2. Wherein your soul perceives a ray of light, follow it in truth and not merely in words.
3. It has been said of old: You can not serve both God and self. And many go about preaching this, but they themselves labor for self every day.
4. To serve your God is to work for others, especially the sick and helpless, and not for yourself. Your prayers and confessions to me are but the waste of your breath.
5. There be such as preach for money, and also are graduated from the colleges and are called learned priests; but they have not yet learned not to serve mammon, except in words.
6. I say unto you that a poor man who cannot read a line, who goes into the house of the afflicted, giving what little he has, and with a willing heart cleans the floor and garments of the bed-ridden, is more learned in my kingdoms than are these graduated preachers.
7. The word, labor, or work, is easily understood.
8. Do not allow yourself to be deceived by those whose trade is preaching and praying. They profess to be laboring for the spiritual man; and according to the number of their converts, who are also taught words and prayers and confessions instead of works, so are they called great workers for the Lord.
9. But I say unto you, all these are but the subterfuges of satan (self), to palm off words for works.
10. All such preachers and priests and converts are still tarrying in the mire of grade one.
11. Hear your God, and weigh his words in the balance, and do not be blinded by the tricks of satan.
12. A preacher receiving a good salary gives half his money to the poor and the other half to the church, and his people say: O what a good man!
13. And immediately they raise his salary, and they present him a good house, where he feasts sumptuously every day, laughing in his sleeve.
14. Now I say to you that that preacher contributed nothing to the poor. The money he gave away was not his, but the fruit of hypocrisy.
15. Because he did not practice labor; but obtained his money as a beggar amd a vampire, not for work but for words, he was false before Jehovih.
16. To serve your God, or to preach and practice the words of your God, does not require great oratory or education. I do not require colleges to brace me up, nor preachers that do not serve the Creator.
17. One cries out: Come to God! or: Make your peace with the Lord! But he himself would not give up his bed to a poor sick woman.
18. I say to you: All such are either hypocrites or deceivers of their own souls.
19. Except you use your hands and bend your back in practice and in producing something in the world and contributing it unto others, you are none of mine, nor know the way to come to me, nor to make peace with me.
20. It has been said of old: Do unto others as you desire should be done unto you; also, to return good for evil, and to sell all you have and give to the poor, and love your neighbor as yourself.
21. And these words are well known; but who is there that practices them?
22. Therefore the words are impotent and of non-effect.
23. To remedy which, many practice serving themselves by their labor; but in Jehovih's service, their practice is by prayers and confessions: words, words, words!
24. Saying: It is not possible in the present condition of society to do these things!
25. Did your God limit you, saying: Do this, in the present condition of society? The way was open for another condition, but you did not try to find it. You would not give up yourself and live in a brotherhood. Under the name of liberty, you held fast to satan and his haunts, saying: I am willing to serve the Creator, but I will not sacrifice my liberty.
26. And you sell yourself to self, which shall follow you into hada.
27. Know then, O man, that whoever would rise into my organic kingdoms in heaven shall teach himself the first lesson of liberty, which is to free himself from self.
28. He shall not say: I want this; or I must have that; or, I cannot have self abridged; or, I will suffer no dictation.
29. I say unto you, all such men are already in the bonds of drujas and the throes of hell.
30. But you shall say: Here I am, O Jehovih, Your servant! Appropriate me whichever way I can do the most good unto others! Myself is no longer any consideration.
31. This it is, to be a Faithist in the Father.
32. If an exalted man marry a woman beneath him, he can lift her up.
33. But if an exalted woman marry a man beneath her, he will pull her down.
34. Even so is it with the righteous man that weds to the world and lives in it; sooner or later it will pull him down.
35. But if the righteous man go with his fellows into a separate place and wed himself to Jehovih and His ways, then that righteous man shall be lifted up. And, moreover, he shall be a power to lift up the world.
36. Shall a bride not live with her husband? And they that choose the Creator live with him?
37. I say unto you: If you do not live in a brotherhood on earth, you shall not soon find one in heaven.
38. But you shall unite yourself with such as are compatible with you; with whom you shall live equal in all things, in which you can do unto them as you would be done by, loving them as yourself, returning them good constantly.
39. Being willing to make any sacrifice of your own self's desires for sake of founding the Father's kingdom on earth.
40. Remembering you were born in darkness and are not the same as will be the generations who come after you, who shall be born in these communities, His kingdoms.
41. Even for them that are yet unborn shall your sacrifice be.
42. In which you shall consider that it is for the resurrection of others and not for yourself that you are chosen of Jehovih.
43. For herein lies the key of all resurrections; which is to labor for others; to induce them to assimulate unto Jehovih and with one another.
44. The words of your God are not for the glory of any man under the sun, or for any angel in heaven, but for Jehovih.
45. You have had revelation sufficient since thousands of years; and sacred books with most holy doctrines. And, yet, many that know these well come into the es world as low as drujas and as wandering spirits.
46. You shall judge yourself; your spirit is as a manuscript in your own handwriting; you are daily writing your grade and the place of your abode in heaven.
2. Wherever you build a city and it increases in inhabitants, it equally increases in pauperism and crime. Neither have you any doctrine under the sun to provide against this.
3. But I have now opened the book of knowledge before you. I have made plain the place of my habitation and of the line of my light and of my holy angels.
4. You may travel a thousand other roads, but none other shall be blessed with the light of my countenance.
5. As you say at the door of the college: Young man, neither prayers nor confessions shall graduate you in my house to be companion to such as have passed on before you.
6. So I say at the gates of my exalted heavens, unto the inhabitants of the earth: Only by knowledge and righteous works done unto one another shall you be able to endure the light of my kingdoms.
7. Now it shall come to pass, early in the kosmon era, that many shall be gifted to heal by laying on of hands. And they shall say: Behold, the lost gift is returned! Have I not done a good thing in the world?
8. But I say unto you, O man, that these also mistake the coming of Jehovih's kingdom.
9. The healing of the sick may be compared to giving alms to the poor and saying: Have I not done a good work?
10. I say unto you, these things were of the past cycles. They shall now consider what shall be done to prevent sickness. This is better than to heal. They shall now consider what shall be done to prevent poverty. This is better than giving to the poor.
11. I have not come to heal and treat the diseased in flesh or spirit, nor to re-establish any of the ancient doctrine or revelations.
12. I am not a patcher-up of old garments.
13. I am not an apologizer for ancient revelations, nor have I anything in common with what is past.
14. Neither their doctrines, nor sacred books, nor their Gods, nor Lords, nor Saviors are anything before me.
15. I am not come to captivate the ignorant and unlearned. Nor am I come to call sinners to repentance. Nor to convert the debauchee, nor to convert the profane man, nor to convert the harlot.
16. Other revelations have been sufficient for all of these.
17. Nor have I come to say: Behold, this is my book! And there shall be none other!
18. But, behold, I come to found Jehovih's kingdom on earth. I come to the wise and learned. And not to one man only; but to thousands.
19. That which I am uttering in these words, in this place, I am also uttering in the souls of thousands, and I will bring them together.
20. I do not command, saying: You shall believe, because I, your God, have said it, or revealed it in this book.
21. I come as your elder brother, in the name of Jehovih. I show you how you can live without the governments of man. And how you shall live, in order to join in my resurrections.
22. Let not the Faithist of this day say: I will purify the government! I will leaven the whole mass!
23. But I say unto you, your God does not labor in such method. The cure is, come out of Uz and be clean.
24. Whoever has more faith in Uz, let him remain in Uz; whoever has faith in Jehovih, let him come into His kingdoms.
25. To know your Father in heaven, O man, who has learned this? They profess Him in words, but they belie Him in their behavior.
26. Renounce them, O my beloved; gather up your household and follow my voice, which I speak into your soul from the Almighty. Follow your highest knowledge, and make yourself a glory in Jehovih's kingdoms, forever and ever.
2. Hearken to the words of your elder brother, God of these heavens and the earth; behold, I will set you in judgment over yourselves; and the powers of Jehovih within you shall cry out for truth and justice.
3. Take your chosen of the congregation of your church, and make manifest that which you preach.
4. And prove that you have a good and sufficient doctrine for the salvation of your souls.
5. Choose the best of your flock, and show before your God an example of all such as do not serve mammon, but Jehovih. Seal up their mouths; for you shall judge them, not by words, but by what comes of the soul.
6. And you shall divide with one another your earthly possessions, being as brethren. And you shall cast it upon the altar of your church, saying: We give it to the poor!
7. Or, if you have houses, you shall say to the poor: Come and dwell in here!
8. Do not persuade yourselves, O men of darkness, that you are not graded by the angels above; or say to yourselves: Jehovih does not see or hear.
9. Nor say: When we are dead our souls shall turn suddenly good and ascend to the right hand of God.
10. Nor flatter yourselves, saying: We did the best we could under the circumstances.
11. Truly, I say to you: You have not fulfilled the first law, which is to make clean your own corporeal bodies. Because you have stuffed yourselves with carnal food, my holy angels can not approach you; neither can your understanding approach the place of my kingdoms.
12. How much less, then, have you purified your souls? For where you will not put away flesh, because you love flesh, even so will you not put away self-righteousness. Because you shun the practice of labor, showing to the world you love words and the renown of men and caste, making preferences in your churches, having rich and poor in them, which is itself your condemnation. For you should divide with one another, putting in practice your doctrines.
13. What one of you has a congregation who have given up all, and who make themselves alike and like, rich and poor?
14. Do you think my kingdoms in heaven are like this.
15. I say to you: You shall be bound in the first resurrection, in hada, to all these whom you have professed to lead; and you shall not ascend until the lowest of your congregations of spirits have put away uncleanness and selfishness; which is the first labor. And after this, they shall learn to practice fellowship in union, for the resurrection of others.
16. Do not flatter yourselves that, because you wear fine robes and you preach, that you are not responsible also. Nor hope that when you become spirits you shall ascend suddenly into places of delight. You are marked by your God!
17. Your souls are written all over with your deeds and works and words; and you shall see yourselves as in a mirror, and of your own accord shun my kingdoms of light.
18. Because you have learned words, and practiced only in words, behold, I come in this day to command practice in works. Not for a pittance, but for all you have.
19. I am not come to destroy your religions; you have done that already.
20. I come to give you a religion wherein all men can be as brethren.
21. Even the infidel shall accept the Creator and good works. For he, being the fruit of your behavior, is even in the foreground in the march of my armies.
1. God said: Hear the words of your God, O you preachers, priests and rab'bahs; do not try to contradict my words.
2. In times past I had such representatives, and I said unto them: Go preach my doctrines unto the inhabitants of the earth; make them understand the way of the Almighty.
3. And you shall take neither money nor scrip for your labor, but be an example of faith in the promises of God.
4. So your predecessors went forth fulfilling my commandments.
5. But look at what you are doing in this day! You patronise the man of wealth; you boast of the riches of your congregations!
6. You receive salaries, and you dwell in fine houses; you sell my doctrines as merchandise! You have fine temples and fashionable audiences, and you curry favor with those who are in affluence.
7. You do not go to the drunkard's den, nor to the unfortunate woman; you do not take these in your arms, saying: My brother, my sister, come with me, I will show you the kingdom of God!
8. Behold, I have come to you in spirit and in truth, but you put me off, saying: Is not the first duty to one's own household? Is not self-preservation the first law?
9. Now I answer you: These questions spring from the beast, and not from the spirit.
10. Neither does it avail you one jot or tittle to rise at break of day and recite prayers all day, nor to say: God help the poor! or: Blessed are you, my God!
11. When you cannot purchase one another by flattery, how do you hope for the favor of the Almighty by praise and prayers and flattery?
12. Behold, the selfishness of man has made the world like a house on fire! My little ones are in pain and suffocation.
13. Go, then, quickly, to them, and provide a remedy. This is the new religion I give unto you: Demanding sacrifice of you and your congregations, of all you have that is not in use and actual need.
14. And you shall judge the limit of it, remembering that whoever is bound on earth is bound in heaven.
15. I have drawn aside the veil of death, your sons and daughters, your fathers and mothers, the dead and the living, stand face to face.
16. And the angels are testimony unto you that your doctrines, as you practice them, are a blasphemy against the Almighty.
17. You persuade yourselves and your congregations that, after death, the soul shall go far away and to an exalted heaven. But, behold, they that are dead are with you. They testify unto you by the thousands, and by tens of thousands, that you led them astray.
18. The evidence of the work of heaven is at your door. You stand accused before Jehovih that you do not practice what you preach; that you live sumptuously and connive at sin; that you preach what you cannot prove; by the angels of your own blood and kin are you accused.
19. You have no personal knowledge of heaven, and in stubborness of heart you dispute with my seers and prophets, who can prove before you they have power to see unseen things and to hear that which you cannot hear.
20. You study spiritual things with your corporeal senses; but you have no capacity to see and hear the spirits of the dead. How much less, then, shall you presume to interpret Jehovih and his kingdoms?
21. Now, behold, I come in this era, not only to declare to you that the time of preaching is at an end, except wherein it is practiced in deed as it is spoken in word, but also to prophesy to you, that many of you will give up your calling and preach no more.
22. And your temples and churches and meeting-houses shall be turned into consultation chambers, to find remedies for poverty, crime and debauchery.
23. And the congregations shall be enrolled, and at the meetings they shall be inquired after, to see if they are in need. And they shall have volunteers who shall go about seeking out the helpless and distressed.
24. So that instead of the congregations sitting to hear your sermons, they shall come as co-workers for Jehovih's children.
25. This is the new religion which I give unto you; and, moreover, let it be a prophecy to you of the words of your God. For there is no such congregation this day in all the world; and yet, before this generation passes away, this shall be proven before you.
1. God said: There shall be a day of judgment for you, O man. Soon or late, you shall take the matter into your own hand; and you shall look into your own soul to judge yourself. This is for all men; none can escape it.
2. Such, then, is the judgment day. Let no man complain against the judge; you shall be your own judge.
3. And every one judges against himself, and, soon or late, cries out: O Jehovih, I have sinned against you; in my youth I tried to find excuses for my behavior, but now I am broken down utterly.
4. After judgment, reformation and resurrection within man begin as a new tree of life.
5. But whether you shall judge yourself in this life, or wait till you are dead and risen in spirit, the matter is in your own hands.
6. Yet, it would be better for you if you would sit in judgment on yourself every day of your life.
7. But touching the matter as to how you shall judge yourself, hear the wisdom of your God, your elder brother, and profit accordingly.
8. Because of the Ever Presence of Jehovih, you were quickened into a conscious being. As your earth-body is of the earth, so is your spirit of Jehovih. Nevertheless, spirit is the opposite of corporeal life; for the latter comes to an end; but the spirit of man is a tree of everlasting life.
9. Your spirit grows by cultivation, which is by the practice of wisdom, truth, virtue, benevolence and affiliation unto others.
10. Do not think that the soul grows by prayers or confessions unto this God or that God; for in whatever God you firmly believe, him shall you worship, for he is your choice. Nor shall any man prevent you in this your liberty. But remember, the same rule holds unto all in this day: You shall never see the God you worship, except, indeed, it be an idol, or an image of wood or stone or some corporeal substance.
11. For behold, I have cast out all Gods, Lords and Saviors on the earth and in the heavens of the earth.
12. And when the spirits of the dead come to you in sar'gis, saying: Behold me! I am your Savior! I am your Lord! I say unto you: All such spirits are drujas.
13. Nevertheless, if you worship a God, or Lord, let it be as a figure unto you to cast your eyes into your own soul, to purify yourself in the sight of your Creator, whom you cannot doubt.
14. In such respect, it is no sin for you to worship any good ideal, whom you shall emulate in your behavior.
15. Yet this also shall you prove: That, whoever of the ancients was great, or whatever God was well known that you set your soul on to love, behold, familiar spirits will come to you to deceive you, professing to be that ancient one or that God.
16. And when you are dead and your soul risen from the dead, behold, some deceiving spirit will come to you to use you; neither shall you discover for a long season that you have been the dupe and slave of an unscrupulous master.
17. There are this day in the lower heavens millions of false Brahmas, millions of false Buddhas, millions of false Christs and millions of false Gabriel-Gods.
18. Whoever binds himself to these names while on earth becomes a fit subject for drujas to fall upon when he enters heaven.
19. Do not think that great wisdom comes suddenly by dying; in your early entrance into the es world you shall be easily deceived.
20. For which reason you shall school yourself every day of your life that your Creator only is your God; and that you shall never see Him as you see a man or an angel; but also that you can see Him every day in the glory of His works.
21. With this faith in your soul, you shall die and enter heaven fearlessly; and when a pretended God or Savior comes to you asking tribute, you shall know of a truth he is false.
22. Now, therefore, when you judge yourself to determine the balance of your good and evil deeds, and your good and evil thoughts, let your Creator stand as the light of your soul, and, through Him, judge yourself, but not as to your worship, but as to your works.
23. Neither shall you judge yourself by any God, or Lord, or Savior, or by any idol, or by any man or woman; for you stand yourself second to Jehovih in your attributes. It behooves you to make a God of yourself, in your behavior and in your words and deeds.
24. Neither shall you judge yourself by any sacred book, or any bible, in all the world; nor by the words within them purporting to be my words, or the words of any God, Lord or Savior.
25. For I have abolished all such sacred books and bibles and words and sayings contained in them purporting to be my words and the words of any God, Lord or Savior.
26. Neither shall you bind yourself by them, nor judge yourself by anything that is written or printed in them.
27. But, behold, I declare a greater glory and judge unto you in place of it, which is Jehovih, your Creator.
28. By Him and through Him shall you judge and be judged.
29. Books are maculate; but Jehovih, never.
30. Neither shall you, henceforth, swear by any book under the sun; nor by any God, nor Lord, nor Savior, nor spirit, nor idol, nor image. But you shall swear by Jehovih, your Creator.
31. To Jehovih only shall you covenant yourself, and you shall do this in your own way only, and not according to any book, or bible, or priest, or church, or spirit.
32. Behold, the olden times are passed away; and your God sets aside the bondages of the olden times also.
33. They were sufficient for the times they were created. A man shall not be bound as a child; neither shall the judgment of man be bound by the things that were intended for man before he attained judgment.
34. Have you not seen the signs of the times? What I here give in words, Jehovih manifests over all the length and breadth of the world.
35. None can stay the hand of the Almighty.
1. God said: Hear the words of your God, O man. In the ancient times I came as a father to a child, dictating unto man.
2. Now that you have attained to comprehensive judgment, Jehovih has inspired you to liberty, and to think for yourself, and to consider what is best for you.
3. And your God now comes not as a dictator, but as your elder brother, with ample experience.
4. And I say unto you, after the manner of your professors in the college to their graduated classes: Behold, you are free; go your way, and no longer hope to hold your God accountable for your behavior.
5. For with your freedom, you also attain to responsibility.
6. Do not think because I emancipate you from the God and Lords and Saviors of the ancients;
7. And from the bibles and sacred books of the ancients; and from the ancient commandments and injunctions, that, as a consequence, you are not bound in fidelity to your Creator.
8. You are more bound now than before; for you shall not, henceforth, throw the responsibility of your conduct on to this man, nor that man, nor this God, nor Lord, nor Savior, nor holy book, nor bible, nor priest, nor church decree.
9. So that your fidelity to your Creator and to your fellow-man, in righteousness, love and good works, shall be the most sacred study of your life.
10. And your example from day to day shall be a perpetual register of your accountability; truly you shall be a living sermon before men and before Jehovih.
11. And where your behavior detracts from the grades of your fellow-men, you shall be bound in the behavior of those that copy after you, and, for the shortness you bring them into, you shall suffer for them in time to come.
12. Beware, O man, for this rule applies unto all the generations of men: That, by sudden emancipation from an old condition, man runs into another extreme, from which spring libertinism and licentiousness.
13. For which reason you shall rather proclaim before the multitude the responsibilities of the new condition, than try to win their applause by proclaiming their emancipation from the old.
14. Because I have opened the heavens, the spirits of the dead return to you and commune in your household; do not flatter yourself that the whole of the Father's kingdoms are revealed to you, and that the angels who converse with you can make plain the dominions of the higher heavens.
15. Many of these shall return to you, saying: There is no hell, no satan, no God, or Lord, nor anything in this world to make you afraid. For, of a truth, the hell they looked for, they did not find; and they did not find a God, or Lord, or Savior, such as they had hoped to find. And for this reason, such angels are jubilant for the time being.
16. Nevertheless a time shall come to them also, when they shall tire of dwelling on the earth, in the places of their mortal kin; and they shall seek resurrection into more exalted places where wisdom and purity dwell. Then indeed they shall begin to comprehend the ways of the kingdoms of the Almighty.
17. And they will cry out in pain, pleading for pity, compassion and help. And after that when they come to you, they will also proclaim, even as your God now does: That the commandments must be fulfilled:
18. To love the Creator above all else;
19. And your neighbor as yourself;
20. Sell all you have, and give to the poor;
21. Return good for evil;
22. Do good unto others, with all your wisdom and strength;
23. Abnegate self in all respects;
24. Making yourself a servant to your Creator;
25. Owning or possessing nothing under the sun;
26. And look into your soul, to judge yourself constantly, to discover where and how you shall do the most good;
27. Complaining not against Jehovih for anything that happens;
28. Making your neighbor rejoice in you;
29. Making yourself affiliative;
30. Without self-righteousness above any one;
31. Being a producer of something good;
32. And learn to rejoice in your own life, with singing and dancing and with a jovial heart, paying due respect to rites and ceremonies, so that all things may be orderly before Jehovih.
33. Remember the words of your God, O man, when angels or men advise you against these commandments, they have little to offer you that will promote the harmony of the state.
34. Consider, therefore, that whatever promotes the greatest harmony and wisdom within the state has also been discovered and is in practice in the higher heavens.
35. And wherein it has been proven to you that a state divided against itself can not stand, even so are the heavens above not divided, but are as a unit.
36. Judge, then, O man, when one spirit comes to you preaching one thing, and another spirit comes to you preaching another thing, their words are proof that they have not yet entered the harmonious heavens of your God.
37. And it is because of the inharmony of your own soul that you are open to these conflicting messengers. This is infidelity against the All Person, Jehovih. And such conflicting spirits deny the Person and the Unity of the Almighty.
38. Do not let your emancipation from the bondage of the doctrines of the ancients lead you into infidelity against Jehovih.
1. God said: I have heard your prayer, O man: Your kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven.
2. Have you considered your words? And are you prepared for it? Have you fulfilled the commandments? And do you love your neighbor as yourself? And have you done unto the least, as you desire your Creator to do unto you?
3. Now, behold, Jehovih has sent me, your God, to answer your prayer.
4. I demand of you that you have no favorite doctrine above your neighbor;
5. And that you are servant to no God, nor Lord, nor Savior, nor church, unacceptable to any man in all the world.
6. But that you serve Jehovih with all your wisdom and strength, by doing good unto your fellow-men with all your might.
7. That, because you are strong, or wise, or rich, you understand that you shall use these excellencies for raising up such as do not have them, believing that Jehovih so provided you for that purpose.
8. Consider, O man! You have a kingdom already. Would you have two kingdoms?
9. Behold, the kingdom of man has its power in armies and ships of war.
10. The kingdoms of your Father have not these, but love, wisdom, righteousness and peace.
11. I demand of you, that you shall give up your army and navy. Are you prepared to say: To whomever smites me on one cheek, I turn the other to be smitten also?
12. Is your faith still more in weapons of death than in the Voice of Everlasting Life? Do you value your army and navy as more to be depended on than Jehovih?
13. Are you willing to sacrifice your time and money and self-interest for sake of Jehovih's kingdom?
14. Use your judgment, O man. Since the time of the ancients till now, the only progress towards the Father's kingdom has been through sacrifice.
15. What less can you expect?
16. If you sell what you have and give to the poor, behold your neighbors will imprison you for a madman.
17. If you abnegate yourself and labor for others, they will persecute you and revile you.
18. If you should profess to love your neighbor as yourself, they would jeer at you.
19. Therefore, I declare unto you, O man, in the land of Uz the Father's kingdom cannot be.
20. But you shall go away; and, behold, I will go with you, and with your neighbor, and show you how to build, even as a kingdom in heaven.