2. Again the avalanza put forth. Fragapatti said: Now will I visit Yaton'te, Lord God of North Guatama, and see what he hath accomplished, and perchance he will accompany us to Ipseogee, to see Hapacha, my well-loved God of the West Wind.
3. Now, when they came to the sea of Ctevahwitich, they rose the avalanza fifty thousand miles, for the benefit of Hoab and his hosts, for here lieth the roadway of Tems, whither pass countless numbers of fleets filled with students in the dismembered warks belonging to the earth.
4. Here the students learn the process of condensation, and the process of dissolution of meteoric stones and small planets, such as a mortal could walk around one of them in a day. On the outer extreme of this sea, the nebulae is in constant waves, where the vortices play, condensing and bursting, like whirlwinds on the earth or corporeal ocean.
5. Here Fragapatti explained, saying: In this thou shalt behold the wisdom of Jehovih, and the uniformity of His works. Here lieth the first belt away from the earth capable of having nebulae condensed into meteoric stones. All nebulae lying nearer than this to the earth's surface is either attracted to the earth or repulsed from it. Compute, therefore, the distance of this belt from the earth, together with its density, and thou shalt find that it is the same distance that the wark belts are, with the stars in the firmament of the size of the earth, and of its density and velocity. The first wark belt of the sun is, therefore, the place of its nearest planet; the second wark belt is the place of its next nearest planet, and so on; and these wark belts are all graded in distance accordingly as I have spoken.
6. Jehovih hath said: Two ways have I created for My mathematicians to prove My works; one is, to measure that which is near at hand, in order to determine that which is far off; the other is, to observe that which is far off, in order to determine that which is near. For, since man could not measure the wark belts of this world, I provided him with means to determine the wark belts of the sun, so that he might the better comprehend his own world.
7. That man might find still further evidence of the earth's wark belts, I created the nearest one with different densities, so that not every year on earth would be alike as to heat and cold. And in certain cycles of dan I condense the first wark belts so that the sun seemeth to mortals as if in eclipse. For it is upon this belt that My cycles of dan'ha give either light or darkness to mortals spiritually.
8. Let man compute My times for his own profit; I created the first wark to gain in rotation faster than the earth, one year for every eleven. So that when the wark hath made twelve of its own years, the earth shall have completed eleven years.
9. Fragapatti caused the avalanza to be driven in amidst a forest of whirlwinds, to illustrate and to explain, so that the hosts might observe. He said: Thou shalt perceive now, that such stones as are condensed beneath the apex fall to the earth, whilst those ascending frequently rise toward the lighter plateau and explode, to be attracted back within the wark belt. This belt compareth unto the cloud belt near the earth. Thither the wind currents make rain-drops and snow-flakes; here the currents make the first nebulous formations that come under the name corpor.
10. Whilst Fragapatti was thus discoursing, the avalanza rocked to and fro, and many of the people perceived now, more than ever, the knowledge and power required by angels and Gods, to contend successfully with the elements. But the beauty and grandeur of these fountains, these fire-spouts, and whirlwinds on fire, together with the roar and whistling of the flying stones, so enraptured Hoab and his hosts, they could do naught but look and wonder at the glory thereof.
11. For seven days and seven nights did Fragapatti and his hosts travel in this wark belt, observing and studying these miniature worlds, creating and dissipating; and on the eighth day the avalanza was lowered beneath the currents, and they sailed direct for the kingdom of Yaton'te, Lord God of North Guatama, piloted by messengers well acquainted with the course. But not being in a much frequented roadway, they encountered few ships or processions of other Gods.
12. Yaton'te had been apprised of Fragapatti's coming, and had accordingly notified his kingdom, and summoned seventy of his Lords to his capital, which was named after himself. So Yaton'te commanded his otevan to be put in order and lighted, and having provided five hundred es'enaurs in addition to his crew, together with his Lords and ten thousand attendants, went forth to the borders of Hagak, a thousand miles, to meet Fragapatti.
13. But, lo and behold, the otevan was only as a small boat is to a ship, when compared to the avalanza. And, accordingly, when they approached each other, Fragapatti caused the front of the avalanza to be opened, and at this place the otevan entered within the walls and was made fast. And the hosts of the otevan came out and were received with great joy by Fragapatti and his people.
2. After the avalanza reached Yaton'te's capital, and the hosts duly landed in the lower heaven, Yaton'te ascended his throne, and after due ceremonies of welcome and thanksgiving, and with music rendering praise to the All High, Yaton'te proclaimed recreation for three days and three nights.
3. Then spake Fragapatti to him, saying: I am glad of this, because I desire to hear the story of thy adventures, and of thy success in this kingdom, for thy record must also be my record, to be taken with us, at the end of this dawn, to heaven above. Hoab and his hosts shall also hear thy words.
4. Yaton'te replied: What I have done, I have done. Nevertheless, he who hath built great kingdoms may find little to admire in a small one.
5. Fragapatti said: I have seen old men who doted more on a grandchild than on a large family they had bred themselves. And is it not a wise provision of our Creator that He bestowed us with such means as enableth us at all times to live over again our past history in the young? Every hour we find a new way open to remind us of our follies in youth; and also a new channel in which to behold Jehovih's Wisdom.
6. Yaton'te said: If a man convert his neighbor from evil into good, two great things are accomplished, the triumph of the man and the reformation of the neighbor. If on the other hand a man fail to convert his neighbor from evil to good, two misfortunes have transpired, which are, the disappointment of one and the loss of glory to Jehovih. It is a strong man that can recount his own failures and say he glorifieth the Father because thereof.
7. Fragapatti said: How shall we measure magnitudes, O Yaton'te? Hath not a mortal, that hath delivered one druk into light, as great a glory as a God that delivereth hundreds of thousands? Is not the one as great in magnitude as the other? According to our worthiness in righteous persistence, no matter what our limit is, is not this the greatest glory? Jehovih gave to man, to first learn to deliver himself in the All Highest. He who can do this is a great ruler. And in the next time Jehovih giveth him to rule over a small kingdom, perhaps a drunkard, or a wanton, or even over his own family, to righteousness. He that doeth this is a great ruler. Is not, then, man's persistence in righteousness the whole glory of his kingdom?
8. Yaton'te said: The Father knoweth! To try, and to try, and to try; this is the sum of the good a man doeth. And yet what man is there in heaven or on earth but can find an apology for the good work he accomplished? Doth not the poor man say: O, if I had this, what great good I would accomplish? And the rich man maketh the same speech, and the king also. And yet Jehovih hath given a kingdom to each and every one of them. But he who can say: I have done all I could, according to my strength and wisdom, rateth amongst the highest of men and Gods.
9. Hear me, then, O Fragapatti; and thou mayst best understand; suffer thyself to forget all the light of high heaven, and to be in a place of darkness, where three thousand million spirits are vagrants, scattered far and wide on the corporeal earth. Such was Aoasu in this kingdom; but the spirits congregated not together in hells, as they did in the east, for they had no association; no Gods, nor Lords. They were perpetual migrants, save such as dwelt with the druks as familiars.
10. And as to the spirits of those that died in infancy, they were taken by the spirits of their fathers and mothers, or others, and cared for until they also gained sufficient knowledge to serve them as vagrants, and there was the end.
11. And strange to say, all these spirits were without clothes or drapery of any kind, and devoid of shame; neither were they good or evil, nor had they desire for, or knowledge of, a higher heaven, being content to rove about, to sleep, and to eat. And they had a thousand languages; or, at least, a thousand different kinds of signs and utterances, which they had acquired on earth, but lost and mixed up so that neither Lords nor Gods could converse with them.
12. Thus I surveyed them and found them, before I built this capital, for which reason I came thus centrally amongst them. Know also, O Chief, that I traveled amongst them with music and with fire, and gaudy apparel, in hope to gain their aspiration; but, alas, they neither smiled nor frowned on my fine shows, but vacantly gazed at us, or even fell asleep whilst our otevan was paraded before them.
13. Then I came hither and built this capital, and founded Jehovih's throne, whereon thou now honorest me. And then I sent to them, here and there, presents of gaudy attire, in hope to inspire the multitude through the few; but, alas, those I attired soon divested themselves of their clothes, preferring nakedness. Thus ended my second failure.
14. After this, I sent a hundred thousand preachers to them, to portray the greater glory of a higher heaven. But, alas, they heeded not, or, if heeding, in a day would forget all that had been told them. And thus ended the third failure.
15. Then we held a holy council, imploring Jehovih for light and power; and His voice came upon me, saying: Go to their loves, My Son; go to mortals. Begin thou with es'yans.
16. Then I commanded my hosts to go and live for a season amongst mortals; and they brought the es'yans to Yaton'te, under guard of the asaphs. And the next of kin followed, desiring to remain. And I said unto them: Behold, my place is fair, and my people are clothed. Save ye be clothed also, ye cannot dwell with us, nor shall ye more look upon your next of kin, whom I have taken for myself.
17. And for love there came many mothers and fathers, and brothers and sisters, belonging to the recent dead; and they suffered themselves to be clothed; and these were the first in my kingdom.
18. Again I called my hosts together, and I said unto them: A thousand Lords I must have. I will divide North Guatama amongst my Lords, and they shall dwell with mortals, having a sufficiency of ashars to give one to each and every mortal, man, woman and child. And whether by natural death or by war, it mattereth not, the es'yans shall be brought to my kingdom.
19. This I accomplished, providing nurseries and places of entertainment for such as were brought hither. But, alas, the tens of thousands of spirits who thus came because of their kin, and accepted clothing for sake of remaining, had little talent to talk, or even desire for anything.
20. At the next holy council the Light came to me, saying: Hear the voice of thy Creator, O My Son; because thou hast been diligent in striving for the resurrection of My children, I am come to thee. Behold, I created man naked, and with shame, as the foundation of industry. But because this people followed, in the Osirian age, the abandonment of spirit communion, whilst they were yet mortal, they lost the light of My countenance.
21. Neither canst thou inspire them to industry, save through clothing the body; but, first of all, thou shalt make them ashamed of nakedness; otherwise, there is no higher resurrection for them.
22. Then I inquired of the Creator how I should teach them shame. He said: Of themselves, to themselves, for themselves, thou canst do but little. But thou shalt inspire them through mortals.
23. Every plateau shall be a thousand miles in breadth every way, save the lowest, which shall be two thousand miles, with a rise of one degree, so that the plateaux shall extend from the earth up to thy kingdom, like a stairway, one plateau higher than another.
24. And thy Lords shall provide for the lowest, and for the second lowest plateaux, subjective entertainments, subjective teachings and subjective things in general. Neither shall there be anything real on these two plateaux, save the inhabitants and their food, and the mirrors and lenses, and machinery for producing subjectives.
25. And the lower plateau, being on the earth, shall be provided as a mirage, having everything spiritual in appearance, as they are corporeally on the earth. And it shall be provided with forests and lakes and rivers, and with all manner of animals and birds and fish, and of whatsoever is suitable food for mortals. And the lowest plateau shall be called Hochedowa, signifying, happy hunting ground.
26. And thou shalt send word to thy Lords, saying: Thus saith thy Creator: Behold, I have created a good place, and called it Hochedowa. Teach ye this to mortals, by inspiration and otherwise, saying also to them: Go tell one another, for, after death, the soul shall go thither in great delight. And ye shall say unto them: Save ye wear garments to hide your nakedness, ye shall not enter Hochedowa.
27. Yaton'te said: When the lowest plateau was made habitable, covering a large portion of North Guatama, the Voice came again, saying: Through thy Lords, My Son, thou shalt possess all mortals, every man and woman and child, suffering not one of the drujas to come near them.
28. And, behold, I will send upon the land in many places, great drouths, because of the construction of thy plateau, and these wandering spirits shall not find sustenance, save but through thee and thy Lords. And as fast as they come, thou shalt oblige them to be clothed or draped about the loins; but thou shalt show preference to all such as wear ornaments.
29. Yaton'te said: This much have we accomplished, O Fragapatti: The foundation of my heavenly kingdom is broad and sure, but as yet I have few subjects to show thee.
30. Fragapatti said: Behold, I will take two days of rest, and then I will inspect thy places. Proclaim, therefore, recreation for two days.
2. The Voice of Jehovih came to Yaton'te, saying: Behold, O My Sons and Daughters, this heaven and this land shall not be like any other place; for hither shall rise in time after, they that shall begin the founding of My kingdom amongst mortals. For in the lands of the east, and the heavens of the east, I have given them Lords and Gods before whom they fall down and worship. But in this heaven, and this land beneath it, shall not be given any Lord, nor God, nor any person born of woman for their resurrection.
3. To this end have I created this subjective heaven and her plateaux, and they shall endure till the dawn of kosmon, and the overthrow of war and mortal kingdoms. From this throne will I come in that day, through My Chiefs, and reveal the histories of My kingdoms. And I will radiate outward, around about from this heaven, until My kingdoms encircle the whole earth, and until the earth's heavens are Mine also.
4. And whether the I'huans be mortals or spirits, ye shall not here teach them to worship any one, save the Great Spirit.
5. For a question will arise amongst mortals in the beginning of kosmon, as to whether mortals are ruled by the angels of heaven. And I will prove it before them that in this land all Gods and Lords and Saviors shall be cast out, and mortals shall become worshippers of the Great Spirit, being ruled to that end by the inspiration that shall descend from this heaven, through the spirits of the I'huan race. And they shall know that I, Jehovih, alone rule over all, and within all My works.
6. Be wise, My Sons and Daughters, for as ye now find little aspiration amongst the hosts of wandering spirits, so will the same lack of aspiration be manifested in the beginning of kosmon, amongst mortals. The Voice ceased.
7. Yaton'te called Et'seing, his assistant God, saying: Come thou and sit on the throne. I will go now for forty days with Fragapatti and show him all my works. And I will go also with him to Hapacha, God of Ipseogee, after which I will return hither.
8. Et'seing came and sat on the throne, duly saluting, having been anointed and crowned previously. Then rose up Fragapatti to speak, perceiving that the great multitude desired to hear him. He said:
9. In what they have done I am well pleased, O Jehovih. Through Thy voice I selected them, and they deserve neither praise nor censure, being Thy servants. Thou hast wisely chosen them, for in this dawn I perceive the foundation of that which will reach mortals in the third dan'ha that cometh after. And because Thou hast chosen this place, O Father, great is the responsibility of these, Thy Lords, and Thy Lord God.
10. Because they have supplicated Thee, Thou hast guided them, and they cannot err. Because their work hath been slow, they have great honor in patience and persistence. May Thy Wisdom, Power and Love continue with them, for Thy glory, now and forever. Amen! Fragapatti ceased, but the light became brilliant above his head; and the Voice came out of the Light, saying:
11. More shall they concern themselves in a righteous foundation of My kingdom, than in a multitude of conversions and resurrections. For the standard of their Lords and Gods, and their successors, is of more value than tens of thousands of redeemed who are of little wisdom and strength. For the latter will be raised up afterward.
12. The Voice ceased, and Fragapatti came down from the throne, followed by Yaton'te and Hoab. The es'enaurs chanted, All Hail, Great Jehovih's Power! His Light the Immortal Voice! And when the Gods advanced to Ctius, they halted, standing abreast, and then filed in front of the throne, saluting in the Sign of Om, and were answered by Fragapatti. Lastly came the marshals of the traveling hosts; and when they had passed, the Gods followed after, thus passing out of the capital to the place of the ships of fire, followed by the inhabitants of Yaton'te.
13. Thus they entered the avalanza, with music and cheering; and thus they departed, first to survey the kingdom of Yaton'te, and then go to Ispeogee.
2. As mortal children can be taught by objective illustration, so have I created My es worlds capable of a similar process subjectively. My rules are not man's rules; nor are My worlds illustrated as man illustrateth. Behold My rainbow, which is a subjective illustration to mortals of a bow without the substance of a bow. But man bendeth a stick, and saith: Behold, a bow! And he holdeth it in his hand; but Mine he cannot touch.
3. I gave to mortals to teach their sons and daughters many combinations by the use of objects; that they should know a circle, a square, a triangle, or learn to compute numbers by the use of objects. Inversely in the same way I created subjective means for the spirits of the dead, that they might be taught and amused with My works.
4. To corporeans I give corporeal eyes and corporeal ears, that they might attain to wisdom on the earth; but to a few I give su'is, that they may see and hear things spiritually.
5. To the spirits of mortals who die in infancy, I give spiritual eyes and spiritual ears; but without cultivation they hear not corporeal things, nor see corporeal things. But to such spirits as have fulfilled an earth life, I created them to see and hear after death the matters of both worlds.
6. Nevertheless, there are many spirits in heaven who have not fulfilled either a spiritual or a corporeal life, and they can see but little and hear but little; for which reason I commanded that they should be called drujas, signifying, spirits of darkness.
7. And I sent My Gods and My Lords, saying to them: Go ye to the spirits of darkness, for they neither see nor hear heaven nor earth, and are wandering about indifferent even to their own nakedness.
8. And ye shall create mirrors and lenses, and optical illusions and delusions, and provide games and entertainments for them, so that their understanding may be opened up for the glory of My kingdoms.
9. When the avalanza arrived at Hochedowa, it was lowered and made as an observatory, in order to witness what was going on, and yet so provided that it could be moved about from place to place.
10. And they witnessed the heavenly tournaments and games; the boating and fishing and hunting, and all other entertainments representative of what these angels had been engaged at in mortal life; and yet these things were but subjective, and not real.
11. But it came to pass that many drujas were restored to memory of earth-life; restored to seeing and hearing, and, in fact, to know they had entered another world; illustrating to their dull senses that it was possible for them to learn to see things, and to hear things, understandingly.
12. Nevertheless, there were within these regions hundreds of millions of angels so stupid as to be void of form and expression.
13. Jehovih had said: When a man hath fainted, thou shalt arouse him, by calling his memory to things past. And when the druj in heaven hath seen who he is, and his place also, thou shalt show him symbols of things past, and thus awake him.
14. Jehovih had said: Behold, O man, thou art the chiefest glory of My creations. Neither created I any animal that walketh on land, or flieth in the air, or swimmeth in the water, or that crawleth on its belly, with desire for spiritual life, nor with capacity to accumulate spiritually. But to thee only, O man, have I given power to aggregate the spiritual entity.
15. For My animals, I bestowed like a vessel that is full of water; no more can be put into them; and also, when the vessel is destroyed, the water runneth back to the ocean. I quickened them into life by Mine Own hand; but when I take away My hand, lo, they are gone back into dissolution. As a drop of water hath no power before the sun, but evaporateth and is seen no more, so is the spirit of all the animals I created before the light of my countenance. But to thee, O man, I gave power for everlasting life.
16. Nevertheless, as a man may take a drop of water and put it in a vial, and keep it for a long time, so have I given to My exalted angels power to take the spirit of a fish, or of an animal, suddenly dead, and reclothe it with the semblance of a body, for a season; but yet it is only a subjective existence. And, even as a man letteth a stone out of his hand, and it falleth to the ground, so, when My angels let go their hands on My spiritual animals, their spirits fall into the sea of My body, and are seen no more. Even so, also, but in less degree, created I the trees, the grass, the moss, and all vegetable things that grow on the face of the earth. And I gave to My exalted angels power to take the spirit out of a tree, or a bush, or a plant, and to carry it away and reclothe it with corporeal substance. But to My exalted Gods I gave power to do the same things, not with one plant only, but with whole forests, and with animals, and fishes, and serpents. And when they do these things in atmospherea, they are called subjective heavens.
17. Wherefore it came to pass in the ancient days that when spirits of darkness returned to mortals, they told them that heaven was like unto the earth, with everlasting life unto all animals as well as to man. Turn not away from such spirits, O man, but learn from them that thou mayst not tarry long in My bound heavens, when thou becomest a spirit also.
18. For if thou settest thy soul to feed on animals, and to dwell with them, the Gods cannot deliver thee to My emancipated heavens, till thou hast served thy time in the lower heavens. One great light have I bestowed unto all men, that they may progress forever. Though the waters of the ocean rise up and make clouds; and the clouds fall down as rain and run to the rivers, and thence back into the ocean, a thousand times, ten thousands of times, yet that water hath not progressed. Neither have I given progress to a stone, nor to a tree, nor to an animal; but to man only have I given progress.
19. Be wise, O man, and tie not thyself to things that progress not, nor set thy soul upon them, lest they become a bondage to thee in the next world. But for the druks, I have created heavens midway betwixt light and darkness, subjective and objective, that they may be redeemed.
20. Fragapatti also visited the Washa'wow'wow, the great hunting fields; and the place of tournaments, the Se'ka'to'si, where thousands and tens of thousands of drujas were being amused, and instructed, and awakened to their condition and to their possibilities. And when Fragapatti and his hosts had seen the beauty and grandeur of this lowest of heavens, and made a record of the affairs, Yaton'te said:
21. Now have I shown thee, O Fragapatti, the foundation of a great house, even my kingdom, which is Jehovih's. I am at thy service, to go whithersoever thou mayst desire. Then spake Fragapatti, saying:
22. I desire to descend beneath, even to the earth's surface, and survey the plains, and rivers, and lakes, in the regions where the Father's kingdom will be founded. Let my mathematicians compute the time, and these things shall also be recorded in the etherean libraries, for benefit of the angels of that day.
23. The mathematicians computed the time, and then Yo'tse'putu, the chief, said: Eight thousand nine hundred years! So Fragapatti caused the avalanza to be lowered down to the earth's surface, and he coursed the land over, east and west and north and south, and when he saw it was a fair country as to land and water, he said:
24. Behold the Wisdom of Jehovih in the foundation and plans for inhabiting and subduing the earth. And yet, eight thousand nine hundred years! O what innumerable millions on the earth will go down in darkness ere that day! Here the Light will fall! Here the beginning of the death of Seffas! Yet Thy Hand, O Jehovih, is over all.
2. And Hapacha provided in this manner: First, one hundred thousand musicians, formed in eight parts of a circle, with eight intervening spaces. With each group he provided one thousand marshals, and they stood in front of the musicians, with eight intervening spaces also. Next within, he provided places for the messengers, of whom there were three hundred thousand. Then next came the asaphs, of whom there were one million; next came the ashars, of whom there were two millions; next, came the nurses and physicians; next, the teachers in factories and schools and colleges; and of all these there were fourteen millions six hundred thousand.
3. Of the grade first above the es'yans there were twenty millions; of the second grade, which was the highest, there were thirty millions; but no es'yans were present.
4. In the midst of the circle was the throne of Hapacha, now extended so as to accommodate his Lords. To the south of his throne were the seats of the captains of the hosts. In a crescent were his counselors, of whom there were one million.
5. Hapacha having thus called them together, and having explained to but few of them the purpose, now addressed them, saying:
6. By the Wisdom and Power of Jehovih I speak before you. That which I say is not of myself, more than of the faith I have in Jehovih, of which faith ye are likewise blessed.
7. Since our youth up we have been advised by the guardian angels, their Lords and God, to be firm in faith in Jehovih above all things. For it was declared to us, in the olden times, that there was a higher heaven and a lower heaven, and that through faith in the Father we should all ultimately ascend and dwell in His Holiest Kingdoms.
8. For which reason ye have been steady workers since your mortal lives have been put away; even for this kingdom, raising up many, and causing them to rejoice in everlasting life. But as it has been promised ye beforehand that the Gods above us would surely come and deliver all who are prepared for the next resurrection, even so, to this day, cherish ye the hope for wider fields of labor, where ye may overtake your kindred and others who have become wise in Jehovih's light.
9. The time of that resurrection is near at hand for many of you. Our Father hath brought this heaven into a lighter region, that ye may be prepared for that still greater light beyond. And because of the new light that is with us, ye have beholden that many of the I'huan es'yans have deserted our nurseries and gone back to the earth, for they love the darkness of earth more than they love the light of heaven.
10. My Lords have sent messengers to me from various parts of the earth, saying to me: As much as they have deserted your places in heaven, even so much have the es'yans returned to mortals in great numbers. And it hath come to pass that great manifestations of spirit presence are now common to men and women and children on earth.
11. Many of these es'yans, falling in with drujas, have adopted their roving habits, denying that there is any higher heaven, honestly believing they will have an opportunity to re-incarnate themselves and dwell again in mortal form. Knowing no higher heaven than the earth, and, knowing no happiness save in the indulgence of lust, they appear to mortals, and marry in manifestation, falsely pretending to be the kin of the living.
12. Which sign forerunneth the approach of a new dawn of dan near at hand. Being thus doubly armed in prophecy, your God called you to witness the words and proceedings of Fragapatti, who is on his way hither, accompanied by Yaton'te, God of Yaton'te, Creator of Hochedowa.
13. For more than six hundred years have many of us labored in this field, and our harvests for Gau have been the most esteemed of all the resurrections contributed by the Lords of earth. To comport with our dignity, I have commanded the builders of otevans to have in readiness, representing these harvests, a vessel for my Lords and their attendants, and my chief marshal, to go part way and meet our visitors, bearing the sign of the triangle, and of fruit, and the altar.
14. Hapacha then gave instructions in full; and, presently, the receiving hosts departed in the otevan, with music, rejoicing, being cheered by the hosts remaining. In the meantime, Hapacha caused the house to be put in order.
2. Thus came Fragapatti to Ipseogee in his avalanza, displaying neither lights nor curtains; coming with the receiving hosts within his vessel, anchoring near the throne of Hapacha.
3. Presently Fragapatti came down out of the ship, Yaton'te and Hoab with him, also the marshals, who were on the left, the receiving hosts being on the right. Hapacha's en'enaurs struck up, Proclaim Jehovih's Name, O ye Lords and Gods! and the hosts of the avalanza joined in singing, and with trumpets and harps and triangles, knowing the symbols of their kingdom, and great was the glory of their music.
4. When Fragapatti approached the throne, the music ceased. Hapacha said: Who cometh here? and he made the ancient sign of Jehovih's name. Fragapatti said: A Faithist in Jehovih; and he gave the countersign. Whereupon, Hapacha said: In His name, welcome brother, and welcome to thy hosts also. May His love and wisdom be manifested in me and my people during your sojourn with us.
5. Fragapatti said: Jehovih is All Wise. He fashioneth some men as suns, and out of their souls the light extendeth into the far-off spheres. Coursing these vast fields at certain times and seasons, He sendeth swift messengers from His most exalted heavens. And these messengers, passing through both light and darkness, with their great wisdom, scan the distant kingdoms where mortals and angels dwell, and quickly catch from the guardian hosts, and from the scenes around, the brightest, best stars, and carry the record to the reigning Gods above. And when these Gods descend to the regions and places of these immortal gems, they go visit them.
6. Even so, O Hapacha, standeth thy record in the higher heavens. And when the Father called me to visit the red star and her heavens, I looked over Jehovih's messengers' reports, where was set thy name, radiant with love and fire. So to thee I made haste and came, unknown, because as yet unproved in these heavens; and thy much worth, and the amity of thy hosts, won my love. I told thee thou shouldst hear from me soon, and so thou hast. Behold, Fragapatti is before thee!
7. Hapacha said: Blessed, O Jehovih! Come thou, O Fragapatti, and honor my throne, in the name of the Father! And come thou also, O Yaton'te, and thou, O Hoab! And they went up and sat on the throne, and Fragapatti sat in the midst.
8. Again the es'enaurs sang and played, and during the singing the light of the upper kingdoms began to envelop the throne. Then spake Fragapatti, explaining:
9. Hear me, O all ye people, and be ye attentive to my words:
10. Because ye have been faithful from the first, ye are become the light of the earth, and of this heaven, and inasmuch as ye have maintained your altar and times of sacrifice, there have been maintained in the upper heavens altars and sacrifices in conjunction with you.
11. Whereby ye have been blessed in hearing the Voice in all the darkness through which the earth and her heavens have passed.
12. As the Father hath given voice betwixt mother and child, though they be distant from each other, so, in like manner, do Jehovih's kingdoms, which are in sympathy in righteousness and love.
13. As ye behold the light gathering about this throne, think not that I bring the light, nor that it is sent to me in person. There is a cord betwixt me and my etherean kingdoms, and I am one end thereof; the other end is the throne in etherea. When I sit in the midst of this throne, behold, it is also illuminated by the higher heavens.
14. Think not that my heavens are the highest of all, for such, the All Highest, can never be attained. Nevertheless, my heavens are connected as with a cord to them above me, and they to others still above, and so on forever, upward, upward! The All Highest conceived of, is called Jehovih; and no matter how long it descendeth, still the Voice is His Voice.
15. That ye may hear Jehovih's Voice, I will now set my sun above the throne.
16. Fragapatti ceased, and a light most brilliant, in the figure of the sun, settled above his head back of the throne. Many could not look upon it because of its brightness. Presently Jehovih spake out of the Light, saying:
17. Rejoice, O Hapacha, in the name of thy Creator! Sing thy songs of delight, and let thy people hold up their heads. Behold, I have watched over thee and thy hosts; in My promises have ye fulfilled the dawn of My Light!
18. Three thousand years are as one day in My sight. Yesterday I said: Sit ye here, stand ye there, for to-morrow I come again. And this was my commandment for thousands, and tens of thousands of years.
19. But others remembered Me not; in the night they went down, as a child that falleth asleep. And when I came on the morrow, behold, they had not awakened. But I roused them up, and showed them My great Light.
20. Again I said to them: Three thousand years are as one day in My sight. Sit ye here, stand ye there, and remember Me. To-morrow I come again. But lo, they went down in sleep; they remembered not Me, their Creator.
21. But thou, O Hapacha, hast maintained the watch all night long. Thou art the first of Gods who hath kept this kingdom whole from dawn to dawn. Thou art the first of Gods who hath kept My kingdom safe in the lower heavens till the morrow came.
22. Now have I come to thee to deliver thee and thy kingdom to Haraiti, whither thou shalt tarry till the close of dawn, when My Sons and Daughters shall bear thee upward to My emancipated worlds; and thy hosts shall go with thee.
23. The Voice ceased. Then spake Fragapatti, saying: For three days will I tarry here; two days shalt thou have of recreation, but on the third day thou shalt appoint thy successor, and I will then again speak before thee and thy people.
24. Hapacha then proclaimed two days of recreation, and the hosts mingled freely together, those of the avalanza coming out and rejoicing with the Ipseogee'ans, and great was the glory of those two days.