From Kosmon, the present time, to Moses and Capilya - - - 3,400 years
From Kosmon, the present time, to Abraham and Brahma - 5,800 years
From Kosmon, the present time, to Zarathustra - - - - - - - - - 8,900 years
From Kosmon, the present time, to Osiris (the first) - - - - - 12,200 years
From Kosmon, the present time, to Thor (the first)- - - - - - 15,400 years
From Kosmon, the present time, to Apollo (the first) - - - - 18,200 years
From Kosmon, the present time, to Sue - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20,400 years
From Kosmon, the present time, to Aph - - - - - - - - - - - - - -24,000 years