1. Tae said: Now will I apply myself to Thy works, O Jehovih. Thine is a book that never errs. The times Thou bestoweth shall be my sign-posts. Is this not the most exalted science under the sun?
2. Thereupon Tae collected histories from the arc of Bon to the coming of Kosmon; and the sons and daughters of Jehovih quickened him to remember all the knowledge that had come into the world from the revelations of that day. When Tae had completed his labors he made a tablet of events, and classified them, and he called the tablet Orachnebauhgalah, because it was of the line of the tree of Jehovih, being the last of the fruits of the Hebrew language. But the people called it the tablet of prophecy, signifying, the mathematics of both evil and good.
3. And Tae divided the time of the tablet according to the darkness and the light of the period, and for four hundred years prior, and it was in all, three thousand four hundred years.
4. Tae said: According to the light of my Father in heaven will I call the ends of the tablet dan'ha, for these are the quickened times mentioned by the prophets of old. Not only will I prove them whether they are true or not, but I will find the motion of the Great Serpent and this will determine the orbit thereof.
5. For since Jehovih hath made years, hath He not also made cycles, and will not the cycles comport with the rules of members?
6. Thus did Tae determine that an arc was three thousand years, but that the dan'ha varied from fifty to six hundred years.
7. Tae said: Though Thou, O Jehovih, hath made Thy arcs three thousand years, Thou hast wisely varied the heights thereof. Now will I compute the events within the cycle of Bon and find the members born into atmospherea, and the times of their abiding lights.
8. And Tae perceived that he could determine the dominions of the lower heaven, and from this revert to the earth and discover what had been in ages past. Thereupon Tae classified cycles at three thousand years, and the wave of the Great Serpent at two hundred years and four hundred years. These again he subdivided, and he found that every thirty-third year was alike on the earth in heat and cold, and he discovered from these the nebulous regions within the vortex of the earth, and the cause of the variations in the times of falling meteors.
9. Again Tae subdivided the thirty-third year into eleven, and he found the variation one in ninety-nine years. Then sorrow came upon his soul, and he cried out unto the Father.
10. Tae said: O Jehovih, wherein have I done wrongfully? In all my computations I was puffed up with promised surety, but in my farthest research I am tripped up. The power betwixt the sun and the earth could not make this defect. Jehovih heard the voice of Tae, and answered him through His son Corpor.
11. Corpor said: Why repinest thou, O Tae. Thou hast taken for granted a power existeth betwixt the sun and earth, because, forsooth, philosophers have taught it. Did not the philosophers of old say the sun was the Creator?
12. Tae then cast aside the philosophy of this day, and proved the attraction of the corporeal worlds do not exceed seven diameters, each of its own, but many of them less than two. And he measured the satellites and their distances from their central corpor, and he perceived the diameters of the vortices could be determined by the loss or gain in the velocity of the satellites.
13. Where vortices had matured in form, he called them wark, as they had been called amongst the ancients, and the wark of the earth was one million five hundred and four miles in diameter, but the vortex of the sun in the places where the earth rideth, is three thousand years, which is to say, one year of the earth's wark is equal to one year of the sun's vortex, which is as one year to three thousand years in the trail of the serpent, and this again giveth the orbit of the Great Serpent four million seven hundred thousand years.
14. Tae said: All approximate things impress each other and to find the roadway in the earth's travel is to find what hath been and what will be. If, therefore, the past history of the earthly people for three thousand years were written truthfully it would disclose the roadways of one cycle of time, and this must be repeated each thirty-third cycle with one deviation in ninety-nine cycles, and half a deviation in eight cycles, which is equivalent to twenty-four thousand years.
15. And Tae measured the past cycles for twenty-four thousand years, and the sons and daughters of Jehovih were with him, contributing every one a part.
16. This, then, is the genesis of the cycles, i.e., first Jehovih and His times, and all the created things from without a beginning. And Jehovih was the Unseen, which is Spirit, and the Seen, which is His Person and Body.
17. By Jehovih in mastery over His Person created He countless worlds of which the corporeal earth is one, and He created the living thereon, and the time was one gadol, i.e., twenty-four thousand years.
18. Hak was second born, and then Semu, and they covered the earth abroad with Asu, till Hotu came, and Jehovih ceased creating new living things; and the second time of the earth was Hotu.
19. Jehovih sent Seffas, word-maker, with a sword; and in the seventh cycle of Seffas the continent of Pan was peopled over with men raised up to words and deeds of blood.
20. And yet in other cycles the earth had prospered only on one continent, and none could be inspired to go abroad and live with Asu. So Jehovih saw wisdom in the arc of Suth, who held dominion for three thousand years; and He begat Iz, who was in dominion three thousand one hundred years, and He begat Aph, who reigned three thousand six hundred years; who begat Apollo, who reigned two thousand eight hundred years; who begat Osiris, the first, who reigned three thousand three hundred years; who begat Abraham and Brahma, who reigned two thousand four hundred years; who begat Moses and Capilya, who reigned three thousand four hundred years; who begat Kosmon, of which this is the thirty-third year (1881), and the Great Serpent is in the sixty-fourth Huy of the orbit of c'warkum (C'Vork'um).
21. It came to pass, that when the earth had entered into the thirty-third year of the arc of Kosmon in the etherean firmament, Jehovih spake out of the midst of heaven, and there were quickened up those whom His holy angels had prepared to hear the Father's voice.
22. Jehovih said: All who hear My voice shall know Me, and comprehend My Person. And as many as hear Me and behold My presence shall be called Tae, for they are the first-fruit of the resurrection in Kosmon. Of such were the Faithists in the arc of Bon and in the cycles prior to that period.
23. And Tae shall come forth in Me, for he is My word, speaking in his labor to that end, and not by books nor by the words of the mouth.
24. And I will quicken Tae and he shall be as a new race on the earth, practicing holiness by good works, and by associative labor, dwelling in peace and love with one another, abnegating self in all things; for of such are My kingdoms; and Tae shall lay the foundation thereof upon the earth.
25. To the organic associations who labor in Me, I send representative angels from My etherean worlds; but to him who liveth for self, and by isolation and inorganically with neighbors, I permit the angels of atmospherea to minister. Neither shall My hosts of the second heaven (etherea) come to those who are wrapped up in the earth, for they are as a reservoir for the spirits of darkness.
26. And it came to pass that Tae was as one man, being attuned with the Father, and the light of the past and present came upon him. And the second heaven was let down to the earth, and the hosts of etherea ministered to Tae, and quickened him, that he might understand what it was to hear the voice of Jehovih, neither depending on the sacred books of the ancients, nor on the angels of heaven.
27. For Jehovih had said: In that day shall each and every one be as a covenant with Me, speaking and conversing with Me. They shall be as seers and prophets themselves, making their own sacred books, rites and ceremonies; and these shall stand above all else that have ever been.
28. When Tae pursued suis, which is the reading of unseen impressions, he was also developed in ethe, which is the overtaking of the vibrations of things long past. For as one may cast a stone in a lake, and it waveth the water, and the air above it, so also do all things vibrate to the uttermost places. He who hath developed in ethe, becometh as an unraveler of tangled threads; and things that are past are as an open book. To him the books of the libraries of heaven are open, for he not only seeth and heareth the spirits of the dead, but he goeth forth out of the corporeal body (for such have no longer sin and self in them) and he beholdeth the glories of heaven, and returneth again to his corporeal body unharmed.
29. Tae took the histories of men from the time of Moses to Kosmon, and for the periods of war and destruction he made one place, and for the periods of peace and good will amongst men, he made another place, for he saw that the actions and behaviors of nations were governed largely by the unseen worlds around about them. These formed a map of light and darkness, as it had been for three thousand four hundred years. And this became as a key to unlock the past, and a base to foretell the future.
30. So he made plates and tables of the firmament above, for even as they reveal the past, they also become as an index to what will happen on the earth for the next three thousand years, and they unfold the conditions of nations now on the earth and show what will be their places in heaven.
31. Tae said: To all peoples on earth, and to the spirits of the lower heaven do I declare in the name of Jehovih: Through Him and of His hand have I been lifted up. Hear me, O mortals! Give ear, O ye spirits of the dead! The Father has spoken. The secrets of His glory are in my keeping. By Him do I reveal; in Him am I mighty!
32. I was in darkness, but am now in light. His presence is upon me. Harken thee to my words, and be wise in your lives.
33. Seek not to disprove Him; seek not to prove that these things cannot be; seek not to deny His Person or Spirit. Of such was my bondage. In bitterness of heart was I bound in darkness. For those who deny, those who try to disprove His voice, are in darkness.
34. He is the same today and forever. The prophets of old found Him; so also can ye. But He cometh not to the denier, nor to the disprover.
35. He who will find His Person must look for Him. He who will hear His voice must harken.
36. Are there not those who hear and see the spirits of the dead? This is suis. But ethe lieth higher. This is hearing Jehovih, seeing His hand.
37. Who can believe, not knowing this? Who but His prophets have the just compounding of words? They do not utter and quibble as men, but give forth as Gods. Consider this: Seek to become one with Him, by proclaiming and practicing Him.
38. Go ye forth, saying: Now will I find Thee; now will I hear Thee, O Jehovih! Thy voice shall become my words.
39. This is the secret, O man! This is the attuning of thyself with Him. Seek, then, to make Him thine own holy book. Art thou as a servant coming to a master to read and write letters for thee? Such is not Kosmon.
40. Be a man in the presence of Jehovih. Build up thy kingdom at once. It shall be thine in heaven. Think not that thou canst sin by coming to Him. Sin lieth the other way.
1. Tae then made a tablet of the nations of the earth, and of the people therein, rank and rank, caste and caste. And when it was completed, Jehovih spake to him through His sons and daughters.
2. Jehovih said: Separate thou all the people into four groups, and thou shalt determine the kingdoms of atmospherea. And thou shalt divide them after the manner of My judgment upon them. Remember, O man, that in all My kingdoms, like attracts like. According to their talents so do I prosper them.
3. He who desireth of the earth, I give of the earth. He who desireth of heaven, I give heavenly treasures.
4. Tae said: I perceive why the king desireth to be king, why the idler desireth to be idle, why the general desireth to rule, and the captain and leader of men, and why the rich man glorieth in riches. If they prosper in these things, is it not because the corporeal transcended the spirit?
5. And Tae brought all these together, and this he called the first division, saying: He who is farthest from Jehovih prospereth best in the corporeal world, for his desires show the direction of his soul.
6. Tae then called together all the laborers of the earth who were diligent but prospered not, and he found their spiritual judgment transcended their corporeal judgment. These he called the second division.
7. Tae then collected together all the infants in the world, and they were without judgment, and this he called the third division.
8. Tae then called together all the people who lived off the earnings and industry of others, and these were thieves, robbers, politicians, lawyers, judges, and preachers who live in fine houses. This he called the fourth division.
9. And when Tae looked abroad over the earth, lo and behold there was one man left, and he was alone of his kind on the earth.
10. Tae said: Who art thou? And the man answered, I know not, neither do I know whence I came, or whither I shall go.
11. Tae said: What is thy labor? The man answered: Whatsoever I can turn my hand to, that I do; and I give all I have, and my time to whosoever needeth me. Tae said: Shall I give thee gold? The man said: Nay, I need nothing. Tae said: Shall I make thee a leader of men? The man answered: Nay, to be a leader on earth is to be bound in heaven. Tae said: Then thou shalt have renown, for thou art the highest of men. But the man answered: Nay, I will not have renown, for when I am dead and gone to heaven I would be called back continually by the prayers of men. Naked I came into the world; permit me to depart when my time cometh as Jehovih directeth. Now when Tae found the man desired nothing of the earth for earth's sake, he cried out to the Father, saying:
12. Four divisions have I made of the people of the earth, but there is one man beside, and he fitteth none of the divisions. Where, then, shall I place him?
13. Jehovih said: Leave thou him alone, and when his death is at hand, My etherean angels shall carry his soul to the second heaven, for he is My son.
14. Then Jehovih questioned Tae, saying: How judgeth thou the children of men?
15. Tae said: The leaders, that is kings, queens, emperors, popes, and rich men, I have made into one division; producers into another division; idlers and babes another; and thieves, liars, robbers, politicians, judges, lawyers, and priests who live in fine houses, another division.
16. Then spake Jehovih, through His sons and daughters, saying: Thou hast done well, for what is one man more than another when stripped of his flesh body, save in the righteousness of his soul? And is not the labor of man the true basis to weigh the worth of his spirit? What is the king or the rich man, more in My sight than the most menial servant?
17. Then Tae counted the numbers of people whom he had collected in the four divisions, and they corresponded to the statistics of mortals.
18. Jehovih said: Of such, rank and rank, caste and caste, are My kingdoms in atmospherea. According to that which they have developed on the earth so do I assign them in heaven. Let every man judge for himself and assign himself whithersoever he will. My kingdoms are open to all.
19. Thus did Tae discover the rank and grade of the lower heaven, and the numbers of people dwelling in each and every division thereof.
PLATE 93.--GRADES (that which is coming).
1. Isolation.--Sphere of first resurrection; individual spirits manifesting. These are the es'yan order of spirits in heaven, belonging to no society or organization; strolling players wandering about.
2. Churches.--The second sphere is the beginning of the second resurrection. Spirits of this order begin to have association in heaven, but limited. Kriste'yan, Buddhan, Mohammedan and Brahmin spirits belong to this grade. Mortals under the ban of the second grade of bondage usually accept and announce themselves as followers of some savior or person. The rate of power of such spirits over the first resurrection is as three to one.
3. Communities.--The third sphere is the beginning of the third resurrection in heaven. Spirits of this rate are risen above being followers. In fact, this is the beginning of the emancipation of the human soul. Spirits of this sphere only come to organic (organized) associations of mortals, who practice doing good unto one another with all their wisdom and strength. They cast aside all Gods and saviors, bowing to none but the Creator, Jehovih. Their power is seven to one.
4. Nations.--This rate dealeth with nations, operating through the grades below them. Their power is thirteen to one.
5. All Mortals.--The fifth are the combined powers in heaven who control the inhabitants of the whole earth, through the rates below them. Their power is twenty-one to one over mortals, and also over spirits of the first resurrection.
6. These are ethereans; spirits who have passed beyond all earthly attraction and powers and conditions.
In olden times this Tablet was called AB, RA, CA, DAB, RA, and it was written in a triangular form, thus:A B R A C A D A B R A
but it was incorrect; not including infants. (See Plate 94.)
To calculate the bondage in heaven of any organization: Grade equals rate equals descent plus 3. Example,- Kriste's dominion; 3 equals 7 plus 13 plus 21 equals 41 times number of mortals professing him, say 200,000,000, equals 8,200,000,000 souls in Kriste's kingdom in heaven in the beginning of Kosmon, which was the time his followers began to cast him out. The same rule holds for all religions. Hence, the bondage signifies that that number shall rise in one resurrection, which cannot occur in less than two hundred years; but the full term is six hundred years, which would be the longest limit of religious bondage. The period of revolutions amongst mortals always corresponds to the resurrections in heaven of the order which hath reference to the subject matter of the revolution. Hence, it will be observed that even the first grade is less bound in heaven than is the second.
PLATE 94.--GRADES (that that now is).
Spirit-births, a Table of Prophecy: Abortions and premature births are included in rate 21. All below 50 years of age are considered minors. Familiar spirits come mostly from rate 21 (Infants), and from rate 7, who were slain in war, and thrown into chaos, that is, spirits who know not who they are, nor where they are; and they anchor themselves on mortals, being in darkness. At 70 years of age some have outgrown all earthly desires and passions, and abnegate self. Such a man standeth proportion of 1 to 44 in the average spirit-births in this period of the world. In the Arc of Bon his proportion was 1 to 58, and in the ages long past he was 1 to 1,000. And yet, O Jehovih, how many of Thy sons and daughters attain the full age of 70 years, but in spirit have not risen above a newborn child!
20. Jehovih called His sons and daughters, and Tae stood upright before Him.
21. Jehovih said: What is thy wisdom, O man!
22. Tae then answered: I have learned by corporeal things, which are seen and heard. I have learned also of spiritual things, which are unseen and unheard.
23. Jehovih said: What thine eyes behold or what thine ears hear, is My Person; the others are of My spirit. When was the birth of this, thy Kosmon knowledge?
24. Tae said: When the inhabitants, who were descendants of Thy people, had circumscribed the earth and settled it around about, then Thy holy angels came and knocked on the walls of Rochester! They proclaimed Thee, and no other God or Lord.
25. Jehovih said: Before this I had searched the earth over, and selected and provided a place for My kingdom. By My angels did I inspire the founders of this new country to banish the dominion of Church with State, and to provide for the spirit of man to proclaim Me and My Person. They became a mighty nation, and the spirit of manhood was in them, for as I taught them to deny the divine right of kings, I foresaw they would also deny the same thing of Christ, and cast him out.
26. Tae perceived that these things were so, and that the time had come when all the people will bow to none save Jehovih, the Great Spirit.
27. Jehovih said: Hear Me, O Tae, for I speak through all the members of My family, and I will declare Myself to all My nations and peoples under the sun. Nor shall there be any more Gods or Lords or saviors on My footstool.
28. In the time of Kosmon, up to the thirty-third year thereof, these things have come to pass:
29. Thousands and thousands of men, women and children have been quickened by Jehovih to signs and miracles, even as in the time of the ancients, and many of them have attained to suis, seeing without corporeal eyes and hearing without corporeal hearing, knowing things far and near, by a sense not belonging to the corporeal organs.
30. And these people, being distinguished from others, are comprehended under the name Tae, being the first-fruits of heaven on earth in this day. And many of them have foresense around about them of such kind that the spirits of the dead can come to them and openly commune, proving themselves unto all who are willing to receive truth, to be the spirits of friends and relatives deceased on the earth.
31. And the knowledge that cometh from the spirits of the dead proveth itself in many ways to transcend the knowledge of mortals, as is classed and distinguished from mortal knowledge by the word Es, because it cometh from the unseen, which is one of the kingdoms of Jehovih.
32. That, therefore, when Es speaketh, it signifieth the highest and the combined knowledge that hath come to mortals in the time of Kosmon, from the wisest of the spirits, who have communicated as aforesaid. And since all wisdom cometh from Jehovih, whether uttered by a mortal or a spirit, so is it said He speaketh through them.
33. Now when Tae had put away self, striving to come, by his behavior, to Jehovih, a new light dawned upon him, for as it was given to him to see the spirit of the recently dead, so by purification, did he attain to intercourse with associative bodies in the unseen worlds.
34. And these associative bodies being exalted angels in wisdom and purity, speak of the first elements and not of the instruments used, because it is their mode of language; that is to say, for example, Jehovih spake through Es saying: Whereas mortals, and spirits of the first heaven would say the same thing, thus: According to the accumulated testimony from the most advanced spirit world.
35. Let man be wise and perceive that the Father standeth behind all and within all; for as he riseth out of individualities, becoming comprehensive in expression, so riseth his spirit also.
36. These things Tae perceived. And the Father came to him through Es and unfolded the scroll of heaven.
37. Es said: Transversely, as seen by man, the worlds are: First the earth, then atmospherea, and then to the ether beyond.
38. Jehovih commanded man to be brought forth on the earth, and dwell thereon for a season; then to die and rise in spirit and dwell for a season in atmospherea, traveling with the earth, daily and yearly, even in its journey throughout the etherean heavens.
39. He who would know, therefore, the rank a man will inherit in heaven shall estimate the comparative strength of spirit and the purity of behavior. If a man live isolated on earth, laboring for self, he will be isolated in heaven and companionless.
40. It was said in olden time: Judge not, lest ye be judged; but I say unto thee, judge all men spiritually and corporeally, but hold thy tongue, looking to thyself to know how the Father judgeth thee by talents and by works. But above all things observe the unseen causes that play upon thee, quickening thy memory and thy perception, for herein lieth a great secret of acquiring spiritual knowledge.
41. Thou art a type of the world; thou hast a daily life, a yearly life, and a cyclic life; the latter of which, is first, infancy; second, puberty; third, maximus; fourth, old age; fifth, death. A corporeal world hath these, and she imparteth her periods to the people thereof.
42. Perceive, then, O man, to attune thyself to Jehovih is to become a prophet. To understand the kingdoms of the lower heaven is to know the appointments of familiar spirits and guardian spirits over mortals. Thus shalt thou perceive the first place allotted to them at the times of their death. But to understand the realms in etherea, thou shalt discern the associative redemption of atmosphereans.
43. For as there are spirits who are captains over a star, or the earth, or sun, so are there generals over the etherean worlds; and yet beyond them, great commanders over the vortices in the wide universe. As thou hast felt the cold breeze of the spirit circle, made by the spirits in attendance, know there are those high raised in heaven in power and wisdom whose presence fashion the currents of the embryonic worlds, and propel them forth by a breath! They have others beneath them who are themselves Gods and Goddesses.
44. But remember, O man, that in all the glories there is still One who is higher than all, even the Person of All, who is Jehovih!