gods by succession. But none of the novices shall be entitled to speak in Diva.
13. And each and every member of Diva shall report his department, as to whether in need of assistance, or his capacity to provide emigrants to other plateaux, and such report shall be made in person before Div; and when all the reports are given in, then shall Div render judgment thereon, giving to or exacting from any one or more of the dominions, according to the Voice of Jehovih.
14. And the judgments of Div, Son of All Light, shall be called Divan law, from which there shall be no appeal. And the Lords and Gods shall carry these decrees down to mortals, in their several dominions, rendering them unto the God-irs on earth, whereby mortals through the Rab'bah shall receive communion from the All Light.
15. In the time of the assembling of Diva, swift messengers shall be present and witness all the laws that shall be passed; and immediately thereafter shall such swift messengers depart from Mouru and come to the etherean kingdoms in the roadway of the earth and her heavens, and render the same unto the nearest Orian Chief, or other etherean God, Son of Jehovih.
16. To the end, therefore, that my commandments shall be in the name of Jehovih, let God and Lord Gods, and Gods and Lords, and Goddesses and Lordesses, approach the Father's throne, that I may bestow them according to the rites and ceremonies of the Gods of other corporeal and atmospherean worlds.
17. The marshals now conducted all of them, save God, before the throne: First, Thulae, then Es'pacia, then Geth'ya, and so on, until the hosts of the dominions were before Fragapatti. And then God (Hoab) rose up and faced toward the west. Fragapatti said:
18. In Thy name, O All Light, do I create a Diva unto the earth and her heavens; and this, Thy God, I anoint as Div, with power to him to anoint his successor in like manner. May Thy Voice and Judgment be with him forever! And these, Thy Lord Gods, and these, Thy Gods and Thy Lords, and these, Thy Goddesses and Thy Lordesses, do I anoint as members of Diva; and to each and all of them give I power in Thy name to appoint successors after them for Thy allotted seasons. May Thy Wisdom and Power be with them forever. Amen!
19. God said: In Thy name, O All Light, do I accept the Diva. And, on behalf of my Gods and Lords, proclaim Thy Divan Power unto heaven and earth.
20. The others responded: We will fulfill thy decrees, O All Light, now and henceforth, forever. Be Thou with us in wisdom and strength for Thy glory!
21. Fragapatti then extended his hand upward, saying: Inqua git s'ang, of Thy Inqua git s'ang, O All Light! (Dominion within dominion, give me Thy symbol, O Jehovih!) And there came out of the light before the throne a substance, and Fragapatti seized it and formed therefrom, first, a hollow ball, and within it another ball; and second, two interlocked triangles; and he gave to each of the Diva a pair, that is, a ball within a ball and a triangle; and he said unto them:
22. Behold, O Jehovih, Thou didst call me from my high place in heaven, saying: Go thou to the red star, the earth; her soil is wet with human blood! Her heavens are dead; My harvest is nothing! And I came and delivered Thy Word to mortals; in blood gave I it, and then washed clean the whole earth. And I gathered together Thy lost children in the lower heavens, and have raised them up with power. Whereof, in token of Thy Light that was within me, have I become one within Thy labors, and I have raised up Gods and Lords in Thee also; that one perfect thing may be within another, after the manner of Thy created worlds, this, Thy holy sign, do I bequeath unto them, to be theirs and their successors' forever!
23. So Fragapatti bestowed the Lords and Gods, and his labors were finished.
24. In the meantime, the sun-ships of Hoseis drew near and landed, both to south and west of Mouru, and so mighty and full of grandeur were they, the thousands of millions looking on were breathless in awe and wonder. Then descended out of the fire-ships the marshals of Hoseis' hosts, of whom there were thirty millions aboard. And they spread a frowas from the ship even to Jehovih's throne, and Hoseis alighted from the ship and walked briskly forward on the frowas, and Fragapatti and his hosts went and received her, and conducted her to the throne.
25. And now, after due ceremonies betwixt the Gods and Goddesses, Athrava rose up and said: To thee, O Hoseis, Goddess of Alawatcha, in the name of Jehovih, do I bestow the Brides and Bridegrooms of heaven and earth. They are the harvest of Samati, God of the division of Haniostu, his Lords and Gods through the Orian Chief, Fragapatti, for the Father's emancipated heavens!
26. Hoseis said: Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, in His name receive I you, to deliver unto the All High Worlds.
27. And then Hoseis and Athrava proceeded in the ceremonies in the usual way, and were responded to by the ten thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms.
28. When the ceremonies were finished, the time of the ascension was at hand. So Fragapatti and Hoseis, accompanied by their Gods and Lords, went down to the foot of the throne and sat down, and God, that had been Hoab, sat alone in the midst of the throne. The es'enaurs then sang a hymn on The March of Jehovih's Worlds! When it was concluded, God went down and took Fragapatti's hand and Hoseis' hand, saying: Arise, O Son, and thou, O Daughter of Jehovih! The Father calleth! Go your way! Fragapatti and Hoseis rose up, and then all the Gods and Lords rose up.
29. Hoab, that is God, fell into Fragapatti's arms! And when they had embraced, God withdrew and returned to the throne. Fragapatti saluted him on the sign, Faithist, and God answered him in the sign, Forever! Whereupon the hosts followed after Fragapatti and Hoseis, and entered the great avalanzas.
30. Fragapatti gave his own avalanza to Athrava and his attendants, and they took from it the magnet and made it rotary also. And when they were all aboard, Hoseis commanded the ascension, and the mighty fire-ships rose up, turning and rising.
31. Fragapatti created flowers and drapery, and cast overboard sufficient, so that all the twenty thousand millions remaining had every one some memento. In a little while the resurrection was complete; the sun-ships rose higher and higher; passing the earth's vortex and entering etherea, going to the kingdoms prepared for them by the high-raised Sons and Daughters of Jehovih!