When OAHSPE was first published in 1882, it did not have an index. In 1891 a second edition was published, in which substantial revisions were made, including the addition of a new Book of Discipline, and the dropping of the Commentary (which is not now found in any edition of OAHSPE other than the original edition, of which this is a photo copy--first printed on June 2, 1960). The 1891 edition did have an index; however its page numbering system was not compatible with the 1882 edition and was therefore useless for the photo copy editions.

When, in 1960, the original 1882 edition was found and photographically reproduced, it suffered in value as a tool for the serious student because of its lack of an index. While the 1960 reproduction did differ from the 1882 edition in that the photos of the prophets from the 1891 edition were included, the Book of Discipline still did not appear. This was added to the photo edition in 1970.

Now, with the publication of a 70-page index in this printing of what has come to be known as "the green OAHSPE" because of the color of its binding, the work of more than four years of compiling an index has been completed. No student of OAHSPE has to be told of the great value and need for a comprehensive index such as this one is.

For those printings of the "green" OAHSPE lacking an index, a paperback printing of the index was published, and thus all editions of OAHSPE now have an available index.

Ray Palmer, June 26, 1972


Aaron, brother to Moses, 512.31; 515.2
Abnegate, whoever had learned to, self and labor for the food of others, was already above grade fifty, and his ascension should be perpetual thereafter, 418.9.
to, one's own self. This is the most difficult law, 707.15.
Abnegation, without, of one's self, no man shall have peace of soul either on earth or in heaven, 498.13, 419.13.
Abortion, some very young, slain by their mothers and fathers, 207.9
Abram, birth of, prepared for by Jehovih, 301. chap. xiii.
was an I'huan, appearance of, 328.7.
grade ninety-five, 326.11.
a maker of baskets, 327.3.
could see without eyes and hear without ears, 328.8.
servant in a king's family, 328.10.
inspired by the God Vishnu, 328.U.B.9.
name changed to Abra-Ham, made chief rab'bah, 327.1 to 3.
Cpenta-armij spends twelve days with, 348.8.
Abraham visits Sodom and Gomorrah, 329.5 to 330.9.
commanded by an angel to offer up his son Isaac, 330.10 to 331.20.
declares even the chosen of God can be deceived by evil angels, 331.1 to 332.10.
to be a father to many peoples, 333.3.
's wife Sarai and her maid Hagar, 333.5 to 335.18.
accused of being father to Ishmael, and of attempting to burn his son Isaac as a sacrifice to his God, 336.25 to .32.
inquires of God (Vishnu) concerning the people of the kings and the Faithists, also of marriage, gifts, government, learning, servitude, products of labor, the lazy and they that shirk, and of lands, 337. chap. xii.
's son Isaac takes Rebecca to wife, 340.1 to 342.16.
establishes his people in families, 342.17.
's record cleared up in regard to him and Ishmael and Isaac, 343.19 to .21.
Absolve, thou shalt, them that are depressed because of their sins, 209.16.
Absolved, and thou shalt be, and forgiven thy sins, 778.23.
Accomplish, rather is it wise to, whatever work Jehovih hath put in thy way, than to desert it for sake of perpetual comfort, 160.29; 211.9 to 10.
Actinic force, 585.34; 594.15 to 595.16.
Adam, the Par'si'ean word, adopted instead of the Vedic Asu (which see), 450.11.
Adavaysit. See under Ship.
Adept, at eighteen he (Thothma) was admitted as an, in life and death, 450.15.
Adeptism in the Father's kingdom, 815.15; 838.21.
Adepts, Chamber of, 659.
during Thothma's reign, 456.30.
Adeptship attained to, so that the angels could carry him up and down within the pillar, which was fifty lengths of a man, 446.11.
Adonya, the earth Gods, that is the Lords were now called, 56.17; 73.69.
Adult, ye shall pursuade any, to come into the Father's kingdom, 852.2.
neither shalt thou strive to teach any, man or woman who is without faith in Me, 827.14; 51.6.
Advise, neither shall one man, another without becoming bound to him that followeth his, 750.20.
Ae'jin, Ahura and his emissaries discovered that by pressing down the front brain of infants they could be made capable of Su'is, 297.19 to 22.
the person so communing with the spirits was called, in the Egyptian language and ranked next to the Sun King, 335.21; 368.26; 373.24; 632.45; 639.9.
Affiliative, making thyself, 797.29; 710.17; 749.37; 798.7.
Afflicted, when the wealth of the rich man is stolen, do not mortals say, Poor man, Jehovih hath, him, 483.3; 521.30.
Ahaoma, earth food, 475.30.
Ahura (Ctusk, a former Lord of Jehovih's host), renounces Jehovih and founds a kingdom for himself in heaven, 293.1 to 3.
history of, and his kingdom, 293.1 to 301.36; 303.4, 5; 305.1 to 311.30.
takes the name Ahura'Mazda, the All Sufficient High God, 294.7.
receives messages from God, and replies thereto, 293.4 to 294.15.
is interpreted to God by Jehovih, 29416, 17.
finds a way to raise up prophet and seers, 297.18 to 298.24.
claims to have been the inspirer of Zarathustra, 298.7.
's kingdoms disturbed by the lack of advancement of his Sub-Gods, 298.8 to 299.15.
's Sub-Gods send an address to God in Mour, 299.16 to 300.29.
issues a proclamation, but with little effect, 301.34 to 36.
has 30,000 parade ships built, and cruises in atmospherea, 306.13 to 307.20.
Ahura, while, is cruising, his throne is plundered by Ootgowski, 307.21 to 308.30.
cast into hell, delivered out of hell, sentenced to take his kingdom and people and deliver them into righteousness, 309.1 to 311.30.
before Cpenta-armij, 334.1 to 335.8.
spoken to by the voice of Jehovih, 335.9 to 336.15.
removes his plateaux away from the earth, 336.16 to 343.14.
prays to Jehovih as to what he shall say or do in the matter of Anuhasaj, 390.1 to .3.
sends word to Anuhasaj in his own way, 390.4 to 392.35.
and God unite their kingdoms, 433.1 to 434.10.
prays to Jehovih that he may go to Osiris and Te-in and Sudga and plead His cause, 436.6 to .8.
visits Te-in, and the interview between them, 436.9 to 439.32.
visits Sudga, and the interview between them, 439.5 to 441.17.
invited by Lika to visit him, 488.1.
speaks before Lika and his Holy Council, 488.2 to 493.34.
delivers Anuhasaj from a knot in hell, 499.6 to 500.9.